Scotland Food and Drink chief executive, James Withers

A New Year means I should vow to quit bad habits. But who likes a quitter? Plus, New Year’s resolutions never last. So, let’s break with tradition. We’re entering a new decade, the 20s, so let’s make a resolution for the decade. By 2030, let’s become known as the world’s most sustainable food producer. A small nation punching above its weight on the world stage. And that is the stage for us. We have to get serious about selling our amazing, diverse larder beyond a few UK supermarkets. Those that do, will win. Those that don’t, will suffer. Just ask our beef and dairy sectors, where exporting is still the exception not the rule. Yes, there are 65 million customers on our doorstep. Yes, there’s money to be made here too. But Scotch Whisky has laid a path for us in other premium markets around the world. So what exactly are we waiting for?

We are entering a decade that will be marked by a climate emergency, political earthquakes (Brexit is only a gentle warm-up by the way!) and a world population that will challenge everything about our food system. What an opportunity for Scotland. So let’s get serious, get carbon-neutral and invest in selling Scotland’s most important industry, in the same way Ireland and New Zealand have done for years. I guarantee you, we can have a national brand they will envy by 2030. And that will be the year we will read 52 issues of the Scottish Farmer without the word ‘crisis’ on the front page. Imagine!