By Neil Wilson

I am delighted to have taken on the role of executive director at IAAS at a time when it continues to build its profile and reputation within the agricultural industry.

It is also at a time when farming faces stiff economic challenges, but the market ring remains the fairest and most transparent place for buyers and sellers to come together to trade, knowing that they will receive a fair market price, reflective of the time, for the quality of stock presented and be assured of protection by our ‘Conditions of sale’.

The market system ensures that sellers receive the return that best reflects the wider price at that particular time. The current sheep trade is a great example of this. The ring is the only place that has kept pace with the changing demand and price.

Those selling through it have been rewarded as the trade strengthened with buyers being able to fill their requirements at the same time. In times of closed direct contracts, retail power and big business squeezing margins, the opportunity to trade in an open ring like this is very appealing and rewarding.

Whilst the UK elections have passed,we must not take our eye off of the political situation of the UK and beyond. I will be working closely with other industry representatives to gain the very best trade and support outcome possible for our members and their customers to ensure that they can continue to produce world class food for years to come.

Markets, auctioneers and their customers should also be assured that the IAAS, alongside other representative bodies, will also be taking the fight to those who wish to denigrate our livestock industries, either through unproven dietary claims, or using unfounded climate change statistics when that fails. I am convinced that science is on our side.

Many nutritionists support the view that red meat and dairy should form a key part of a healthy balanced lifestyle. UK agriculture has a low and declining carbon footprint when compared to other industries – we cannot and will not stand for misinformation being spread about an industry that is the backbone of the Scottish rural economy.

You can be assured that IAAS will fight hard for your markets and your industry.

Neil Wilson is the recently appointed executive director of IAAS