Stirling UA

Bullocks led the way at United Auctions' weekly store cattle sale when achieving 304.30p per kg for a 493kg Limousin cross from Ardgate, and to £2000 for a 758kg Aberdeen-Angus cross from Head of Balglass, to average 269.84p.

Aberdeen-Angus crosses led the heifer trade at 299.80p for a 482kg entry from Garvald Mains and to £1905 for a 748kg animal from Head of Balglass, to cash in at 260.16pp.

Young bulls (10) averaged 221.16p and sold to 241.40p for a Luing cross from East Green and to £1340 for a Beef Shorthorn from Cowford.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – A-A – Head of Balglass £2000; Greenlands 300.6p; Balbirnie £1795; Garvald Mains 299.6p; Floors and Gartentruach £1690; Enoch and Balbirnie 298.7p. Char – East Balscalloch £1330; Gibbalston 279.1p; Gibbalston £1200; East Balscalloch 268.1p; East Balscalloch £1130, 260.4p. Sim – Balbirnie £1795, 296.0p; Balbirnie £1690; Balgreggie 290.1p; Mains £1690; Easterton 285.5p. Lim – Dykes £1670; Ardgate 304.3p; Ardagte £1500, 300.0p; Gateside £1480, 300.0p. BB – Lochend £1420, 284.0p; Drummuir £1200; South Cathkin 257.1p; South Cathkin £900; Drummuir 244.9p.

Heifers – A-A – Head of Balglass £1905; Garvald Mains 299.8p; Head of Balglass £1660; Garvald Mains 290.0p; Newpark £1550; Floors 286.6p. Char – Wester Thirds £1700; West Park 287.7p; Wester Thirds £1680, 281.9p; West Park £1430; Newpark 278.6p. Sim – Wester Thirds £1775; West Park 287.7p; Balbirnie £1695, £1670, 287.4p, 283.8p. Lim – Wester Third £1810, 299.2p; Wester Third £1740; West Park 294.9; Wester Third £1670, 291.0p. BB – Drummuir £1200, 250.0p; South Cathkin £820, £760, 246.0p, 238.0p.

Young bulls – BS – Thistledown £1340, 233.4p. Lui – East Green £1120, 241.4p. Sim – East Cauldcoates £850, 209.4p.


Limousins from Chris and Terry Beattie from Rattlingate, Carlisle, led Harrison and Hetherington's sale of 346 store cattle, with heifers selling to £2170 and steers to £2130.

Limousins led the weaned cattle section, with a heifer making £1370 for Messrs McIntyre, Glenlea, and bulls to £1330 for Messrs Hunter, Upper Brydekirk, however among the bulls a joint top price of £1070 was achieved for British Blues from Messrs Hodgson, Park House and Messrs Haigh, Halifax, and again for a Shorthorn.

The firm also held their monthly beef breeding sale, which witnessed a top call of £4200 for a heifer with calf from Messrs McAlister, Wester Thomaston.

Top price among the cows of £3000 came from Messrs Clarke, Cringleber, with bulling heifers reaching £2200 for Messrs Logan Humebyres.

The weekly sale of calves sold to £600 for a British Blue bull calf from Messrs Martin, Tempest Tower, with the same home topping the heifers at £505.

LEADING prices

Store cattle – Steers – Lim – £2130, £1900, £1800, £1790 Ratlinggate; £1840, £1600 (x2), £1585 Nunscleugh; £1500 Riggfoot; £1490 Roe Ghyll; £1400 Gill House; £1355 The Nook. BB – £1600 Kirtlebank; £1520, £1470 Thackmire; £1490 The Nook; £1490 (x2), £1330 Bankend; £1360, £1330 Woodhouse; £1350 Stenries; £1350 Carlatton Demense; £1350 Stainton House; £1320 Gimmenbie. Char – £1490 Old Silloth. BS – £1470 Hayclose; £1400 (x2), £1390 (x2) West Hot Bank. A-A – £1470 Bankend; £1460 (x2), £1400 (x2) Well Head; £1460 (x4) Stainton House; £1415 (x2) The Nook; £1340 Sandbed; £1300 Hallfoot. Norwegian Red – £1450 Southerfield Hall. HF – £1430 (x2) Howrigg. Hols – £1390 (x2) Kirtlebank. Sim – £1300 Gimmenbie.

Heifers – Lim – £2170, £1750 Ratlinggate; £1980, £1840, £1580 Newtown; £1640 (x2), £1410 (x2) Upper Brydekirk; £1630, £1500, £1450 Low House; £1590 Stenries; £1500, £1380 Clappers; £1380 Riggfoot. Char – £1550, £1270 Clappers; £1455 (x2) Old Silloth; £1355 (x2) Prior Rigg. A-A – £1500, £1380 Kirtlebank. BB – £1440 Carlatton Demense; £1375, £1360 (x2) Stone House; £1340 Harwood on Teviot; £1290 Sandbed. BS – £1335 Bridge End.

Weaned cattle – Heifers – Lim – £1370, £1100 Glenlea; £1180, £1150, £940 Charlesfield; £970 (x3), £830 Wellhouse; £910 (x2), £880 Tailbert; £910 (x2) Crosby Lodge; £890 Cadgillhead. BB – £1190, £970 Brackenhill; £970 Park House; £960 Wellhouse; £870 Brackenslack; £830 (x2) Kaysbank. Sim – £1140 Glenlea; £630 Pinegrove. BS – £1000, £830 (x4) Tewit Green. A-A – £1000 (x2), £950 (x3) Brisco Hill; £935 Field Head; £890 Glenlea; £790 Noran Bank. Luing – £980 Tewit Green. Char – £680 Pinegrove; £670 Tewit Green. Saler – £660 (x6) Mosshill. BG – £660, £610 Mark. Hfd – £520 Fell End.

Bulls – Lim – £1330 Upper Brydekirk; £1200, £1100, £1070, £950 Shankfield Head; £1100, £1080, £880 Green Gill; £900 (x2) Mickley Moor. Hfd – £1230, £1190 (x3) Woodhall; £850 Fell View. Longhorn – £1110 Fishwick Mains. A-A – £800 (x2) Shaw of Dryfe; £740 Bulls Head. Part – £780 East Barr. BB – £700 Tailbert; £650 Cockley Bank. Frie – £500 Sandford.

Steers – BS – £1070, £1060, £800 Tewit Green. BB – £1070 Park House; £1060 Brackenhill; £1050 Brackenslack; £980 Caton Street. Lim – £1010 Crosby Lodge; £970 (x2), £840 Glenlea; £890 (x2) Cadgillhead; £880 Brackenslack; £870, £820 Tewit Green; £720 Fell End. Char – £1000 Noran Bank. A-A – £900, £860 Brackenslack; £840, £790 (x3), £710 Carsewalloch; £820, £700 (x2) Brackenhill; £820 Tewit Green. Sim – £940 (x2) Ashley Grove; £830 Pinegrove; £800 Tewit Green. BG – £830 (x3) Mark. HF – £760 (x5), £740 (x7) Brackenhill. Hfd – £740 (x3), £690 (x3) Fell End. Longhorn – £535 Fishwick Mains.

Breeding cattle – Heifers and calves – Lim – £4200, £3800, £2600 Wester Thomaston; £3550, £3100 (x2), £3000 (x2), £3100, £2600, £2550 Derrie; £3200, £2950, £2900, £2600 High House; £3000, £2250 Wardpark; £2800 Flimby Hall; £2500 (x2), £2400, £2250 Lowick Bridge; £2300 Derrie. BB –£3200 Derrie; £3000 Wester Thomaston; £2900 Yew Tree; £2800 Solway View; £2800 (x2), £2200 (x2) Middle; £2600 Wallhead; £2150, £2050 Tewit Green; £2000 North Mosses. Sim – £2600 Wardpark; £2500 Yew Tree. A-A – £1700 Field House.

Cows and calves – Lim – £3100 Derrie; £3000, £2900 Cringleber; £2450 Manor; £2050 The Hill. BB – £2900 (x2) Cringleber; £2300 Low Barness; £2000 East Barr. Blonde – £2500 Cringleber. BS –£2100 Seat House; £2050 Cocklet Hill. Hfd – £2000 Barrowfield. A-A – £1900 Laigh Highgate. Stab – £1850 The Ash.

In-calf heifers – BB – £1400 (x3) East Barr.

Empty cows – Lim – £1640, £1480, £1420 Ballacutchel Road.

Bulling heifers – Lim – £2200 (x2) Humebyres. BB – £2000 Hobkin Ground. BS – £1500 Middle.

Calves – Bulls – BB – £600 Tempest Tower; £530 £480 Pears Ghyll; £505 Pinegrove; £470 Moss Side House; £465 (x2) Macherquhat; £460 Brunt Hill; £435, £420, £415, £390 Petteril Side; £420 (x2) Chalk Lodge; £405 Anguswell; £400 (x2), £350 (x2) East Scales; £395, £380 Wedholme Hill; £390 Woodhouse; £375, £360 Becklees. Lim – £570 Marlborough Hall; £510 Windy Hill; £325 Bleaberry Rigg; £325 Brunt Hill; £200 Threapland Lees. A-A – £530 (x2) Brunt Hill ;£530 Morley Hill; £495 (x4) Wedholme Hill; £495 Moss Side House; £465 Tempest Tower; £400 Girthhead; £380 (x3) Woodside; £380 Petteril Side. Char – £510 Macherquhat; £380 Morley Hill. Hfd – £400 (x2) Park House. Mont – £345 (x4) Gillespie.

Heifers – BB – £505, £450 Tempest Tower; £375 (x2), £310 Becklees; £370 Moss Side House; £350 (x4) Chalk Lodge; £350, £315 Gillespie; £340, £320, £315 Petteril Side; £330 High Bow; £310 Meinside. Lim – £470, £370, £330, £320 Marlborough Hall; £350 Beyond the Moss; £310 Windy Hill. A-A – £390 (x2), £320 (x2) Tempest Tower; £355 Moss Side House; £345 (x2) Wedholme Hill; £305 £300 Petteril Side.


Bullocks (145) and heifers (126) averaged 262.3p per kg and 258.3p respectively at Craig Wilson Ltd sale.

Bullocks led proceedings at £1740 for a Simmental off Adamcroft, and to 309.6p for Charolais and Limousins from Maxwelston.

Limousins from Auchentiber, led the heifer trade at 301.9p and £1600, also achieving £1600 was an Aberdeen-Angus from Kildonnan, Stoneykirk.

Cross hoggs with Texel lambs at foot sold to £92 per life from Messrs Paterson, East Dykes.

On Tuesday, the firm sold two dairy animals to a top of £1600 for a Friesian heifer from Auldhouse.

British Blues led the calves at £680 for bulls from South Palmerston, and to £670 for heifers from Merkland.

Charolais from Balmurrie prove popular among the stirks with bullocks and heifers reaching £1100 and £1000 respectively.

Among the breeding cattle a top call of 4100gns was paid for a British Blue bull from Balcaimie.

Heifers and calves sold to £2650 for a Limousin with a heifer calf at foot from Barleith, with the same breed with another heifer calf at foot leading the cows and calves for Mid Skeog.

Bulling heifers soared to £1940 for a Limousin from Townhead, with an Aberdeen-Angus in-calf heifer from East Middleton making £1700.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – Sim – £1740, £1500 Adamcroft; £1190 Drongan Mains; £1150 Balsaggart. A-A – £1700, £1600, £1450 Kildonnan; £1620 Dustyhall; £1340 Holmpark; £1340, £1320 East Middleton; £1335 Lindsayston; £1310 Turnerhill; £1290 Rigghead. BS – £1440, £1340, £1320 East Middleton; £1145 Balig; £1120 Knocknaib; £1100 Rigghead. Lim – £1470 Turnerhill; £1450 Barneil; £1430, £1380, £1285 Knockrivoch; £1380, £1290 Glanderston; £1280 Lindsayston; £1245 South Biggart; £1195 Maxwelston. Hfd – £1410, £1320 Dustyhall; £1175, £1160 Knockrivoch. Saler – £1270 Balsaggart. BB – £1380, £1310 Holmpark; £1300 Turnerhill and Auchinbay; £1285 Knockrivoch; £1260 Whiteflat. Char – £1330 Dustyhall; £1330, £1195 Maxwelston; £1180, £1090 Mossend. Mont – £1175, £1080 Knockrivoch. Frie – £1350, £1270, £1220 High Branchal; £1170 South Biggart; £1100 Turnerhill.

Heifers – Lim – £1600, £1470, £1340 Auchentiber; £1590 Turnerhill; £1270 Mid Skeog; £1255 Balsaggart; £1240 Rigghead. A-A – £1600, £1400, £1240 Kildonnan; £1500 East Mitchelton; £1325 Clevance; £1320 Balsaggart; £1270 Mid Skeog. Sim – £1380, £1340 Adamcroft; £1240 Rigghead; £1210 Knocknaib; £1200 Mid Skeog. Mont – £1210 Knockrivoch. BB – £1290 Holmpark; £1200, £1170 Whiteflat; £1190 Mid Skeog; £1180 Knockrivoch; £1100 Turnerhill. Char – £1255 Balsaggart. BS – £1200 Mid Skeog.

Calves – Bull – BB – £680, £600 South Palmerston; £610, £590 Merkland; £580 West Scoutts; £570 (x2) Buistonhead; 3560, £555 Davidston. A-A – £540, £530 South Palmerston; £490 (x3) Scoutts. Sim – £510 (x2) Low Dallars. Lim – £510 Redbrae; £500 South Walton. BS – £470 Meadowbank. Saler – £310 Ballochmartin.

Heifer – BB – £670, £640, £580 Merkland; £590, £580, £560 Lochside; £570 Davidston and West Scoutts; £560 South Palmerston. A-A – £490 West Scoutts; £420 High Weitston. Lim – £600 Woodhill; £440 South Walton. BS – £290 Broadhead. Char – £220 Craig.

Stirks – Bullock – Char – £1100 Balmurrie. Lim – £990, £950 Rigghead. Saler – £930 Balmurrie. A-A – £860 Lochend. Sim – £850 Lochend. BB – £730 Newlands. Hfd – £630 Low Ballees. Frie – £460 Old Mains. Part – £1070 Dallowie.

Heifer – Char – £1000 Balmurrie. Lim – £980 Garrockhill. A-A – £870 Garrockhill; £830 Mains Street.

Breeding cattle – Bulls – BB – 4100gns Balcaimie. A-A – 2700gns Middleton; 2300gns Bardrain.

Heifers and calves – Lim – £2650 Barleith; £2550 Craichmore; £2550, £2300 Craichmore; £2450 No 3 South Balfern. BB – £2600, 32450 Barleith; £2550 No 3 South Balfern; £1800 Fowler. Saler – £2550, £2200 High Woodston; £2200, £1900 High Woodston. Char – £2000 High Woodston; £1800 High Woodston.A-A – £1750 The Paddock. Longhorn – £1750 Drumdow. BS – £1700 Meadowbank; £1600 Drumdow.

Cows and calves – Lim – £2950 Mid Skeog; £2600, £2450, £2400 South Walton; £2150, £2050 High Woodston; £2050 East Middleton. Lim – £2500 High Woodston; £2350 South Walton; £2300, £2150, £2000 East Middleton; £2200, £2000 High Woodston. Sim – £2500 South Walton. BB – £2050 South Walton. Hfd – £1900 High Woodston; £1750 High Woodston. A-A – £1850 High Woodston; £180 South Borland.

In-calf heifers – A-A – £1700 East Middleton. BS – £1380, £1350 East Middleton.

Bulling heifers – Lim – £1940 Townhead; £1450 Mid Skeog; £1380, £1300 (x2)Craichmore. A-A – £1420 West Kirkbryde.


Bullocks (69) and heifers (94) averaged 291.4p per kg and 264.5p respectively at Aberdeen and Northern Marts' weekly sale.

Bullocks led proceedings at 331.6p for a pen of eight 392kg Limousin cross from Cairntack, Belhelvie, and to £1600 for a 596kg Simmental cross from Loanend.

Limousin crosses led the heifers at 311.6p for a pen of four weighing 414kg again from Cairntack, and to £1570 for a 550kg entry from Fordmouth, Tomintoul.

Bulls (31) sold to 265p per kg for a 434kg Limousin from Upper Forgie, Keith, and to £1580 for a 662kg British Blue from Tullo of Garvock, Laurencekirk.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – Up to 400kg – Tullo of Garvock £1190; Fordmouth Farms. 401-450kg – Cairntack £1430; The Den £320.9p. 451-500kg – Loanend £1400, 292.9p. 501-550kg – Loanend £1380, 259.4p.

Heifers – Up to 300kg – Upper Forgie £660, 248.1p. 301-350kg – Pittenkerrie £870; Upper Forgie 263.2p. 351-400kg – Loanend £1040, 275.1p. 401-450kg – Cairntack £1290; Loanend 288.7p. 451-500kg – Tullo of Garvock £1480, 300.8p. 501-550kg – Fordmouth £1570, 285.5p.

Bulls – Up to 300kg – Upper Forgie £700, 253.6p. 301-350kg – Upper Forgie £900, 261.6p. 351-400kg – Tullo of Garvock £980, 245p. 401-450kg – Upper Forgie £1150, 260p. 451-500kg – Birkenburn £1200; Hillhead £245.9p. 551-600kg – Tullo of Garvock £1460, 263.5p.

St Boswells

Simmental bullocks from South Common, secured the top prices at Harrison and Hetherington's store cattle sale when selling to £1130 and 313.9p per kg, to average 277.91p.

The same home also led the heifers at £1005 and 279.2p with this section cashing in at 248.49.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – A-A – £1030 South Common; £900 Earlston Mains. Lim – £980 South Common. Sim –– £1130, £1060 South Common.

Heifers – A-A – £970 South Common. Stab – £900 East Learmonth. Luing – £860 Tushielaw. Sim – £1005 South Common; £960 East Learmonth.


On Monday, Penrith and District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 213 store cattle, which sold to a top of £1915 for a Limousin cross bullock from MTP and SD Wills, Fawcett Park.

The same home also topped the heifer section at £1855.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – Lim – £1915 Fawcett Park; £1835 High House; £1585 (x2), £1485, £1435 (x3), £1405, £1395 (x2), £1385, £1355, £1325, £1255 (x2), £1225 (x2), £1215 (x2), £1175 (x2), £1165 Shap Abbey; £1435, £1175, £1055 Town Head; £1375 Park Head; £1115 (x2) Braithwaite Shields; £1045 Scales; £1045 Low Dyke. BB – £1675, £1555, £1365 Wham Head; £1435, £1405, £1375, £1195 Braithwaite Shields; £1395 Park Head; £1265 Lowther Park Farms; £1125 Dalvorich Cottage. Sim – £1505 Moorside. Nor – £1425 (x3), £1375 (x2), £1365, £1305, £1265 (x2), £1225, £1175 Moorside. A-A – £1395 (x2), £1305 (x5) Street House; £1155 Low Dyke; £1155 Looking Flatt; £1085 Braithwaite Shields. Saler – £1195 Scales. Blonde – £1105 (x2) Low Dyke. Char – £1095 Scales. Black and White – £995 (x4) Stepends.

Heifers – Lim – £1855, £1845 Fawcett Park; £1805, £1735 High House; £1685 (x2), £1605, £1555, £1525, £1485, £1375, £1235, £1165 Fog Close; £1475, £1245, £1205, £1165, £1045 Hollins; £1445, £1435, £1375, £1085, £1065 Tilery; £1355, £1315 (x2), £1285 (x2), £1225, £1175 Shap Abbey; £1355 Braithwaite Shields. Char – £1755 (x2), £1375 Fog Close. BB – £1595, £1575, £1465, £1305, £1235 Fog Close; £1385, £1265, £1215 (x2), £1195 Dacre Banks; £1335 (x2) Park Head; £1305 (x3), £1185 Braithwaite Shields. A-A – £1485 (x2) Roanstrees; £1155 (x2), £1085 (x3) Mellgates; £1105 Braithwaite Shields. Hfd – £1375 Dacre Banks. Saler – £1275 Scales. BS – £1235 Lowther Park. Blonde – £1185 Low Dyke.


A Limousin cross steer secured £1860 at Hexham and Northern Marts' store cattle sale for Alf and John Marr, Old Ravensworth.

Heifers achieved £1570 on two occasions both for Limousin crosses from Messrs Herdman, Lunns House.

Store hoggs sold to £118 for Mules from Greencarts.

LEADING prices

Steers – Cattle 30 months + – A-A X – £1400 Burnlaw. Cattle 23-30months – Lim X – £1580 Make-Me-Rich and Camphill; £1540 East Newham; £1520 Make-Me-Rich; £1500 Camphill. A-A X – £1470, £1450, £1430 Bankfoot. Cattle 17-22months – Lim X – £1860, £1810 Old Ravensworth; £1730, £1700, £1600 The Byre. Char X – £1610, £1570 Satley. BB X – £1600 Camphill; £1460 Camphill and Old Ravensworth; £1420 Old Ravensworth. Saler X – £1800 Satley. Cattle 11-16months – Lim X – £1840 The Byre; £1710, £1600 China Hall; £1550 Burn House; £1500 Camphill. Char X – £1690 Satley; £1300 Burn House. A-A X – £1360 The Byre. Sim X – £1640, £1600 (x2), £1580, £1560, £1540 Satley.

Heifers – Cattle 23-30months – Lim X – £1570 Lunns House; £1370 East Newham; £1320 Keepershield; £1300 Make-Me-Rich; £1270 East Newham. BB X – £1200 Keepershield. Cattle 17-22months – Lim X – £1560, £1480 East Newham. Cattle 11-16months – Lim X – £1390 China Hall; £1270, £1200 Burn House; £1130 Kellah. Char X – £1330, £1310, £1300, £1240, £1220 Redsteads. A-A X – £1240, £1220 Redsteads.

Store hoggs – Tex X – £80 Thockrington. Suff X – £80 Duddo Hill. Mule – £118 Greencarts; £116 Hotbank. BF – £106 Hotbank; £102 Laings Hill; £92, £90 Hotbank; £85 Laings Hill. BFL – £110 Spittalshield. Easycare – £38 Pry House.

Castle Douglas

Charolais heifers from Messrs Armstrong, Langbarns, achieved £1450 at Wallets Marts' store cattle sale, with Limousin bullocks from Messrs Harker, Chippermore, making £1430 and 281.5p per kg.

Among the OTM cattle a top of £2059.70 was paid for an Angus cow from Messrs Adams, Torhousekie, and to 229p on two occasions, firstly, for a Galloway cow from Messrs Armstrong, Langbarns and again for a Limousin cow from Cardoness Farms.

LEADING prices

Store cattle – Bullocks – Lim – £1430 Chippermore. Char – £1380 Langbarns. Hfd – £1240 Glentoo. Sim – £1230 Langbarns. A-A – £1230 Langbarns. BB – £1230 Glentoo. Saler – £1230 Langbarns.

Heifers – Char – £1450 Langbarns. A-A – £1430 Maryfield. BB – £1300 Mossknowe. Lim – £1100 Chippermore.


On Tuesday, Harrison and Hetherington held their fortnightly sale of store cattle, which saw Limousins from Messrs Robson, Laverockhall, lead the way with heifers and bullocks to £1510 and £1140 respectively.

LEADING prices

Heifer – Lim – £1510 Laverockhall; £930 Douglas Square. BB – £1040 Haas Farmhouse; £950 Haas Farmhouse. A-A – £1000 Haas Farmhouse; £890 Fingland.

Steers – Lim – £1140, £1100 Laverockhall; £1000, £990 Douglas Square. BS – £1100 Douglas Square. BB – £1020 Haas Farmhouse.