NORTH Country Cheviot stalwart, James Mackay, was honoured at the society's recent agm in Stirling, where he was presented with the Mike Peters Quaich for his work to promote the breed and benefit the society.

James, who runs one of the oldest flocks in the flock book with son Willie, at Biggins, also won the Braeval Trophy for most points in the single male section at Caithness and Black Isle shows and the Caithness ram sale, following championships at both shows with two shearling rams.

A past president of the society in the late 1970s, James now runs 50 pure ewes at Biggins with William, and is particularly proud of his involvement in exporting Northies to Nova Scotia in the mid 1970s when two decks of a transport aeroplane were loaded with 1945 sheep. This included 48 park tups, 807 park ewes, five hill tups and 553 hill ewes, and at the time was the largest single export of sheep by aeroplane that had ever left Scotland.