I am indebted to Mary MacKay for the following poem regarding the shepherd's faithful friend, his collie.

For good measure, I have added a couple of lines at the end.

When I was a young collie as fit as a flea

My master he paid good money for me

I had to learn fast there was no time for slacking

I knew if I didn't, he'd send me packing

The ground it was rough, with many a steep hill

But he told all his friends that I fitted the bill

I would follow my master and gather all day

My reward was my porridge and my bed in the hay

He trained me to trial and we had some fun

With boundless energy I could run and run

We won a few prizes here and there

Or sometimes we'd travel home in despair

He said to me one day "Old girl you're getting on

And I have been thinking about what's to be done

So I've bought a quad bike your worries to ease

You can sit on the back, it'll be a breeze"

Though I wasn't prepared I called it my luck

It was better than travelling in the old pick up truck

I could sit on the back and see for miles

"I'm set for life" I thought with a smile

One day while relaxing in the trees

I heard a buzzing and thought it was bees

And I could hardly believe my eyes

As a mechanical sheepdog took to the skies

Drones are moving sheep from park to park

With never a whimper or evern a bark

And things are looking pretty bleak

As we collies are threatened with a three day week

But there is sunshine behind every shower

Cos drones can only run for half an hour

So rest up, and be jolly

A 'herd can't do without his collie!