Stirling UA

Bullocks (232) and heifers (170) averaged 261.70p per kg and 254.71p respectively at United Auctions' weekly store cattle sale.

Charolais crosses led the bullocks at 314.10p for a 417kg entry from Netherton, and to £1780 for a another weighing 695kg from High Unthank.

Heifers realised 282.10p for a 429kg Charolais cross from Dyke, and to £1660 for a 664kg British Blue cross from Farden.

Young bulls (12) averaged 227.10p and sold to 237.10p for a Simmental cross from Binzian, and to £1410 for a Limousin cross from Sketewan.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – A-A – Gateside £1700, £1595, 290.90p, 278.80p; Kirkland £1505; Ardbrae Balmesh 276.00p; Stewarton £1480; Hilton of Aldie 272.30p; Gateside £1475, 272.00p; Caddell £1405; Blackpark 271.50p; Kirkland £1385, 270.00p; Gateside £1380, 269.00p. BS – Gateside £1700, 272.00p; Kirkland £1540, £1420, £1350, 253.30p, 252.20p; Gateside £1295, 250.50p. Char – High Unthank £1780; Netherton 314.10p; Gateside £1570, 296.60p, 290.90p; Netherton £1530, 287.60p, 284.40p, 283.90p, 283.20p; Netheron £1530; Gateside 279.90p, £1520, £1480, £1475; Netherton 277.10p. Lim – East Pitcorthie £1530; Longfauld 306.90p. Sim – East Pitcorthie £1690, £1550; Gateside 284.90p, 269.30p; Mollinhillhead £1550; East Pitcorthie 267.40p; Gateside £1470; Mollinhillhead 261.80p; Stewarton £1400; Mollinhillhead 261.80p. BB – Stewarton £1525, £1485; Blackpark 268.50p; Blackpark £1380; Stewarton 258.70p, 251.20p. Hfd – Lonsdale £1340; High Belltrees 258.90p; Blackpark £1320, £1315, £1280, £1205, 255.00p.

Heifers – A-A – Drumdow £1290, 271.60p, 267.80p; Incheoch £1290, 264.90p; Drumdow £1220 (x2); Dryburgh 263.20p. Char – Dyke £1415, 282.10p, 277.50p, 277.20p, 270.50p; Netherton £1400, 269.10p; Dyke £1375, £1255; Netherton 260.60p. BB – Farden £1660; Stewarton 267.50p, 259.10p; Stewarton £1355; Gateside 258.20p, 253.50p. Sim – Braidland and Blacklawhill £1210; Netherton 257.70p. Lim – Flenders £1235; Gateside 275.50p.

Young bulls – Sim – Binzian £1290, 237.10p. Lim – Sketewan £1410 (x2), 219.60p, 217.60p. A-A – Elmscleugh £1280, 233.60p.


Limousins from Messrs Barnes, Hutton Roof, Penrith, did the double this week at Harrison and Hetherington's weekly store cattle sale, selling the lead priced bullock and heifer at £1710 each.

Among the weaned cattle, bulls peaked at £1240 for a Limousin from Messrs Wilson, Blue Gables

Limousin heifers realised £1330 for Horsleyhill, whilst Aberdeen-Angus steers made£1260 for Brackenthwaite.

The weekly sale of 312 calves soared to £540 for British Blue bulls from TW Martin Tempest Tower ,who also led the heifer section topping at £465 for more for more of the same.

Leading Prices

Store cattle – Steers – Lim – £1710, £1620, £1440 Hutton Roof; £1565, £1440, £1410 (x2) High House; £1560 Ratlinggate; £1510, £1470, £1350, £1340 Brackenhill Rigg; £1430 Westray; £1430 (x2), £1350 (x3) Rye Close; £1350 Heggle Lane; £1350 Brampton Fell; £1310 Gimmenbie. Sim – £1530 Westray. A-A – £1480, £1310 (x2) Brackenhill Rigg; £1330 Heggle Lane; £1265 (x6) Spout Bank. BB – £1480 (x2), £1400, £1290 (x2), £1200 Heggle Lane; £1370, £1260 Brackenhill Rigg;£1350, £1310 Barton Dale; £1350 (x3) Stone House; £1315 (x2), £1225, £1250 (x9) Cardewlees; £1250, £1220 (x2) Low Mill; £1200 Sandbed. Mont – £1400 Westray. Hfd – £1380 Westray; £1300 (x3) Rye Close. Frie – £1195 (x3), £1180 (x4) Rye Close. Danish Red – £1190 Cardewlees. Swedish Red and White – £850 (x2) Cardewlees.

Heifers – Lim – £1710 Hutton Roof; £1520, £1490, £1480, £1410 Rattlingate; £1500, £1440 (x2), £1200 Smalmstown; £1400 (x2) Grindon Hill; £1240 (x2), £1200 (x2) Grain Head. Char – £1550, £1380 Town Head. BB – £1510 Town Head; £1390 (x2), £1300 Wardpark; £1330 (x2), £1260 (x2) Cardewlees; £1280 Gimmenbie; £1270, £1250 Waingate Head; £1260 (x2) Stone House; £1260 (x2), £1240, £1200 The Beeches; £1240 Southerfield Hall; £1230 Sleightholme; £1230 Sandbed; £1200 Cardewlees. Blonde – £1340, £1200 Smalmstown. Sim – £1320, £1280 Brisco Hall; £1200 Wardpark. A-A – £1270 (x2) Smalmstown. Hfd – £1240 Town Head. BS –£1220 Brisco Hall.

Weaned cattle – Heifers – Lim – £1330, £1290, £1270 Horsleyhill Farm Cottage; £1080, £950 (x2), £910 (x3) Barwhanny; £1010 Sarkshields; £950 High Thorn; £920 Cherry Tree. BB – £980 Castle Nook; £960 Horsleyhill Farm Cottage; £950 Low;£810 Hexham Gardens; £800 Cherry Tree;£800 East Nethershields. A-A – £960 Brackenthwaite; £950 Barwhanny; £780 Hexham Gardens; £730 Town Head. Saler – £960, £850 Town Head. Char – £910 Castle Nook; £880 Harbarrow. Hfd – £750 Barwhanny. Mont – £740 (x2) East Nethershields. Sim – £740 Hollybarn.

Steers – A-A – £1260, £1060 (x2) Brackenthwaite. Lim – £1190 Horsleyhill; £1080, £900 Barwhanny; £990 Blue Gables; £850 Middle Brownrigg. Saler – £940, £890 Town Head. Hfd – £890 Barwhanny. Char – £790 (x2), £730 Castle Nook. HF – £770 Hollybarn. BS – £700 The Crescent. BB – £690 Hollybarn.

Bulls – Lim – £1240 Blue Gables; £1130 (x3), £1050 Muirhouse. A-A – £960 (x2) Bridge End. BB – £600 (x5) Lambfield.

Calves – Bulls – BB – £540, £505, £490 (x3) Tempest Tower; £490, £480 Rattra; £480 Round Hill; £470 Petteril Side; £465 Craighouse; £435, £410 Wedholme Hill; £430 Burton House; £430, £410 Torpenhow Hall; £400 Crookdake House; £390 Moorhouse Hall. A-A – £520, £450 (x2) East Drummodie; £480, £460 Aigle Gill; £445 Arlosh House; £440, £365 Wedholme Hill; £390 Bowbridge; £370 Barsalloch; £345 (x3) Rattra; £340, £330 Petteril Side. Lim – £505, £495 Round Hill; £400 Aigle Gill; £380, £310 Barsalloch Farms; £355 Priory; £355 Tarn Lodge; £330 Hargill House; £325 Burton House. Sim – £490, £450 East Drummodie. Char – £480 East Drummodie; £480, £430, £350 Barsalloch Farms. HF – £390 Barsalloch Farms.

Heifers – BB – £465, £405 Tempest Tower; £465 Low; £450 Round Hill; £400, £395, £340, £325, £310 Wedholme Hill, £370, £365 Petteril Side; £365 Crookdake House; £340 Burton House; £330 Bowbridge; £320 Dykehead; £305 Becklees; £300 Rattra. Lim – £450, £380 Barsalloch Farms; £410 Aigle Gill; £350 (x2), £300 Priory. A-A – £340, £335 Aigle Gill; £340 (x2), £325 East Drummodie; £340 (x2) Rattra;£335 Evening Hill; £330 Wedholme Hill; £320 Evening Hill; £310 Petteril Side.


A buoyant demand was met at Craig Wilson's store cattle sale, where bullocks and heifers cashed in at 268.6p per kg and 259.2p respectively.

Bullocks sold to £1730 for an Aberdeen-Angus from Caprington, and to 301.6p for Limousins from Fleminghill.

A Limousin from Auchentibbert, led the heifer trade at £1640 and 315.4p.

On Tuesday the firm sold 71 calves and stirks to a top of £920 for a Limousin cross bullock stirk from Drumfork, and to £875 for an Aberdeen-Angus cross from Main Street.

Calves peaked at £520 for a Saler cross bull from Messrs Buchanan, Wee Carleton, with heifers realising £510 for a pair of Saler crosses from the same home.

Leading Prices

Store cattle – Bullocks – A-A – £1730 Caprington; £1700, £1680 Clevance; £1625 Caprington; £1550 Little Ittington; £1510 Creechan Park; £1470 Caprington; £1460 Rowanhill. Lim – £1710, £1670, £1570, £1450 Waterside; £1400, £1390 Dormieston; £1360, £1320 Blackbyres; £1340 South Biggart; £1320 Kirminnoch; £1230 Caprington; £1200 Little Ittington. Hfd – £1480, £1220 Creechan Park. BB – £1450 Dormieston; £1325 Brocklie; £1285 Kirminnoch; £1240 Blackbyres. Char – £1400 Laigland; £1120 Hallowshean. Frie – £1340 Dormieston; £1330 Borland; £1285 Dormieston; £1150 South Biggart; £1110 Bowhouse. BS – £1220 Caprington; £1100 Chipperlagan.

Heifers – Lim – £1640, £1600, £1575, £1460 Auchentibbert; £1440 Dormieston; £1340 Waterside; £1260 Dormieston; £1230 Blackbyres. Hfd – £1575, £1545 Newhouse; £1010 Knockshinnoch. BS – £1480, £1380 Broomfield. Char – £1480 Auchentibbert; £1380 Castle Sinniness; £1295, £1190 Mackiesmill. A-A – £1275 Woodside; £1260 Creechan Park; £1100 Bourtreebush. BB – £1210 Dormieston.

Calves – Bulls – Salers X – £520 Wee Carleton. BB X – £480 Netherholm; £460, 3445 Over Enoch; £440, £400 (x2) Netherholm. A-A X – £450 (x2) Wellhouse; £450 Ballochmartin; £420 Wellhouse. BS – £390 Meadowbank. HF – £290 Kaimhill.

Heifer – Saler X – £510 x2 and £480 Wee Carleton. Limousin Cross: £460 Ballochmartin. Aberdeen Angus Cross: £410 and £300 Kaimhill. British Blue Cross: £400 Wellhouse, £390 Over Enoch. Hereford Cross: £290 and £280 Philgowan.

Stirks – Bullock – Lim X – £920 Drumfork. BB X – £900 South Palmerston. A-A X – £880 Main Street.

Heifer – A-A X – £875 Main Street. BS – £770, £760 Balig.


The show prize winners were in the money at United Auctions' sale of 116 calves, where the champion, a 504kg Limousin cross heifer made the top price of £1700 for Charlie McMillan, Ardbeg, Port Ellen, which was purchased by the judge George McFadzean, Woodhead of Mailer, Perth.

The same home sold a pen of three 416kg Limousins at 361p.

The reserve champion, a 471kg Limousin bullock also from Charlie McMillan, Ardbeg, made £1550 and 329p.

Heifers averaged 276.9p/kg (+49.65p), with bullocks cashing in at 276.9p/kg (+52.89p).

Leading Prices

Bullocks – A-A X – Blackrock £1350; Eskinish (x3) £1120; Blackrock (x3), Ardbeg (x2) £1000. BS X – Brybruich £1430. Char X – Ardtalla £1230. Lim X – Ardbeg £1550, £1410, (x5) £1350; Blackrock £1330; Ardbeg (x4), (x5) £1320; Blackrock £1300, £1200; Ardbeg (x3) £1160; Blackrock (x4) £1155.

Heifers – A-A X – Brybruich (x4) £1200; Brybruich (x3), Blackrock £1190; Eskinish £1060. BS X – Brybruich £1320. BB X – Blackrock £1240, £1040. Char X – Carrabus £1400, £980. Lim X – Ardbeg £1700, £1500 (x3), £1380, (x5) £1350; Ardbeg (x5), Blackrock (x3) £1240; Blackrock (x2) £1190.

Newton Stewart

Steers and heifers cashed in at 269.8p per kg and 250.5p respectively at Craig Wilson's store cattle sale.

Aberdeen-Angus from J Ferguson, Knockstocks, achieved £1500 for a pair of bullocks, and to £1560 for a heifer.

Limousins led the pence per kg section at 296.10p for a pen of bullocks from W Gemmell, Holm, Kirkcowan, and to 291.9p for a heifer from A McMillan, Garheugh.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – A-A – £1500 Knockstocks; £1320 East Barr. Lim – £1420, £1350, £1235 Glenchamber; £1150 Garheugh. Sim – £1180 Barrachan. Fleck – £1200 Inchparks. Hfd – £1200 Inchparks.

Heifers – A-A – £1560 Kncokstocks. Lim – £1240 Glenchamber; £1150 Garheugh. Parth – £1090 East Barr. Sim – £1070 Airiesknowe. BB – £1175 East Barr. Hfd – £1125 Inchparks.


Charolais crosses from Whiteinches, Pitcaple, secured the top prices at United Auctions' sale of 191 store cattle, when bullocks and heifers achieved 351p per kg and 304p respectively.

Bullocks made £1540 for Shorthorn crosses from Heatheryfield, Cairnie, and to £1590 for Limousin cross heifers from Ballintomb, Dulnain Bridge.

Leading Prices

Bullocks –301-350kg – £960, 284.9p Badentoul, Fordyce. 351-400kg – £1280, 332p Whiteinches, Pitcaple. 401-450kg – £1440, 351p Whiteinches, Pitcaple. 451-500kg – £1480 Ballintomb, Dulnain Bridge; 315p Whiteinches, Pitcaple. 501-551kg – £1530 Kincraigie Farms, Lumphanan; 280.4p Cairnacreoch, New Aberdour. 552-601kg – £1540, 267.8p Heatheryfield, Cairnie.

Heifers – 301-350kg – £960, 298.1p Mains of Shevado, Maud. 351-400kg – £1195 Mains of Shevado, Maud; 304p Whiteinches, Pitcaple. 401-450kg – £1280, 297p Whiteinches, Pitcaple. 451-500kg – £1310, 262p Heatheryfield, Cairnie. 501-551kg – £1380, 263p Heatheryfield, Cairnie. 552-601kg – £1590, 276.5p Ballintomb, Dulnain Bridge.


Charolais bullocks from Jimmy Walton, Flotterton, led Hexham and Northern Marts' weekly store cattle sale at £1880.

Heifer trade was not far behind at £1860 for a Limousin from Alan Ogle, Comb Hill.

The pre-sale champion, a Limousin cross steer, from Philip Robson, Middle Horsleyhope, later realised £1760.

Leading Prices

Steers – Cattle 23-30months – Lim X – £1740 Gibbet House; £1720 Lunns House; £1700 Old Deanham and Make-Me-Rich; £1690 Old Deanham; £1620 Gibbet House; £1590 Lunns House; £1570 Old Deanham; £1560 Old Deanham, Make-Me-Rich and Lunns House; £1540 Low Hall and Gibbet House; £1530 Low Hall and Gibbet House; £1480 Low Hall and East Newham. Char X – £1780 Flotterton; £1680, £1620 Hay-A-Park. A-A X – £1720 Hay-A-Park; £1680 Fairley; £1570 Hollin Close; £1470 Fairley; £1430, £1420 Bankfoot; £1410 Fairley. BS – £1590 Gibbet House. Cattle 17-22months – Lim X – £1710 Dovecote; £1690 Gibbet House; £1660 Square House; £1600 Gibbet House; £1520 Thornton Tower; £1480 Dovecote; £1460 Old Deanham, Dunns Houses and Dovecote. Char X – £1880, £1860, £1850 Flotterton; £1740 Old Deanham; £1700 Flotterton and Hay-A-Park; £1670 Satley; £1650, £1640 Flotterton; £1610 Satley; £1600 Old Deanham. A-A X – £1720, £1680, £1640, £1580 (x2), £1550, £1540, £1510 Heckley High House; £1500 Springwell; £1480 Heckley High House; £1470 Fairley; £1450 Heckley High House. Hfd – £1470, £1360 Gibbet House. Blonde X – £1680 Houselope Grange. Cattle 11-16months – Lim X – £1850 (x3), £1810, £170 (x2) Square House; £1760 Middle Horsleyhope; £1740, £1730 Square House; £1710 Brownsleazes; £1700 Armond Carr; £1560 Quarry House; £1550 Stotsfold and Little Swinburne; £1510 Comb Hills; £1485 Springwell; £1480 Stotsfold. Char X – £1740, £1600, £1590 Hay-A-Park; £1470, £1460, £1440 Gibbet House; £1420 Tenter House; £1400 Hay-A-Park. A-A X – £1700, £1680, £1660, £1600, £1570, £1540, £1520 (x2), £1510, £1500, £1490 Heckley High House. BB – £1435 Woodhead. Sim X – £1590, £1450 Satley. Blonde X – £1810 Brownsleazes; £1740, £1720, £1700 Houselope Grange. Cattle 10 months and under – Lim X – £1560 Pitland Hills; £1480 Stotsfold; £1400 Quarry House; £1340 Pitland Hills; £1290 Woodhead; £1240 Edges Green; £1230 Round Meadows; £1180 Burnbank. BB X – £1060 Dyke Nook.

Heifers – Cattle 23-30months – Lim X – 1630, £1620 Old Deanham; £1610 Make-Me-Rich; £1580 Middle Horsleyhope; £1570 Old Deanham; £1530 East Newham; £1490 Make-Me-Rich. BB X – £1700 Midgehome. A-A X – £1600, £1420 Bankfoot. Cattle 17-22months – Lim X – £1860 Comb Hills; £1550 Springwell; £1510 Hoyles Bottom; £1480 Armond Carr and Springwell. Char X – £1580 East Newham. BB X – £1800, £1700, £1660, £1610 Rusheylaw. Hfd X – £990 China Hall. Cattle 11-16months – Lim X – £1730 Bail Hill; £1710 Grange House; £1650, £1600 Quarry House; £1540 Little Swinburne; £1530 Westerheugh; £1525 Low Eshells; £1510 Bail Hill; £1500 Hoyles Bottom and Thornton Tower; £1490 Springwell; £1480 Brownsleazes; £1470 Little Swinburne and Springwell; £1460 Springwell and Low Eshells; £1450 Springwell. Char X – £1390 Raggetsyke; £1210 Tenter House. BB – £1780 Rusheylaw; £1300 Middle Horsleyhope; £1190 (x3) Cooper House. A-A – £1400, £1360 Braidley. Blonde – £990 Hoyles Bottom. Blonde X – £1460, £1430 Brownsleazes. Cattle 10 months and under – Lim X – £1260 Woodhead; £1215 Whiteside; £1190 Woodhall; £1180 Dyke Nook; £1130 Woodhall.

Young bulls – Lim – £1100 Woodhall. BB – £1500, £1350 (x2) Morley Hill; £1340 Woodhall.

Castle Douglas

On Monday, Wallets Marts sold 170 store cattle, to a top of £1420 and 281.3p per kg for Limousin bullocks from Cardoness Farms.

Montbeliards from Low Drummore, led the heifer trade at £1370 and 235.7p, with Shorthorns from the same home also making £1370.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – Lim – £1420 Cardoness. A-A – £1400, £1210 Low Drummore; £1400 Park of Tongland. Hfd – £1210 Glentoo. BG – £1210 Glentoo. BS – £1210, £1110 Low Drummore. BB – £1210 Glentoo. Mont – £1200 Low Drummore. Sim – £1070, £1000 Mayhaar. Saler – £1090, £1050 Mackilston. Jersey – £1040 Low Drummore.

Heifers – Mont – £1370, £1280 Low Drummore. BS – £1370 Low Drummore. Lim – £1180 Glentoo; £1090, £1080, £1020 _Park of Tongland. Sim – £1090, £1070 Mayhaar. Char – £1070 Poldean. A-A – £1020 Park of Tongland. Jersey – £960 Low Drummore. Cont – £960 Low Drummore. Hfd – £950 Low Mains. Saler – £850 Poldean.


Limousin bullocks led C and D auction marts' sale on Tuesday at £1560 for CT and J Wigham and Sons, Hethermill, Kirklinton.

Charolais heifers from WC and E Bell and Son, Low Houses, Brampton, secured £1530.

Limousin bulls sold to £1470 from WR Sparke and Son, Little Swinburne, Hexham.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – Lim – £1560 Hethermill; £1510, £1480 Little Swinburne; £1400, £1390, £1380 Tinnishall;£1360 Allfornaught and Lingey Field; £1340 Little Swinburne and The Ash; £1330 Hilltop and The Ash; £1320 Grindon Hill and Greensburn; £1320, £1310, £1300 Hilltop. A-A – £1500, £1460, £1420, £1380 Kirkwood Mains; £1350 Underwoodhouse; £1290 Kirkwood Mains; £1280 Border Rigg. BB – £1480 Lingey Field; £1390, £1380, £1360 Mossband Hall; £1340 Laverhay; £1330 Harwood on Teviot; £1300 Mossband Hall. BS – £1430, £1170, £1150, £1130 Cut Thorn. Sim – £1380 Allfornaught; £1300 Grindon Hill; £1270 Allfornaught. Frie – £1320, £1190 Hethermill. Hfd – £1290, £1270 Allfornaught. Char – £1290 Allfornaught.

Heifers – Char – £1530 (x3), £1430 Low Houses. Lim – £1480 Low Houses; £1460 Hilltop; £1410 Tinnishall; £1400, £1390, £1380 Little Swinburne; £1380, £1340 Greensburn; £1340 Tinnishall. BB – £1440 Mossband Hall; £1280 Harwood on Teviot; £1240 Mossband Hall. A-A – £1190 Harwood on Teviot. Sim – £1100 Grindon Hill.

Bulls – Lim – £1470, £1310 Little Swinburne. Char – £1250 Little Swinburne.


On Tuesday, bullocks proved popular at Harrison and Hetherington's sale when Charolais realised £1590 from Messrs Laurie, Carterton, and Limousin attained 310p per kg from Messrs Robson, Laverockhall.

It was the same home that led the heifer trade at £1190 for Charolais from Carterton, whilst Simmental heifers from Maxwellbank, attained 260.2p.

Leading Prices

Steers – Char – £1590, £1500, £1460, £1345, £1305 Carterton. Lim – £1170, £1120 Laverockhall. Sim – £1160, £1070 Maxwellbank. A-A – £1050, £1010, £920 Justenlees.

Heifer – Char – £1190 Carterton. A-A – £1050 Mackilston; £1040 Justenlees. Sim – £950 Maxwellbank. Saler – £990 Mackilston. Lim – £970 Laverockhall.