In February, 1936 ...

Grain prices – Cupar – Wheat, 5s to 5s 7d; barley 6s to 7s 9d; oats, 4s 6d to 5s, all per cwt.

Potatoes per tonne – White ware and Kerr's Pink, £5; Golden Wonder, £5 10s; King Edward seed, £5 10s; Great Scot, £6 and Majestic £7

Eggs – Aberdeen – Country Eggs, 1s 5.5d per dozen.

Cheese – Glasgow – New Zealand coloured, 67s; white 53s; Canadian 63s to 64s; Scotch Cheddar, 55s to 60s; Dunlop, 56s to 64s per cwt.

Wool – Cheviot hogg unwashed per lb – 10.25d to 10.75d; Border Leicester, 6.25 to 6.75d; Blackface, 5.75 to 6.25d.

Falkirk – Messrs Thos, Binnie, had 151 cattle, 145 sheep 44 calves and 23 pigs. Bullocks sold to £21 12s 6d; heifers to £19 7s 6d; fat cows to £15 2s 6d; bulls to £13 10s; best beef to 43s 1d; current 35s 9d to 43s 1d per liveweight cwt. Cross hoggets to 46s; fat pigs to £5 12s; calved cows to £24; uncalved cows to £21 15s, calving heifers to £18.

Any other item – Turkey cockerels, straight breasted fine birds, 40s; one 1935 cock, 35s.

Situations vacant – Dairymaid wanted: Must be good milker and washer of milk dishes: wage £4 per month.