Texel crosses from Edward Potts and family from Doe Hill, Netherwitton, secured the championship at Scots Gap Auction Mart's Summer Show which was in the capable hands the judge, Peter Monkhouse.

This pen of five tipped the scale at 46kg and were sold for £126 or 273p per kg to Jeff Dunn, Ponteland.

Champion pen of lambs from Dow Hill realised £126

Champion pen of lambs from Dow Hill realised £126

The same breed also took the reserve honours this time for David Brodie, The Chesters, which later realised £121 to the judge.

The YFC tankard was presented to Archie Johnson, Tuthill, Cambo, for his pair of Texel cross lambs – bred from his own ewe at home – weighing 40kg. They later sold for £121 or 302.5p per kg to JT Dunn.

Besides the show lambs, trade peaked at £128 for a Texel cross from Graham Williamson, Longshaws, which averaged 232p per kg.

A small entry of cast sheep sold to £129 for a Texel cross ewe from JR Thompson, The Fawns.