SIR, - I came to farm in Scotland just over 26 years ago.

The first milk cheque was 22.4p per litre - the same milk in England would have been 18.6p per litre.

Our milk in April, 2016, looks like being around 19.5p per litre and for May, 17.5p per litre. Which other industry is getting less for their product than in 1989?

In 1989, the farmgate price of milk was approximately 50% of the retail price; today it is nearer 25%.

In 1989, farmers owned the milk marketing boards and most of the manufacturing part of the milk industry. Today, like most other industries, foreign companies own them. Why have our governments not tried to keep them owned by UK firms?

This would be better for the UK, for jobs, for tax and future developments.

Why did Europe scrap milk quotas in 2015? This is why the price of our milk has collapsed. Why can we not bring them back?

In the run up to the Scottish election, no party has even suggested an answer! Why?

If I go out of business, The Scottish Farmer will be one of the 62 businesses which I deal with which will be affected in some scale.

And that is without itemising the bills which must affect more companies.

John Teasdale


