MILDER weather following the harsh winter might mean that growers are tempted to get their spring-sown crops in the grou8nd – but a leading agronomist is advising to hold off until the soil is right.

Agronomy firm, Hutchinsons' Yorkshire-based agronomist, Robert Barker, said that the usual mid-March drilling aim for high yield, will be delayed this year and there is no sense rushing.

“Many soil temperatures are currently below the March average of around 5.5°C and are too cold for drilling. Winter crops don’t generally start to move until soils reach 5°C upwards, so ideally that would be the minimum temperature for spring sowing.”

But, while warm soils will boost germination and early growth, temperature should not be the main driver for deciding when to drill. The bigger issue is soil moisture, he added.

Melting snow, combined with rain since then has left many areas saturated and he urged growers to wait for underlying soil conditions to dry out sufficiently before going in with the drill or cultivating land.

“On heavy land in particular, you can soon do a lot of damage by working soils when they’re too wet, which will prevent spring crops rooting properly and may cause lasting structural damage. It’s not just about drilling, conditions also have to allow you to get land rolled and fertiliser and pre-emergence herbicides applied straight away.

“Spring crops have such a short growing period, once they’re in you can’t afford to let anything impede growth, as yield potential will be dramatically reduced.”

Every field should be judged on a case-by-case basis, but soil conditions should dictate when to drill. Yield starts to be limited from the beginning of April, so it can be a tricky balance to strike, he pointed out.

“Generally, though, the best crops are drilled in good conditions with nothing to impede roots and warming temperatures.”

Seed rates should be tailored to soil type and conditions, but higher rates – 400-450/m2 – are often necessary for spring barley on heavier land. More caution is needed when using higher seed rates in crops like oats due to challenges with lodging and specific weight.