CONDUCT of land agents is once again in the spotlight as the Tenant Farming Commissioner (TFC) has published guidance on how they should go about their business.

The guidance was prepared following the TFC’s review of agents in 2018, which showed that while relationships between tenants, landlords and agents were in general good, there was still room for improvement.

The Scottish Tenant Farmers Association welcomed the publication of both the guidelines on agents' professional conduct – and the advice on how to make a complaint against an agent who ignores those standards.

STFA chairman Christopher Nicholson said: "While the majority of agents operate in a positive manner with regard for the interests of both their client and other parties which leads to healthy relationships between landlord and tenant, there are a small but significant minority who sometimes fail to adhere to the relevant standards expected of professionals.

"The key areas of dissatisfaction with agents are generally poor communication, lack of transparency in negotiations, insensitive behaviour, and a lack of consideration of the impact their conduct has on long term relationships between landlord and tenant."

Mr Nicolson continued: "One of the main obstacles to improving the conduct of agents is the reluctance of either party to make a formal complaint against poor behaviour. Agents are unlikely to make a complaint against a fellow agent, and tenants often believe that making a complaint will only aggravate an already difficult situation.

"Attitudes to making complaints need to change, so that raising a complaint is seen as a positive and helpful process leading to improved professional conduct instead of the negative finger pointing which complaints are sometimes perceived as," he said.