A new winter wheat variety, SY Insitor, is poised to meet modern day requirements for high yield and quality, coupled with strong septoria tritici and yellow rust resistance, according to its breeder, Syngenta.

This is a potential hard feed winter wheat, currently on the AHDB candidate list and two years of Syngenta trials have shown it to give an extra 1% treated yield over one of the current top-yielding hard feed wheats on the AHDB recommended list, pointed out Syngenta’s marketing manager for conventional varieties, Tracy Creasy.

As well as a grain specific weight averaging 79.4 kg/hl, it is not late maturing and has resistance to orange wheat blossom midge.

“We have seen over recent years that septoria tritici has become increasingly challenging to control,” said Mrs Creasy. “With the impending withdrawal of the multi-site fungicide chlorothalonil, this challenge is set to increase. Varieties with good septoria tritici resistance are, therefore, set to become increasingly important”

“If recommended towards the end of 2019, SY Insitor will follow in the footsteps of other important winter feed wheats such as Graham, Gleam and Shabras that we have introduced over recent years, that also combine high yield with good septoria resistance.”