Rural Youth Project director Rebecca Dawes

Over the last two years the Rural Youth Project has developed from an idea shared between two friends to an idea shared by hundreds of young people across the globe.

I am never been one who is very good at keeping to New Years resolutions, normally because they are linked to giving up chocolate (#chocoholic!) but this year my resolutions are part of a journey that is already well underway:

  • To welcome more young people to the Rural Youth Project community;
  • To support them and give them the confidence to drive positive change within rural places and their own lives;
  • To work with our team to ensure the project can continue beyond October 2020 when our funding will run out;
  • To position the Rural Youth Project as an international initiative by helping it grow beyond Scottish waters and collaborating widely with our friends here in Scotland and beyond.

Each and every one of us will have been touched at some point by a young person, those I have had the pleasure to meet through the Rural Youth Project are creative, sparky and full of enthusiasm – bring on 2020!