2IC & Herdsman required for a Spring Calving Dairy Farm

We run a grass based Spring Calving New Zealand style dairy and young-stock rearing enterprise in Scotland. We specialise in milk production from a predominately grass based diet while feeding silage at the shoulders of the year. Our business centres around three things: Grass, Cows and People.

Grass: All our teams are passionate about growing and grazing grass for as much of the year as possible. We walk the farm once or twice a week depending on growth and use Agrinet grass software to upload paddock covers and make grazing decisions around this. We actively seek up to date information and research around soil, fertiliser, grass varieties, grazing methods etc and are always open to new ways of staying at the top of the industry as far as grass is concerned. All our paddocks are ring fenced with electric wire and one water trough central to every paddock. Some stats from our farms: 16.1 tonne DM grown last year, grazing started 25th Jan and finished 17th November.

Cows: We love the animals we work with every day, we treat them with respect, maintain high health standards and low levels of illness and mortality. Our cows are mainly Frisian X Jersey from LIC bulls. In the past we have used Sierra, Izabull and Conrad and have been very happy with the progeny. On average our cows yield 6200L/annum, and 550kg milk solids. Some stats, 80% 6 week in calf rate from a mature herd, 90% calved down in first 6 weeks, 15% replacement rate, 1% calf mortality from birth to weaning at 75kg, less than 0.5% lame at any one time on a 630 cow herd.

People: Our business is built around people who love to work in the system described above. We have a reputation of bringing people through the ranks all the way from dairy assistant through to management and onto equity partnerships. Our staff retention reins up to 10 years with employees owning a portion of our milking herd. We have taken on a new farm in order to fulfil the wish of our team members - to give them the opportunity to manage their own unit and we're committed to continuing this going forward. Each team member has a tailored role with areas they want to improve upon built into their contract and rewarded accordingly for achieving their goal.

Now due to expansion we are looking to build our team for the 2022 season in Southern Scotland. We also require a 2IC and Herdsman as well as a general farm worker. We also require a Calf rearer to work as part of a team rearing 600 calves. Some of the roles are temporary, some more are permanent. Accommodation is provided, competitive salary and rostered time off all come as part of the package.

Applicants can apply via email to joeymaloneemail@gmail.com or by phone on 07387 668655.

Tel: 07387 668655 | E-mail: joeymaloneemail@gmail.com
Web: Not specified | Closing Date: Not specified

(Uploaded 20/12/21)