BERWICKSHIRE’S ‘Granarchists’ were out on manoeuvres at Berwickshire County Show, in Duns, last weekend, where they tested the political temperature of the area’s agricultural folks with some awkward political questions.

“Our placards asked the kind of questions we thought Scottish farmers, post-Brexit, might feel needed answering,” said one of the organisers, Kate Duncan. 

“Do Scottish farmers and the people of the Borders, feel that Westminster politicians can be trusted? Just what do Scottish Conservative mean when they say ‘the best Brexit deal for Scotland’?

"And of course who wants hormones with their beef?”

The protestors noted that most Scottish Conservative politicians were 'solidly pro-EU' before the referendum, but were now toeing the Westminster party line, not least their local MSP – now an MP – John Lamont

“Now he has greater answerability, in our humble opinion to the farmers and people of the Borders,” said protestor, Jackie Thomson.

Her cohort, Alison Currie, added: “So many difficult questions, but answers are required. The clock is ticking and our young people, (and our grandchildren) need a future to build upon.”