NFU Scotland has backed the call for more support when tackling sea eagles.

NFUS president Martin Kennedy said: “No business should be expected to withstand the level of losses experienced by the Loves at their own expense. Public benefits should not be paid for by those farmers and crofters in areas where the reintroduction of an apex predator means they are suffering severe financial impacts.

READ MORE: Maremma sheep dogs trained to protect flocks from sea eagles

“We need a commitment from Scottish Government on funding of the management scheme at an increased level going forwards, recognising that the number of farmers and crofters likely to experience problems will grow as numbers and range of the birds expand.

“We want a standalone budget for all species management, that comes from outwith the current agricultural budget, to mitigate the losses that many are experiencing.

READ MORE: Solutions still sought for predatory Sea Eagle problem

“For White-tailed Eagles, we need pragmatic license options in the future where birds are causing severe and proven agricultural damage, as currently being endured by the Loves to the detriment of their business and their health and well-being.”

A White Tailed Eagle Impact Survey has also been set up, on behalf of SAC, NSA Scotland and the Blackface Sheep Breeders Association.

Farmers and landowners are being urged to take part, at the following link: