OWNERS of electricity generating equipment connected to the grid have been advised to check and upgrade equipment in preparation for changes to the Distribution Code EREC G59.

The new regulations affect all non-domestic generation that has a capacity of between 10kW and 50MW – basically anything from a medium-sized rooftop solar array to a large-scale commercial wind farm.

The Accelerated Loss of Mains Change Programme is being rolled out nationally to ensure that protection settings are updated to ensure grid stability, prevent power 'islanding', potential energy blackouts and future loss of revenue by not being able to export power to the grid when the new regulations come into force on September 1, 2022.

SP Energy Networks and Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Distribution are urging owners of generation connected to the grid prior to February 2018 – with a G59 Protection Relay – to upgrade their equipment, and have highlighted available grant funding which closes for applications on February 9, 2021

SPEN's Euan Norris said: “It’s important that farm owners with on-site generation act now and access grant funding available through the national Accelerated Loss of Mains Change Programme and arrange with their accredited electrical contractor to make the necessary upgrades.”

SSEN's Paul Munday added: “We want to do everything we can to ensure a secure and reliable electricity supply for all our customers. Many generators in our licence areas have already started the process of updating their equipment and applying for funding to support their work. We’re here to help you through this change, so please check out the ALoMCP website for further details or contact us via email using the links below.”

Applications should be made via the Energy Networks Association website www.ena-eng.org/ALoMCP

If you wish to talk to your Distribution Network Operator in Scotland, contact them on G59protectionsettings@spenergynetworks.co.uk or G59ProtectionSettings@sse.com