Strong demand throughout witnessed a top call of 6600gns at the annual production sale of Valais Blacknose on behalf of Richard and Selina Beattie, Omagh.

The on-farm sale conducted by guest auctioneer, Glyn Lucas was topped by a gimmer and her two ewe lambs at foot, purchased by Eimer Rodgers, Douglas. She is sired by Highland Darragh, and traces back to a foundation Goldies female.

A home-bred ewe by Highland Duke realised 4000gns selling to Steve Jones, England. Whilst her ewe lamb parted with John Haughey, Tattykeeran, Tyrone, for 2600gns.

Two lots made 4200gns, with the first of these being a two-year-old ewe by Highland, going back to imported parents on the dams side. Graham Mulloan, Moy, Co Tyrone, was the final bidder.

On the same money was a Middleton Hall George daughter that caught the ewe of Conrad McGuiness, Co Louth, who also selected a choice ewe lamb to join her at 3600gns.

averages: six stock ewes, £4253; 28 ewe lambs, £3042; 15 ram lambs £567; nine wedder lambs, £309