A NEW way of accelerating calf performance is now available in the UK, having already been used to enhance performance in more than 1m head in northern Europe.

The product, Axcelera-C, is a palatable high lactose accelerator feed for calves – containing more than 40% lactose. It's created by AB Neo (a division of AB Agri) which believes that the young calf holds the key to switching on lifetime performance in later life.

Using it, dairy and beef farmers are seeing calves grow faster up to weaning and beyond, including faster rumen development from day 3.

According to Ben Helm, commercial director for AB Neo: "Calves can be weaned much earlier, by one to two weeks, saving time and money. They suffer less from nutritional scours, have glossier coats and require fewer veterinary interventions."

Conventional calf rearing uses a combination of calf milk replacer from birth (after colostrum) in partnership with a starter feed in the first weeks of life. The aim being to maximise milk intake and reach 1.5kg daily intake of solid feed in order to wean the calf.

Axcelera-C is claimed to be the missing link in how to accelerate existing calf rearing processes by optimising the calf's lactose and milk protein intakes. Because it is a solid, it enters the rumen (unlike liquid calf milk replacers that enter the abomasum) where it is digested and stimulates early and rapid rumen development.

"Our objective in rearing calves is to transform it from being monogastric to a ruminant as efficiently as possible, equipping it for lifetime performance," said Mr Helm. "In the first 2-3 weeks of life, a calf produces an abundance of lactase (the enzyme to break down lactose) whereas it is ill-equipped with the enzymes required to digest starch and fibre delivered in a starter feed in this same period.

"By offering only Axcelera-C for the first three weeks of life, we optimise intakes of available energy into the rumen accelerating its development."

Because of its palatability, calves will start to intake it from day three. This gives the rumen at least a one week head start over solid intakes with starter feed.

After that, up to day 24, Axcelera-C fed ad-lib, replacing starter feed and ensuring water is freely available, helps further stimulate rumen development.

At weaning, starter feed is offered in a blend of the new product, with the aim of full weaning when dry matter intakes on three consecutive days reach 1.5kg per calf.