Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) has created Farming Foodsteps to help teachers and parents deliver education about the red meat supply chain, with lessons at every step of the way from farm to fork.

As well as introducing the red meat journey and livestock farming, Farming Foodsteps also covers important messages around sustainability, the environment, food safety, careers, and the role of red meat in a healthy diet. The preparation and cooking of red meat is also included.

Lessons within the free-to-use platform include presentations, games, worksheets, and activities, with each linked to the Curriculum for Excellence with Experiences & Outcomes (E’s and O’s) detailed.

The lessons all answer regularly asked questions about red meat production, sustainability and health, and QMS has consulted closely with teachers to create a comprehensive picture of the red meat food system.

QMS’ hope is that Farming Foodsteps becomes the go-to place for information on Scottish red meat and the journey it makes from farm to fork and are encouraging industry to view it here: https://education.qmscotland.co.uk/FarmingFoodsteps/and share the resource with young people, parents, teachers and relatives that you know.