Stirling UA

Bullocks (538) and heifers (362) averaged 272.91p per kg and 266.62p respectively at United Auctions' weekly store cattle sale.

Charolais crosses led the way, when selling to 311.40p per kg for a 440kg bullock from Helentongate, and to 307.70p for a 416kg heifer from Milrig,

Among the per head section a top call of £1900 was paid for a 734kg Aberdeen-Angus cross from Easter Langhill, and to £1760 for a 580kg Simmental cross from Dalquhurn.

Young bulls (16) cashed in at 232.13p and sold to 251.30p for a Limousin cross from Eastmill, and to £1340 for a Hereford cross from Hillend.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – A-A – Easter Langhill £1900, £1880; Balgreggie 306.00p; Harestonehill £1745; Killellan 305; Gatehead £1605; East Doura 302.60p; Bowhouse £1540; Balwherrie 300.50p; Oakersdyke and Clochkeil £1525; Harestonehill 295.80p. BS – West Broadmoss £1545, £1360, £1295, 280.30p, 279.80p, 270.10p. Char – Middleton £1615; Helentongate 311.40p; Clegside £1600; Mid Craigton 307.50p; Middlegate £1590; Milrig 302.60p; Clegside £1560; Middlegate 300.80p, 295.50p; Middlegate £1540; Clegside 295.40p. Lim – Gillandersland £1720, £1690; Midtown 310.60p; Middleton £1615; Helentongate 308.50p; Bughtknowes £1600; Clegside 305.50p; Wester Mye £1575; Midtown 305.40p; Succothmore £1570; Harstonehill 302.40p. Sim – Gillandersland £1840; Midtown 310.60p; Dalquhurn £1820; Balwherrie 305.10p; Gillandersland £1760; Harestonehill 302.40p; Clegside and Gillandersland £1720; Balwherrie 299.50; Gillandersland £1690; Dalquhurn 297.40p. BB – Gillandersland £1750, £1610; Broadstone 290.60p; Wester Mye £1570; Gillandersland 274.70p; Clegside £1450; Broadstone 274.00p; Clochkeil £1420; Broadstone 274.00p. Luing – Easter Langhill £1660; Strathmore 288.10p; Strathmore £1400, £1360, £1340, £1260, 286.30p, 282.10p, 271.60p, 266.30p. Mont – Knockeffrick £1335, £1300 (x2), £1285, 256.00p. STX – Strathmore £1400, £1360, £1340, £1260, 288.10p, 286.30p, 282.10p, 271.60p.

Heifers – A-A – Coxhill £1465, 290.70p; Knockeffrick £1435; Killellan 289.90p; Cannee £1420; Coxhill 287.80p; Gatehead £1400; Knockeffrick 278.80p, 378.10p; Bowhouse £1390; Mindork 276.60p. BB – Gatehead £1455; Little Auchengibbert 273.00p; Broadstone £1310; Nether Craig 272.70p, 271.90p; Westerboard £1280; Broadstone 271.80p. BS – Lawfield £1260; Gateside 261.50p; Ardgate £1215, 257.40p. Sim – Dalquhurn £1760, £1700, £1640, £1480, 303.40p, 301.50p, 293.10p, 279.60. Lim – Middleton £1660, £1540; Milrig 302.50p, 302.20p; Milrig £1500, £1390; Helentongate 300.00p; High Craichmore £1390; Milrig 294.80p. Saler – Holms of Caaf £1200; Bedrule 258.10p. Char – Middleton £1540; Milrig 307.70p, 306.20p, 302.40p; Milrig £1535; Middlegate 297.00p; Hilton of Cardross £1490; Milrig 296.40p; Middlegate £1475; Ardgate 295.10p. Hfd – Quarryside £1460; Lamberton 269.70p; Lamberton £1300, 264.50p.

Young bulls – HF – Hillend £1340, 211.40p. BS – Lawfield £1170, 249.50p.


All classes of cattle were dearer on the week at Harrison and Hetherington's weekly store cattle sale, with trade reaching £1800 for Beef Shorthorn bullocks from Messrs Robinson, Gelt Hall, Brampton.

Limousins from Messrs Slack, Cockley Bank, led the heifer trade at £1640.

Simmental bulls led the weaned cattle at £1310 from Messrs Goldie, Newbie Mains.

Among the bullocks a top call of £1430 was paid for Limousins from Mr Hill, Whitehill, with the same breed topping the heifers at £1290 from Messrs Harrison, West House.

The weekly sale of calves soared to £620 for a Limousin bull from Messrs Robinson, Burtholme, whilst heifers topped at £520 for a British Blue from Messrs Sharp, Wolsty Hall.

Leading Prices

Store cattle – Steers – BS – £1800, £1600, £1500 Gelt Hall; £1540, £1530 Brisco Hall; £1400 Rye Close. A-A – £1760 Gelt Hall; £1470 Brisco Hall; £1460, £1360 Sandbed; £1420 (x5) Stainton House; £1380 Woodslee; £1365 (x2) Rye Close; £1340 (x2), £1320 Gimmenbie; £1300 Brisco Hall. Hfd – £1730, £1300 Rye Close; £1440, £1400 (x2), £1320 Barnglies. Sim – £1700, £1690, £1500 (x2) Brisco Hall. Char – £1690, £1480,£1455, £1400 (x2) Spout Bank; £1640 Sideway Bank; £1500 Rye Close. Lim – £1600, £1480, £1410 Newby; £1540 Rye Close; £1510 Westray; £1450, £1459 Woodslee; £1450, £1350, £1325, £1300 New House; £1360 Sideway Bank; £1320 (x2) Millrigg; £1305 (x2) The Nook. BB – £1600 The Nook; £1490, £1420 (x3), £1405 (x2) Middle; £1475, £1385 Crookdyke; £1440 Woodslee; £1405 (x2), £1360 Gimmenbie; £1400, £1360, £1350 Bankend; £1400 Southerfield Hall; £1390 (x2), £1350 Rye Close; £1370 Prior Rigg; £1350 Stone House. Frie – £1340 (x2) Harperfield; £1320 (x2) Rye Close. Ayrshire – £1340, £1200 Harperfield. HF – £1240 Westray. Fleck – £1150 (x4) Millrigg. Saler – £940 (x2), £910 Mosshill.

Heifers – Lim – £1640, £1390, £1320 Cockley Bank; £1480, £1320 New House; £1475, £1350 Crookdyke; £1460 Newby; £1440 (x2), £1370, £1360 Woodslee; £1350 Hesket Demain; £1310 Sideway Bank; £1310 (x2) Hawksteel. A-A – £1550, £1480, £1450, £1340 Cockley Bank; £1480, £1350, £1340 Brackenhill Rigg; £1310 Gimmenbie. Char – £1520 Sideway Bank. BB – £1370 Southerfield Hall; £1320 Gimmenbie; £1300 (x4) Cockley Bank; £1295 (x4) Brackenhill Rigg; £1280, £1250 Sandbed. Hfd – £1360, £1280, £1220 (x3), £1200 Cockley Bank. Normande – £1360 Millrigg. BS – £1280 (x2), £1260 West End. Sim – £1110 Millriggs.

Weaned cattle – Steers – Lim – £1430 Whitewall; £960 Glenlea; £890, £820 (x2), £745 Pinegrove; £860, £710 (x2) West House; £850 (x3) Grain Head. A-A – £1170 Border Rigg; £1010, £960 (x2) Housenriggs; £880, £760 (x3), £715 West House; £870 Glenlea; £770 Brackenrigg; £735 (x4) Carsewalloch. HF – £1010 (x3), £790 (x2), £770 Whiteclose Rigg. Fri – £965 Pinegrove. BB – £950, £940 (x3) Rossville; £930, £820 (x2) West House. Saler ­– £890 Pinegrove. Hfd – £810 West House; £730 (x2) Lowther Low Moor. Sim – £760 Glenlea; £710 West House. Fleck – £680 (x3), £640 Lowther Low Moor. Whitebred Shorthorn – £600 West Hous. BG – £550 Brownrigg.

Bulls – Sim – £1310 Newbie Mains; £1120 Moss Grove. A-A – £1270, £1220 Barnglies; £810 Wolsty. Hfd – £1230 Barnglies. Lim – £800 Beech; £690 Gapshields.

Heifers – Lim – £1290, £1090, £1020, £980 West House; £1130 Whitewall; £980 Middle Brownrigg; £890 (x3) Broomhills; £850, £820 (x3) Hudspeth; £810 Pinegrove. Fleck – £1180 Lowther Low Moor. BB – £1160, £930 West House. A-A – £1150, £850, £845 West House; £1040, £940 Bridge View; £890 (x2) Border Rigg; £880 Pinegrove; £850, £845 West House. Sim – £980, £910 Newbie Mains. Frie – £910, £880 West House. Hfd – £900, £835 West House. Swedish Red and White – £890 Broomhills. Saler – £845 West House; £675 Glenlea. Char – £810, £710 Caton Street. BG – £590 Far Brownrigg. Hols – £510 West House.

Calves – Bulls – Lim – £620, £420 Burtholme; £485 Boggle Hall; £460, £430, £405 Windy Hill; £400 Hillend; £390 Bleaberry Rigg. BB – £540 (x3) Tempest Tower; £530 Brunt Hill; £500, £450 Wolsty Hall; £500, £460 Burtholme; £475 Scratchmere Scar; £460, £440 Monks House; £460 (x2), £430 Hazel Head; £435 (x2) High Ploughlands. Char – £460, £425 Auchans. Sim – £430. £410 Meinfoot. A-A – £400 Newtonairds; £400, £380 Wolsty Hall; £390 Buckabank; £225, £200 Eastfield; £220 Harrington Ling; £200 Geltside. HF – £380, £330, £280 (x2), £245 (x2), £220 Newtonairds; £255, £235 The Crescent; £235 (x2) Burtholme; £235 Mayfield; £200 Harrington Ling. Hfd – £200 Low Rigg.

Heifers – BB – £520, £350 Wolsty Hall; £510 (x2), £445 Tempest Tower; £420, £390 Burtholme; £415 Red House; £405 (x2) Mayfield; £400 Boggle Hall; £390 Meinfoot; £370 Monks House; £360 High Ploughlands; £355, £350 (x2) Chalk Lodge; £350 Hazel Head. Lim – £500 Burtholme; £400 (x2) Windy Hill; £400 Boggle Hall; £320 Bleaberry Rigg; £300 Hillend. A-A – £435 Brunt Hill; £380, £300, £290, £285 Wolsty Hall; £280 (x2) Mayfield; £255 High Ploughlands; £255 Auchans; £210 Crookdake Hall. Sim – £230 Meinfoot.


Bullocks led proceedings at Aberdeen and Northern Marts when selling to 370.8p per kg for a 356kg Charolais cross from West Cruichie, Drumblade, and to £1800 for a 646kg Simmental from Rockyden, Meikle Wartle, to average 289.5p.

Cattle from Craigroy, Dallas, led the heifers at 326.8p for a 456kg Charolais cross and to £1760 for a 578kg Limousin cross, to cash in at 288.4p.

Bulls (24) averaged 236p and sold to 287.8p for a pair of 344kg Limousins from Kirkhill, Alves, and to £1780 for a 822kg Charolais from Kinclune, Glenkindie.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – Up to 350kg – West Cruichie £1120, 324.4p. 351-400kg – West Cruichie £1320; Upper Ashalloch 306.7p. 401-450kg – Fichlie £1480, 349.3p. 451-500kg – Fichlie £1585, 324.8p. 501-550kg – Hillview £1685, 312p. 551-600kg – Hillview £1760; Rockyden 301.7p. 601-650kg – Lower Cushieston £1790, 290.7p. 651-700kg – Corston £1760, 265.9p.

Aberdeen-Angus – Bullocks – Up to 450kg – Kincraigie Farms £1295, 299.8p. 451-500kg – Kincraigie Farms £1410, 303.9p. 501-550kg – Kincraigie Farms £1565, 298.8p. 551-600kg – Braeside £1680, 280.9p. 601-650kg – Corston £1760, 275.9p.

Heifers – Up to 350kg – East Cruichie £950, 279.4p. 351-400kg – Fichlie £1250, 315.7p. 401-450kg – Upper Ashalloch £1350, 306.8p. 451-500kg – Craigroy £1550; West Cruichie 326.8p. 501-550kg – Craigroy £1575, 297.2p. 551-600kg – Hillview £1690; Craigroy 304.5p.

Aberdeen-Angus – Heifers – Up to 400kg – Kincraigie Farms £1090, 273.9p. 401-450kg – Kincraigie Farms £1295, 290.2p. 451-500kg – Kincraigie Farms £1410, 291.3p. 501-550kg – Perkhill House £1370, 269.7p. 551-600kg – Kincraigie Farms £1620, 283.2p.

Bulls – Up to 300kg – Dundurcas £580, 278.8p. 301-350kg – Kirkhill, Alves £990, 287.8p. 351-400kg – Dundurcas £990; Soth Breck 261.1p. 401-450kg – Whitehouse £1010; Glenurquhart 228.8p. 451-500kg – Kinclune £1190, 262.1p. 501-550kg – South Breck £1165, 224p. 551-600kg – Kinclune £1290, 218.6p. 601-650kg – Kinclune £1330, 217.3p.


A joint top price of £1475 was achieved at Mitchell auctions' store cattle sale, firstly for a Stabiliser steer from RL and CP Clark, Stone Ends, Hesket New Market, and again for a British Blue heifer from IR and JM Fearon, Frizington Hall, Frizington.

Leading Prices

Store cattle – Steers – Stab – £1475 Stone Ends. A-A – £1395 Stone Ends; £1155 Old Kiln; £1145, £1125 Lowfields; £1015, £1000 Old Kiln. Sim – £1225, £1085, £1075(x2) Welcome Nook; £1195, £1185 Millstead. BS – £1125 Row End. Lim – £1065 Row End. BB – £995 Row End; £985 Aikbank.

Heifers – Lim – £1475, £1435 (x2) Frizington Hall. Blonde – £1235 Lowfields. Sim – £1075 Millstead. Char – £1075, £1025 Lowfields.


A sharper trade was met on the week at Penrith and District Farmers’ Mart LLP store cattle sale, with a top call of £1700 paid for a Limousin bullock from R and E Holmes, The Green.

Heifers topped at £1575 for a British Blue cross from DW and TA Bell, High Dyke.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – Lim – £1700, £1665 (x2), £1645, £1615, £1595, £1585, £1545 (x2) The Green; £1675 High Dyke; £1575, £1465 Tilery; £1515, £1475, £1395 (x2) Townend; £1495, £1335, £1275, £1265, £1255, £1195 High Lodore; £1305 Dacre Banks. BB – £1465 High Dyke; £1375 Park Head; £1365 Tilery; £1335, £1245 Dacre Banks; £1155 Yew Tree. A-A – £1445 (x7), £1375 (x2), £1165 Street House; £1295 (x6) Yew Tree. BS – £1175 Dacre Banks. Hfd – £1155 Dacre Banks. Welsh Black – £1125 Howe. Sim – £1125 Thorneycroft.

Heifers – Lim – £1575, £1565, £1475 High Dyke; £1425, £1235 Cliburn Hall; £1385, £1375, £1315, £1305 Side; £1335 The Green; £1315, £1255, £1225, £1155, £1135 Hollins; £1275 High Lodore. BB – £1415 Tilery; £1385 (x3) Park Head; £1325 Yew Tree; £1265 (x2), £1135 (x2) Cliburn Hall. Char – £1495 Tilery; £1375 Dalvorich Cottage. Sim – £1485, £1455 Thorneycroft; £1235 Dalvorich Cottage. A-A – £1385 (x2) Yew Tree; £1155 Dalvorich Cottage; £1125 Roanstrees. BS – £1235, £1195 Moor End. Fleck – £1125 Roanstrees.

Store bulls – Sim – £1275 Bowness.


Hexham and Northern Marts held their weekly sale of 269 catalogued cattle, which reached £1780 for Charolais cross steers from E Potts, Ednorville, Ryton.

A black Limousin cross heifer consigned by R Sinton and Son, White House, Birtley, achieved £1670.00.

Leading Prices

Store cattle – Steers – Cattle 30months – Char X – £1710 Ednorville. Cattle 23-30 months – Lim X – £1670 Endorville; £1450 South. Char X – £1780 Ednorville. A-A – £1480, £1410 South. BB X – £1260 Camphill. Gall X – £1320 South. Cattle 17-22months – Lim X – £1580, £1500 White House; £1470 East Newham; £1460 Camphill. A-A X – £1550, £1540, £1530 (x2), £1510 (x2) Heckley High House. Sim X – £1640 Hill Head. BB X – £1650 Camphill; £1400 Arnold House. Cattle 11-16months – Lim X – £1180, £1140 Longlea. A-A – £1330, £1295 Holystone. A-A X – £1580, £1560, £1530, £1520, £1510, £1500 (x2) Heckley High House. Sim X – £1650, £1440, £1380, £1320 Longlea. Hfd – £830, £810 Three Farms. Cattle 10 months and under – Lim X – £1080 Causey Bridge.

Heifers – Cattle 23-30 months – Lim X – £1300 South. Char X – £1440 South; £1320 Harnham Hall. BB X – £1380, £1310 Arnold House. Sim X – £1340 Hill Head. A-A X – £1140 North Shotton. BS – £1130 Arnold House. Cattle 17-22months – Lim X – £1670 White House; £1490 East Newham; £1310 White House; £1300 South. Char X – £1490 Intake. BB X – £1330, £1300 Arnold House. A-A X – £1360, £1295, £1285 Arnold House. Cattle 11-16months – Lim X – £1090 Causey Bridge. A-A – £1240 Holystone. A-A X – £1380 New Rift; £1220, £1105 Holystone; £1095 The Deans. South Devon – £1030 The Deans. South Devon X – £1140 The Deans.

Young bulls – A-A X – £1200 Holystone.


On Tuesday, Craig Wilson Ltd sold a freshly calved Holstein Friesian at £1400 from Messrs Veitch, Strandhead.

Among the 130 calves and stirks trade reached £1000 for a Shorthorn heifer stirk from Messrs Connell, Balig, with the same breed topping the bullocks at £990 for Messrs Hutton, Loch Fergus.

Aberdeen-Angus crosses led the calves, at £535 for a bull from Messrs Smith, Haysmuir, and to £530 for a heifer from Messrs Gilvear, Graystale

Leading Prices

Calves – Bull – A-A X – £535 Haysmuir; £490 Low Ballees; £470 Haysmuir; £430 (x2) Turnerhill; £400 Boydston; £415, £370 Kaimhill. BB X – £530 Haysmuir; £450 Strandhead; £410 High Weirston; £390, £380, £340 Strandhead. Lim X – £400 Croftfoot and Kilhenzie. Hfd X – £340, £280 Balgowan.

Heifer – A-A X – £530 Graystale; £490 (x2) Haysmuir; £460 Low Ballees; £430, £380 Towerhill; £375 Kaimhill; £370 Boydston; £310 Boydston and Towerhill. BB X – £460 Haysmuir. Lim X – £410 Haysmuir. Sim X – £360 Kaimhill. Hfd X – £360 (x2), £350 Boydston; £290 (x2) Balgowan. Char X – £340 Craig.

Stirks – Bullock – BS – £990, £980 Loch Fergus. A-A X – £900 Loch Fergus. BB X – £900 Burnton. Jersey X – £790 Watston. Char X – £760 Kilhenzie. Ayrshire X – £710 Loch Fergus.

Heifer – BS – £1000 Balig; £890 Loch Fergus. Sim X – £810 Loch Fergus; £720 Ravenscroft. A-A X – £800 Loch Fergus; £740 Main Street. Char X – £700 Kilhenzie. Lim X – £70 Drummullan.