Stirling UA

Bullocks (206) and heifers (245) averaged 263.60p per kg and 260.95p respectively at United Auctions' weekly store cattle sale.

Heifers sold to 316.80p for a 483g Limousin cross from Gateside, and to £1630 for a 605kg Charolais cross from Gateside.

Limousin crosses led the bullocks at 314.50p for a 380kg entry from Wynd and to £1650 for a 638kg animal from Kirkhome.

Young bulls (31) averaged 210.45p and sold to 274.10p for a Limousin cross from Grassmainston and to £1510 for an Aberdeen-Angus cross from East Shawtonhill.

The firm also sold 652 ewes and gimmers at their early breeding sale, where a top price of £750 was paid for pure Texel gimmers from Wester Middleton.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – A-A – North Medrox £1520; Kirkhome 307.80p, 307.30p, 300.00p, 291.80p; Mains Farm £1500; Wynd 285.30p; Floors £1400, £1335; Glencraigs 284.30p; Gateside £1280; Floor 282.30p, 280.50p. Sim – Mains Farms £1605; Gateside 303.80p; High Mathernock £1580; Ardgate 287.30p; Gateside £1510 (x2), 285.40p; Mains Farm £1470; Wynd 270.80p, 266.30p; Ardgate £1410, £1405, 265.50p. Lim – Kirkhome £1650; Wynd 314.50p; Gateside £1530, £1465; Kirkhome 307.80p, 307.30p, 298.50p; Kirkhome £1415; Muirhouses 295.00p; North Quarter £1300; Kirkhome 291.80p, 291.20p. BB – North Quarter £1300; Glencraigs 267.90p. Hfd – Gateside £1280, 275.90p; Floors £1215, 263.60p. Char – High Mathernock £1580; Gateside 303.80p, 288.50p, 285.40p. Luing – High Mathernock £1545, 258.40p. BS – Drumnessie £1560, £1350, £1330, 271.80p, 267.10p, 263.70p. Saler – Wynd £1205; Bedrule 279.30p; Wester Auchencarroch £1200, 258.60p.

Heifers – A-A – Gateside £1495; Kirkhome 297.90p, 278.50p, 277.80p; Drumblair £1400; Whitehall 277.50p, 275.10p; Candermains £1360; Wynd 264.00p; Gateside £1345, 262.70p; Flenders £1250; Whitehill 261.30p. Sim – High Mathernock £1470; Ardgate 273.80p; Ardgate £1295; High Mathernock 264.40p; Eden £1290, £1245, £1180, £1130; Wynd 260.00p. Lim – Gateside £1560, £1530, 316.80p, 306.50p; Corscaplie £1500, £1485; Kirkhome 297.90p (x2); Gateside £1485; High Mathernock 297.50p; High Mathernock £1440; Gateside 290.00p, 287.80p. BB – Corscaplie £1380; Candermains 264.80p; Candermains £1300; Corscaplie 258.40p. Char – Gateside £1630; Drumblair 302.30p, 301.20p; Gribloch £1590; Gateside 290.00p; Drumblair £1470, £1430, 285.00p, 282.70p; Flenders £1345; Laughtmuirside 279.90p; Gateside £1275; Gribloch 277.00p. BS – Drumnessie £1550, 281.80p; Gateside £1400, 272.40p.

Young bulls – A-A – East Shawtonhill £1510, 242.00p. BB – North Quarter £1305; Blair Mains 258.50p.

Breeding sheep – Gimmers – Tex – Wester Middleton £750.00, £720.00, £280.00, £250.00. Tex X –Claish £218.00, £190.00; Wradhead £200.00, £188.00, £185.00 (x2). Suff X – Claish £238.00, £235.00, £222.00 (x2), £215.00, £212.00, £202.00; Renton Home £200.00, £170.00; Tippet Craig £165.00.

Ewes – Suff X – Carnbroe Est £158.00 (x2), £156.00, £152.00, £142.00, £132.00.


Another strong July entry of 327 store cattle were forward this week for Harrison and Hetherington's weekly sale.

A top price of £1870 was achieved for a Limousin cross bullock from Messrs Beattie, Ratlinggate, with the same breed leading the heifer trade at £1810 for Messrs Grice, Newtown.

Among the weaned cattle, bulls topped at £1560 for two Limousins from Messrs Mounsey, Wardhall Guards.

Bullocks peaked at £1350 on two occasions, firstly for a British Blue from Messrs Gorst, Gilpin, and again for a Limousin from Messrs Hall, Horsleyhill, who also topped the heifer section at £1280.

The firm also held their monthly beef breeding sale, where trade peaked at £3400 for Limousin bulls from Messrs Watson, Dorryfield, whilst British Blue cross heifers and calves attained £2800 on two occasions from Messrs Cottam, Yew Tree.

A solid entry of 300 calves reached £580 for a Charolais heifer from W Templeton and Son, Glenhaugh, with Limousin bull calves making £570 for G Ireland, Morley Hill.

On Monday the firm held their weekly sale of store lambs, which balanced out at £78.07 having sold to £96 on two occasions, firstly for Beltex cross lambs from B Walton, Goodlie Hill, and again for Texels from John Ivinson, Lea Hill.

Leading Prices

Store cattle – Steers – Lim – £1870, £1790 (x4), £1700, £1600 Ratlinggate; £1540, £1480, £1370 Cockley Bank; £1480 Standing Stonerigg; £1465 (x2) Blackrigg; £1465, £1420 Wood Head; £1410 Well Head; £1400 Tarn Lodge; £1370 Grain Head. Char – £1570, £1520, £1490, £1480, £1310 Spout Bank; £1370, £1300 Cockley Bank. A-A – £1520, £1300 (x3), £1280 (x2) Cockleybank; £1420 Gimmenbie; £1260 Newton Field; £1230 (x2) Bromfield Hall; £1220 Well Head. BB – £1500 (x2) Thackmire; £1490, £1360, £1330 Cockleybank; £1460, £1400 (x2) Blackrigg; £1410, £1345 (x2) Stainton House; £1400 (x3) Whinney Hill; £1390 Tarn Lodge; £1390 (x2) Carleton Hill; £1350 Wood Head; £1300 Smalmstown, Fleck – £1430, £1250 (x2) Limekilns. Sim – £1430, £1330 Barton Dale; £1400, £1380, £1329 Wardpark; £1350 Cockley Bank. Hfd – £1310 (x2) Parton; £1280 Stainton House; £1280 Town Foot. BS – £1250 (x3) Parton. Frie – £1240 Cockleybank. Hols – £1210 (x3), £1095 (x4), £1080 (x12), £1075 (x5), £1070 (x6), £1060 (x4) Low Milton. HF – £1190 £1160 Tarn Lodge; £1060 (x3) Low Milton.

Heifers – Lim – £1810, £1470, £1460 Newtown; £1740 Ratlinggate; £1490, £1350, £1340, £1320 Cockley Bank; £1340 Blackrigg. BB – £1640, £1250 Blackrigg; £1350 Town Head; £1350, £1235 (x3) Smalmstown; £1300 (x2) Gimmenbie; £1280, £1240 Sandbed; £1240, £1210 Carleton Hill; £1235 (x2) Bulls Head; £1220, £1200 Stone House; £1210 Wickerthwaite; £1200 Bromfield Hall. A-A – £1360 Limekilns; £1340 Thirlwall Castle; £1340 Thornby Villa. Char – £1330 Cockleybank; £1290 (x2) Smalmstown. BS – £1300 Thornby Villa. Sim – £1250 Cockleybank.

Weaned cattle – Bulls – Lim – £1560 (x2) Wardhall Guards; £1370, £1320, £1290 Lower Griseburn; £1300, £1200 (x2), £1170, £1080 Muirhouse; £1280 Glendue; £1150, £1080 (x3), £1040 (x2) Laitha; £1120, £1090 (x2), £1060 Field House; £1090 Burtreeford. BB – £1410 Horsleyhill Farm Cottage; £900, £830 Westfield Cottage.

Steers – BB – £1350, £910 Gilpin; £1000 Wallhead; £810 Pinegrove; £810 (x2) Green Hills. Lim – £1350, £1130 Horsleyhill Farm Cottage; £1190 Gilpin; £1140, £1110, £910 Glenlea; £1040 Hayton Brow; £1010 Wallhead; £1010, £960, £940 Burthwaite; £960 Fell View; £950 Gilpin; £900 Burtreeford. A-A – £1100 (x2) Milescott; £780 Pinegrove; £750 (x2) Caton Street; £700 Sandysike Farmhouse. Hfd – £1080 (x3), £1060 (x2) High Hall; £1030, £940 (x2) The Height; £900 Wallhead. BG – £720 Mark. Sim – £820 (x2) Ashley Grove.

Heifers – Lim – £1280 Horsleyhill Farm Cottage; £1020, £980 (x2) The Grove; £1010 Burthwaite; £970, £960, £930 (x2) Harper Hill; £870, £850 Glenlea. BB – £1280 Gilpin; £1090 Temon; £1050 (x4) Cooper House; £860 Pinegrove. Sim – £950 Glenlea; £860 Pinegrove. Hfd – £860 The Height; £730 (x2), £700 (x3) Little Blencow. BG – £695, £670 (x2), £650 Mark. A-A – £850 (x3) The Grove.

Beef breeding cattle – Breeding bulls – £3400, £3200 (x2), £3000 Dorryfield.

Heifers and calves – Lim – £2600, £2450 (x2), £2300 Manor House; £2350 West Wharmle. BB – £2800 (x2) Yew Tree; £2150 Westfield House. Char – £1900 Swordwellrigg. Hfd – £1900 Barwise Hall.

Cows and calves – A-A – £2000 Cocklet Hill. Lim – £2450, £2300 Ashfield; £2250 Heathfield; £2100 Westfield Cottage. BB – £2200, £2100, £2000 (x2) Broadlea of Robgill.

In-calf heifers – Lim – £2100 (x2) Little Orton Hall. A-A – £1520 Tarn Lodge.

Bulling heifers – Lim – £2050, £2000 (x2) Kirkmabreck; £1520 (x2) New Sandsfield.

Calves – Bulls – Lim – £570, £555, £530 Morley Hill; £540 Brunt Hill; £500 Windy Hill; £440, £405, £350 Bleaberry Rigg; £415, £400, £380 (x2), £380, £300 Greigsland; £380, £320 Coombe Crag; £355 Guillyhill. Char – £570, £470 (x2) Howthat; £520 Morley Hill. BB – £555, £550 (x2) Tempest Tower; £550, £420 Greigsland; £480 (x2), £420 Anguswell; £460, £450 Ninians Grove; £445 (x3) Harrington Ling; £440 East Scales; £420 Park House; £410 Blunderfield East; £410 High Field. A-A – £510 Ashview; £450, £325 The Buildings; £405, £390, £300 Girthhead; £350 East Scales; £335 (x2) Meinside; £330, £310 Moorthwaite; £310 Chalk Lodge. Saler – £390, £340, £320, £300 Blunderfield. BS – £380 Morley Hill. Fleck – £355 Meinside. Sim – £350, £330 Howthat.

Heifers – Char – £580, £555, £400 Glenlaugh; £450 Howthat. BB – £560 Greigsland; £540, £530, £520 (x2) Tempest Tower; £510 Brunt Hill; £500 Chalk Lodge; £440 Meinside; £430 Hadderdale; £395 East Scales; £390 Anguswell; £390, £340 Brackenhow; £390, £370, £360 (x2) Chalk Lodge; £360 Thackwood. Lim – £420 Greigsland; £415 Howthat; £390, £380 Morley Hill; £390, £350 Windy Hill; £385, £310, £300 Stoneybrook; £360 Park House. Hfd – £350 Howthat. A-A – £330 (x2) Meinside; £330 Brunt Hill; £310 Chalk Lodge.

Store sheep – Belt – £96, £86 Goddlie Hill. Suff – £87, £82, £80 Burblethwaite. Tex – £96, £89 Lea Hill; £89, £81, £80 Field Croft; £86 Goodie Hill; £84 (x3), £82 The Wreay; £80 Burblethwaite; £75 Penny Hill Park.


Bullocks from East Kerse, led Craig Wilson's sale of 361 store cattle, selling to 307.8p per kg for a pair of Limousins and to £1700 for an Aberdeen-Angus, to cash in at 261.4p.

Heifers peaked at £1540 for an Aberdeen-Angus from Clevance, and to 305.6p for a Charolais from Auchenflower, to average 258.6p .

On Tuesday, the firm sold 166 calves and stirks to a top of £1140 for a Limousin cross heifer from Messrs McIntyre, Glenlea, with the same home topping the bullocks at £1130 with a Simmental cross.

Among the calves trade peaked at £590 for a Limousin cross bull from T Smith, South Kilbride, and to £560 for a British Blue cross off A and E Parker, Merkland.

A small show of 51 breeding cattle soared to 2500gns for a Limousin bull from Holehouse.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – A-A – £1700 East Kerse; £1690 Clevance; £1575, £1460 Pirleyhill; £1550 Slatehole; £1450 Mosshead; £1380 Mackailston; £1370 North Two Mark. Lim – £1640 East Kerse; £1610, £1500 Ladyyard; £1570 East Kerse; £1510 Blackbyres; £1360 MacManniston. BS – £1640 Markhill; £1350 Laigland; £1330 Rigghead. Char – £1600, £1410 Blackbyres; £1160 Hallowshean; £1160 Barskelly and Mossend (Ayr). BB – £1600 Clevance; £1540 Ladyyard; £1300 MacManniston; £1170 Hallowshean. Sim – £1450 Adamcroft; £1330, £1250 Rigghead; £1200 Cloquhairnan; £1190 Borland; £1160 Bruntland. BG – £1440 Clevance. Frie – £1300 Auchinbay; £1190 Ladyyard; £1080 Girgenti; £1040, £1000 Low Milton. Mont – £1160 North Two Mark. Saler – £1070 Barskelly; £1030 Auchenflower.

Heifers – A-A – £1540 Clevance; £1530, £1480 Slatehole; £1390 Mid Skeog and Mackailston; £1375 North Two Mark; £1350 Mosshead. Lim – £1530 Shutterflat; £1400 Ladyyard; £1370 Mid Skeog;£1320 Auchenflower; £1300 Drongan Mains; £1280 Mid Skeog; £1230 Markhill. Hfd – £1470 Shutterflat. Sim – £1400 Adamcroft; £1260 Shutterflat; £1180 Rigghead; £1160 Mid Skeog; £1150 Drongan Mains. BB – £1330 Ladyyard; £1280 Auchinbay. Char – £1230 East Kerse and Blackbyres; £1100 (x2) Auchenflower; £1060 Mossend (Ayr). BS – £1230 Markhill; £1160 Rigghead; £1120 Balig; £1100 Markhill. Saler – £1040 Borland. Mont – £980 North Two Mark.

Calves – Bull – Lim X – £590, £580 South Kilbride; £490 Wee Carleton. A-A X – £590, £550 Merkland; £480 South Palmerston; £440 Kaimhill. BB X – £560 South Kilbride; £540 Rosemount; £530 South Kilbride; £480 (x5) South Palmerston; £480 Buistonhead; £450 Over Enoch; £440 Over Enoch. Sim X – £460 Over Enoch. Hfd X – £460 Low Ballees. Char X – £450 Balmurrie. Saler X – £440 Wee Carleton.

Heifer – A-A X – £480 Rosemount; £430 Burnton and Kaimhill; £380 Kaimhill. BB X – £560 Merkland; £550 Buistonhead; £540 Buistonhead; £450 Buistonhead and Over Enoch; £440 Over Enoch; £420 Muir; £410 Haysmuir; £400 Over Enoch, South Palmerston and Buistonhead; £380 Buistonhead. Lim X – £470 south Kilbride; £370 Wee Carleton; £360 North Knockglass. Saler X – £380 Wee Carleton.

Stirks – Bullock – Sim X – £1130 Glenlea. Char X – £1120, £1030 Balmurrie. Lim X – £890 Rigghead. BB X – £860 Newlands.

Heifer – Lim X – £1140 Glenlea; £1100 Fowler. A-A – £1030 Fowler. Char X – £940 Balmurrie. BB X – £940 Fowler.

Breeding cattle – Bulls – Lim – 2500gns Holehouse. A-A – 2200gns Bardrain.

Heifers and calves – Bull calf – Lim – £2000 Mid Skeog and Barleith. BB – £2000 Barleith.

Heifer calf – Lim – £2000 Barleith. BB – £1850 Barleith.

Cows and calves – Heifer calf – Hfd – £1900, £1850 Floors. Lim – £1850 High Woodston; £1650 East Middleton. BS – £1450 Fowler. A-A – £1700 Floors.

Bull calf – Hfd – £1880 Floors. Lim – £1700 Middlepart. A-A – £1780 Floors; £1650 High Woodston. BS – £1550 High Cairn.


A pair of Texel gimmers from Uppermill Farm, Tarves, secured the top price of £400 at Aberdeen and Northern Marts' sale of 849 breeding gimmers and ewes.

Breeding gimmers (646) averaged £186.89, whilst breeding ewes (203) sold to £150 on two occasions, firstly for Mules from Wardhead, Strichen, and again for Texel crosses from Mill of Fowlis, Muir of Fowlis, Alford.

Leading Prices

Gimmers – Suff X – Wardhead, Strichen £225; St Johns Wells, Fyvie £220; South Mains of Tillymorgan, Culsalmond £205; Tillyboy, Echt, Harestone, Crathes £200; Upper Sauchen, Ordhead £195; Stonyford, Tarland £190; Wester Arr, Nairn £185. Half-bred – Harestone £225. Tex – Balmaleedie House, Grange Hall £380; Uppermill, Tarves £240; Eldonbrae, Forres £225; Tamala, Burnside £190. Tex X – Eldonbrae £235; Upper Sauchen, Uppermill £200; Towiemore, Keith £190; Mains of Tillymorgan £185; Tillyboy, Rennieshill, Newmachar £180. Belt X – Tillyboy £220; Tamala, Burnside £180. BFL – Newton of Crathie £190; Upper Sauchen £185. Black Chev – Newton of Crathie, Crathie £180. Mule – South Mains of Tillymorgan, Newton of Crathie £180; Glenbervie, Dalriach £172. Mill Blue – Upper Sauchen £185. BFL – Newton of Crathie £180. Chev Mule – Towiemore £175. Cont – Tamala £170; Middlehill, Rothienorman £160.

Ewe – Chev Mule – Towiemore £132. Suff X – Towiemore £130. Tex X – Hillbrae £128. Mule – Mill of Fowlis £135; Mill of Fowlis, Newton Farmhouse £125.


More than 1000 store lambs averaged £86.15 at Harrison and Hetherington's opening sale.

Topping the sale was a single Texel tup lamb from Sian Jordan, Low Fauld selling for £136.

Leading Prices

Store lambs – Tex – £136, £127, £102 Low Fauld; £115, £113, £106, £97 Lintley; £100, £93 Aimshaugh; £100, £96 Davygill; £98 Ghyll House; £94 Turnings; £92 Batey Shield; £90.50 Highfield; £90 Randalholme; £89 (x2) Lea Hill; £87.50 Blunderfield West. Belt – £128 Lintley; £124 (x2), £102 Highfield. Blue Tex – £110 Low Fauld. Suff – £108 Highfield; £94 Batey Shield; £89, £85.50 The Mains; £86 Townend. GF – £92, £74 How Burn; £85 School Cottage; £80 Sanders Close; £79.50, £79, £70 Kurburn; £74 Lonning House; £73.50 The Bog; £73 Shieldhill Top. DS – £85.50 The Mains; £80 Low Fauld.


On Monday, Penrith and District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 262 store cattle, where trade peaked at £1675 for a Limousin heifer from AJ Glendinning, Dacre Banks.

Bullocks reached £1465 for a Limousin cross from EA and W Strong, Ploveriggs.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – Lim – £1465, £1365, £1335 Ploveriggs; £1425 Midtown; £1375, £1365, £1255 Clickham; £1345 (x2) Cliburn Hall. BB – £1405, £1315, £1255 (x5), £1155 Clickham; £1385 (x2) Cliburn Hall; £1245 Park Head; £1235, £1145 Hawbank; £1165 Macey Bank; £1155 (x3) Hardrigg Hall. South Devon – £1405 Mill View. A-A – £1305 (x4) Clickham; £1275 (x5) Yew Tree; £1265, £1115 Mill View. Black and White – £1215 (x5), £1125 (x4) Clickham; £1115, £1085, £1025 (x2) Newlands; £1045 Waitby. BS – £1195 Mill View; £1185 Kitridding. Hfd – £1155 Mill View.

Heifers – Lim – £1675, £1635, £1465, £1415, £1365, £1335 Dacre Banks; £1485 Ploveriggs; £1485 Cliburn Hall; £1255 Pennine View; £1175 Clickham. BB – £1455, £1235 Clickham; £1375, £1305, £1295, £1245 Pennine View; £1365 (x3) Cliburn Hall; £1255 (x3) Park Head. BS – £1165, £1135 Hawbank. A-A – £1105 (x4) Clickham.

Bulls – Lim – £1065 Clickham; £1065 Town Head.


Cattle from James Herdman, Edlingham Newton, led the way at Hexham and Northern Marts' sale of store cattle, with heifers and steers attaining £1790 and £1700 respectively.

Some 2392 store lambs also came under the hammer, reaching £123 for a trio of Texel cross lambs from CR Fawcett, Well House.

Leading Prices

Store cattle – Steers – Cattle 23-30months – Luing X– £1570, £1480 (x2), £1450, £1400 Brandon. Cattle 17-22months – Char X – £1680, £1650, £1640 Edlingham Newtown. Lim X –£1530 Edlingham Newtown. A-A X – £1270 Buteland. Cattle 11-16months – Lim X – £1400 (x2), £1360 (x2), £1300 Greyside.

Heifers – Cattle 23-30months – Char X – £1790 Edlingham Newtown. Cattle 17-22months – Lim X – £1400, £1340, £1230 Edlingham Newtown. Char X – £1430 Edlingham Newtown. Sim X – £1320 Brandon. Cattle 11-16months – Lim X – £1300, £1290, £1170 Greyside; £1160 Wallend; £1150 Barrasford Green and Wallend; £1120 Greyside; £1100 Barrasford Green. Cattle 10 months and under – Lim X – £1190 (x2) Wallend. A-A X – £940, £910 West Butsfield.

Store lambs – Tex X – £123 Well House; £118, £117, £116, £114 Errington Red House; £112 Wallhouses; £111 Well House; £110 Allergill; £108 Waterloo; £107 Rouchester; £106 Aimshaugh; £105 Stone Hall and The Boat. Suff X – £114, £104 Allergill; £103, £99 Well House; £95 Quarry House; £94 Well House; £91 Waterloo and Upper Senwick. Mule – £94 Woodhall; £90 Softley and East Unthank; £88 Quarry House; £87 Ray Farms. Hamp – £91 Grange. Zwart – £90 Wallhouses.


A larger show of 3199 store lambs were forward for C and D auction marts' sale this week, having soared to £113 for Texels from Drumgrange.

Leading Prices

Store sheep – Tex – £113 Drumgrange; £111 Kelsocleugh, Causey View and Howden; £109 Archbank. Suff – £108 Philiphaugh Estate; £108 High Keenly Fell; £107 Englishtown. Belt – £96, £90 High Aketon. Dutch Tex – £87 Mains. GF – £78 Knarr and Drumgrange; £77 Englishtown. NCC – £98 Monklaw.

Castle Douglas

On Monday, Wallets Marts had forward 761 store cattle at their anniversary show and sale, where the judge, Ian Maxwell awarded the champion ticket to a British Blue heifer from Messrs McCulloch, Glentoo, which went on to make £1700 or 420.8p per kg.

However, topping the sale at £1800 was a Charolais bullock from Messrs Reid, Meikle Float.

Some 1084 store lambs soared to £113 for Texels from Messrs Hurst, Low Craiglemine.

Leading Prices

Store cattle – Bullocks – Char – £1800, £1560, £1500 Meikle Float; £1490 Barscarrow; £1450 Fagra; £1430 Drumneil. A-A – £1670, £1650, £1580 Meikle Float. Hfd – £1590 Meikle Float. Lim – £1580 Meikle Float; £1510 High Glasnick; £1500 Fingland; £1460 Barscarrow. Sim – £1570 Drumneil; £1570, £1560, £1550 Meikle Float. BB – £1530, £1450 Meikle Float. BS – £1320 Castlehill; £1230 Old Cluden. Luing – £1290 Hillside. Saler – £1290 Fagra; £1280 Falbae. BG – £1210 Glentoo; £1030 Mains of Machermore.

Store cattle – Heifers – BB – £1700 Glentoo. Saler – £1480, £1300 Falbae. Lim – £1410 Fingland; £1390 Nether Barr; £1300 Bankswood; £1280 Killochy. A-A – £1390 Glentoo; £1340 Kirranrae; £1320 Hill of Balmaghie; £1320 Irelandton. Char – £1360 Hill of Balmaghie; £1360 Glentoo; £1350 Fagra; £1310 Kirranrae. Luing – £1290 Hillside. Sim – £1290 Hillside; £1260 Garrarie; £1260 Auchenfad. BG – £1150 Irelandton.

Store lambs – Tex – £113 Low Craiglemine; £100 Buittle Mains; £97 (x2) Barholm Mains. Belt – £99 Low Craiglemine. DS – £89.50 Barholm Mains. Lleyn – £59 Auchenbainzie.