Texel cross lambs ruled supreme at LiveScot, at Lanark, securing both the champion and the reserve honours for the first time in several years.

In contrast to previous years which have been dominated by Beltex crosses, this year's event, saw the top two both being sired by Texel rams, albeit their mothers were Beltex cross lambs.

Supreme overall was a pairing from regular winners, Peter Hall and his brother John, and his daughter Joanne, from Inglewood Edge, Dalston. Reserve was the second prize winners to the champion from James Whiteford, Tercrosset, Brampton.

Flying the flag for Scotland, Elliot and Neil Cavers, Sorbie, Ewes, won the top two awards in the Mountain and Moorland section, with the supreme going to their home-bred Blackface wedder lambs while the blue and white sash was presented to their South Country Cheviot winners.

For full report and pictures see this week's SF