In 1900 ...

2578 Blackface rams sold to £130 and averaged £6 11s 11d

2746 Border Leicesters sold to £120 and averaged £7 15s 8d

1216 Cheviots sold to £61 and averaged £4 16s 7d

65 Highland bulls sold to £155 and averaged £25 17s 10d

741 Shorthorn bulls sold to £372 15s to average £29 3s 6d

795 Angus bulls sold to £378 to average £23 14s 9d

Growing fields of potatoes were sold to £39 per acres for Puritans at Balchriston Farm

Wheat with a bushel weight of 63lbs made 24s at Forfar

Swan and Sons, Edinburgh, sold polled fat bullocks for between £11 and £15 5s in mid-June

And ...

The Cheese and Buttermakers handbook, by JB Harris, was available for a whopping 5s (post free)

Your favourite champion's picture from the Highland could be had from The SF for 3s 6d in a strong oak frame – 'Framed copies make handsome pictures'!