The RSPB wants to kill rats on some Scottish islands to help save the sea birds. What about the ground nesting birds inland that are already disappearing at an alarming rate due to raptor and predator proliferation because of the protection they receive?

Often the RSPB are happy to use the services of gamekeepers to control raptors and predators on their reserves to protect their 'chosen' species and their livelihoods. But when it comes to other people’s livelihoods, it’s not important.

Badgers are eating any ground nesting bird eggs, along with farm animals – young outdoor piglets, lambs and sometimes sheep, plus the occasional young calf and poultry – as well as wildlife creatures. They also forage for bumblebees that live underground.

Wiltshire Police has spent £800,000-£900,000 on culling badgers to help control TB when the local farmers could do the job for nothing. It is only a matter of time before something has to be done all over the country, with some badgers moving into our towns and villages, fouling up our parks and play areas for children etc.

The result is that many species are disappearing simply because conservationists/environmentalist are being blinded by their own ignorance of what real damage they themselves are doing.

Good conservation means culling, not eradication. Difficult decisions at times have to be made, but I suspect nothing will happen until it’s too late.

Patrick Sleigh


Hillhead of Daviot,
