Stirling UA

Bullocks (623) and heifers (328) averaged 275.36p per kg and 259.32p respectively at United Auctions' weekly store cattle sale.

Limousins led the bullock trade at 316.70p for a 341kg Limousin cross from Gateside and to £1790 for a 606kg entry from Patrickston.

Heifers sold to 304.50p for a 440kg Charolais cross from Waterside, and to £1795 for a 596kg Limousin cross from Patrickston.

Young bulls (11) averaged 240.99p and sold to 267.80p for a British Blue cross from Laighpark and to £1190 for a Charolais cross from The Ross.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – A-A – West Dron £1760, 304.50p; Oakersdyke £1710; Over Newton 301.90p; Forerogerton £1620; Nether South Bar 294.80p; East Balscalloch £1550; Balbirnie 293.30p; Nether South Bar £1530; East Balscalloch 292.20p; West Dron £1515; Pennygown 289.70p; Oakersdyke and Gateside £1490; West Dron 289.10p. BS – West Dron £1580, 291.10p, 289.60p, 288.40p, 286.40p, 285.20p, 276.50p; East Balscalloch £1510; Nether South Bar 274.80p; West Dron £1495, 274.20p, 273.20p; Nether South Bar £1470; Lochend 269.70p. Char – Shortrigg £1660; West Park 309.90p; Drumblair £1640; Wynd 305.30p; Gateside £1620; Drumblair 304.00p; Torbrex £1590; West Dron 301.60p; Nether South Bar £1535, £1510; Shortrigg and West Park 299.60. Lim – Patrickston £1790, £1775; Gateside 316.70p; Mollandhu £1775, Balgray 307.80p; Patrickston £1770, 304.10p; Nether South Bar £1750; Mollandhu 302.90p; Mollandhu £1745; Pennygown 302.10p. Sim – East Pitcorthie £1770' Torbrex 308.60p; Mollandhu £1700' Over Newton 301.90p, 300.20p; Torbrex, West Dron and East Pitcorthie £1680; West Dron 293.90p; Balbirnie £1640, 293.30p. BB – Forerogerton £1700; Gateside 298.10p; Carskerdo £1640; Pennygown 289.70p; Gateside £1550; Pennygown 286.90p; Kaemuir £1465; Gateside 284.00p; Carskerdo £1400; Pennygown 278.20p. Luing – East Balscalloch £1320, 266.10p. Saler – Mollandhu £1760, £1700, £1690; West Dron 295.40p, 295.00p; West Dron £1550; Balbirnie 293.30p; East Balscalloch £1520; Gateside 291.40p; West Dron £1465 (x3), £1400, 288.60p, 281.70p. Hfd – West Dron £1615, 291.00p; Carskerdo £1420; Gateside 268.80p; Gateside and East Balscalloch £1215; Pennygown 278.20p.

Heifers – A-A – Easter Langhill £1710, £1650; Muirhouses 289.30p; Haughhead and Easter Langhill £1580; Easter Langhill 289.00p, 288.30p; East Balscalloch £1480; Over Newton 285.70p; Easter Langhill £1410; Easter Langhill 285.20p. BB – Farden £1605, 298.90p; Haughhead £1390; Pennygown 289.10, 284.90p. BS – Middlegate £1245, 262.10p; Middlegate £1170, 257.10p. Sim – Balbirnie £1650, £1580; Middlegate 291.90p; Temples £1540; Torbrex 289.80p, 288.10p, 285.40p, 284.20p; Torbrex £1500; Middlegate 282.00p; Mains £1490; Torbrex 281.60p; Middlegate £1480, 2814p, 271.60p. Lim – Patrickston £1795; Forerogerton 304.20p; Farden £1745, £1740; Muirhouses 303.70p, 303.30p; Patrickston £1730, 302.30p; Forerogerton £1685; Patrickston 301.20p; Muirhouses £1640; Farden 298.90p. Saler – Middlegate £1460, 288.00p, 287.30p, 286.30p; Balbirnie £1440, 268.70p; Middlegate £1405, £1390; Wynd 260.70p, 254.70p, 254.60p. Char – Torbrex £1475; Middlegate 304.50p; Mains £1420; Wynd 294.30p; Middlegate £1380, £1340, 293.60p. Hfd – Haughhead £1715; Middlegate 288.00p, 271.30p; Middlegate £1400, £1390; Haughhead 242.20p. Luing – Langhill £1350, £1340; Easter Langhill 260.10p.

Young bulls – BB – Laighpark £1130; 267.80p. Char – The Ross £1190, 254.30p.


More than 400 cattle went under the hammer at Harrison and Hetherington's weekly sale, where a Limousin cross steer from Messrs Stainton, The Garth, Carlisle, led proceedings at £1930.

Heifers reached £1820 for Limousin crosses from Messrs Wells, Hall Garth.

Among the weaned cattle, a Limousin bulls led the way at £1950 for Messrs Knox, Cragside.

Limousins led the bullocks and heifers, having sold to £1190 for bullocks from Messrs Mattinson, Burthwaite, and to £1160 for heifers from Messrs Ackerley, Henrys Hill.

Weekly calves sold to £650 for British Blue bulls from Messrs Naylor, Hill Green, the same home topped the heifers at £590.

LEADING prices

Store cattle – Steers – Lim – £1930, £1660 The Garth; £1740 (x3) Newtown; £1720 Crookdyke; £1670 (x3) High House; £1540 Stainton House; £1490, £1365 (x4) Stone Flatts; £1475, £1370 Crosshill Farmhouse; £1460 Hall Garth; £1390 Cranberry; £1380 Flothers; £1350 (x3) Carleton Demense; £1350, £1310 (x2) Hesket Demain; £1330 Sorrow Stones. Sim – £1850, £1730, £1490 (x2), £1410, £1375 New House; £1590, £1540 (x2), £1450, £1430 Brisco Hall; £1440 Knocknain. Char – £1790 Newbampton; £1740 Mary Street; £1700, £1580 Sideway Bank; £1540, £1530, £1465, £1425, £1390 Spout Bank; £1480 Stenries View. BB – £1720 (x2), £1650 (x2), £1590 (x3), £1570 Yew Tree; £1600 (x2) Newbampton; £1600 Hall Garth; £1590, £1560, Flothers, £1580 Knocknain Farm, £1550 Crosshill Farmhouse £1540 Stenries View £1540 £1430 Stone Flatts; £1530 (x2) Mary Street; £1490 Newbampton; £1480 Down by Rigg; £1470 (x2), £1450 (x3), £1430 Cranberry; £1410 Sandbed. A-A – £1580, £1460, £1350, £1345 Brisco Hall; £1490 Stenries View; £1430, £1425 Flothers; £1420 (x4) Stainton House; £1410 Gimmenbie; £1400 (x3) Cranberry; £1370 Harwood on Teviot; £1365 Stone House; £1360, £1300 (x3) Stone Flatts; £1330 Hesket Demain. Hfd – £1550, £1460, £1390 Barnglies; £1350 Cranberry; £1330 Knocknain. BS – £1435 Barnglies. Fleck – £1400 Limekilns. SD – £1370, £1345 (x2) High Boonwood. Mont – £1290, £1280 High Drum. Norwegian Red – £1280 High Drum. Frie – £1280, £1200, £1100 Fordlands; Gelvieh £1230 (x2) Parceltown. Danish Red – £1180, £1050 High Drum. Blue Grey – £1160 (x2) Tod Bank. Dairy Shorthorn – £1150 Fordlands. HF – £1095 Knocknain; £1050 Crookdyke; £1020 (x2) Whinney Hill. Hols – £1050 (x3), £905 (x4) High Drum. Jersey – £1010 High.

Heifers – Lim – £1820 (x2) Hall Garth; £1780 The Garth; £1710 (x4) Hutton Roof; £1440 Crookdake; £1410 Crosshill Farmhouse; £1380, £1360 Stubsgill; £1300 Parcelstown; £1270 (x2) Cranberry; £1270 Burn House; £1255 Stenries View; £1230 Knocknain; £1225 (x3) Carlatton Demense. BB – £1670 New House; £1480, £1400 Marina House; £1480 Crookdyke; £1430, £1390 (x2) Stenries View; £1430, £1380 Hall Garth; £1410 Highwood; Sandbed; £1380 Stone House; £1370 (x6) Cranberry; £1370 Gimmenbie; £1360 Highwood; £1350 (x3) Prior Rigg. Char – £1490, £1390 Sideway Bank; £1410 Mossband Hall; £1330 Prior Rigg. Sim – £1490, £1390 New House; £1460, £1340, £1245 Stenries View; £1385 Knocknain. Hfd – £1490, £1480, £1320 Barnglies; £1320 (x2), £1300 (x2) Wydon Eals. A-A – £1440 (x4) Knocknain; £1420 Stenries View; £1310 Wydon Eals; £1290 Gimmenbie; £1220 Limekilns, Gelvieh; £1250 Parceltown. HF – £1080 Knocknain.

Weaned cattle – Bulls – Lim – £1950, £1450 Cragside. Sim – £1260, £1080 (x2) High Griseburn. BB – £1120 Sorrow Stones. HF – £610 (x5), £520 (x4) High Whinnow. Frie – £540 Highwood Nook.

Steers – Lim – £1190 Burthwaite; £900 Low Sorbies. Char – £1180 High Rigg. A-A – £1140 (x2) High Rigg; £950 Wreay Hall Mill; £790 New House; £780 Moss Side; £745 Flatt; £740 (x6) Whiteclose Rgg; £735 (x2) Carsewalloch; £700 (x2) Moss House. Sim – £1040 (x2) West House; £1030 (x2) Westfield Cottage. BB – £980, £970 (x3), £920 (x2) Asby Mill; £960 (x2) Flatt; £900 Whiteclose Rigg. Frie – £820, £790, £770 Thornbank. HF – £790 Carsewalloch; £715 (x6) Whiteclose Rigg.

Heifers – Lim – £1160 (x2) Henrys Hill; £1100, £890 Burthwaite; £900 Wreay Hall Mill; £820 Westfield Cottage; £800 West Place; £760 Low Sorbies. Fleck – £1130 (x3), £1030 (x2) Greyrigg. Char – £1050 Burthwaite; £810 Cooper House. A-A – £1020 Whiteclose Rigg; £950 High Rigg; £695 Flatt; £690 West Heddon; £630 (x3) Caton Street. Sim – £890 (x2) West Place; £880 (x2), £800 (x2) West Heddon. BB – £880 West Heddon; £870 (x2) Flatt; £860 Cooper House; £810 Westfield Cottage; £800 Cooper House. Hfd – £690 West Heddon.

Cows and calves – Hfd – £1200 Parkside. Sim – £1180 Parkside.

Calves – Bulls – BB – £650 Hill Green; £580 £560 Sockbridge Hall; £495 (x3) Tempest Tower; £455, £390 Greigsland; £450 Mayfield; £445 High Ploughlands; £435 Kelsick House; £430 Dormansteads; £420, £410, £390 Chalk Lodge; £410 Ladywells; £400, £390 East Scales. A-A –£475 (x2), £410, £390 High Ploughlands; £425, £410 Moss Side House; £415 Mayfield; £410, £385 Ladywells; £370 Gillespie; £360, £300 Dormansteads. Stab – £470, £395 Sockbridge Hall. Sim – £440 Barnsallie. Lim – £440 Kelsick House; £435, £430 (x2), £420 Kirtle Vale; £385 (x2), £370 Greigsland; £320 Torpenhow Hall; £305 High Burn. Mont – £400, £370 (x3), £340 Gillespie. Fleck – £395, £365, £360 (x2), £340 (x2) Portyerrock.

Heifers – BB – £490 Hill Green; £480, £425 Sockbridge Hall; £460, £365 High Ploughlands; £450 Tempest Tower; £430 Gillespie; £400, £380 Moss Side House; £390, £380, £310 Mayfield; £350 Dormanstead; £350 Greigsland; £300 (x2) Chalk Lodge. Lim – £480, £450 Hill Green; £440, £410 Chapelcroft; £395 High Ploughlands; £365, £340 (x2) Kelsick House. Char – £400 Gillespie. A-A – £390 Tempest Tower.


Charolais from Messrs Laurie, Carterton, proved popular at Harrison and Hetherington's store cattle sale when bullocks and heifers reached £1430 and £1230 respectively.

Among the pence per kg Charolais led proceedings with a top price of 280p paid for bullocks from Messrs McTurk, Glenshimmerock, and to 270p for heifers again from Messrs Laurie, Carterton.

LEADING prices

Steers – Char – £1430, £1300, £1160, £1060 (x2) Carterton; £1280 (x2), £1070 Glenshimmerock. Sim – £1120 Muirhead. Hfd – £1080 Maxwellbank; £1000, £830, £810 Waterhead. Saler – £1040 (x2), £940 Glenshimmerock.

Heifers – Char – £1230, £1060 (x2) Carterton. A-A – £1110 Glenshimmerock; £1040 Logan Mains; £1010, £800, £800, £760 Fingland. Sim – £1055 Muirhead. Hfd – £940 Maxwell Bank. Saler – £930 Glenshimmerock.


A larger offering of 809 store cattle came under the hammer for Craig Wilson's auction market, with a top call of £1820 paid for a pair of Limousin cross bullocks off C Taylor and Son, South Walton, with bullocks averaging £1214.

Heifers sold to £1800 for a Limousin cross from W Farquhar, Trees, with this section cashing in at £1109.

On Tuesday, the firm held their weekly sale of 121 calves and stirks, which soared to £1240 for a pair of Simmental cross heifers from Messrs Stevenson and Son, Auchenflower, whilst a Limousin cross bullock made £1180 for Messrs Sutherland, Rosemount.

A joint top call of £700 was achieved among the calves, firstly for a Charolais cross bull and again for an Aberdeen-Angus cross bull both coming from Elizabeth Gemmell, Dunduff.

Heifer calves sold to £590 for a pair of British Blue crosses from A and E Parker, Merkland.

Also forward were 131 breeding cattle which sold to £2950 for a Limousin cow with bull calf at foot from Auchenflower, the same home led the heifers and calves at £2500.

Bulls topped at 2100gns for an Aberdeen-Angus from Old Land.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – Lim – £1820 South Walton; £1590 Knockterra and Little Ittington; £1550 Little Ittington; £1530South Walton; £1480 Kilhenzie; £1460 Muirlaught; £1450 West High Ardwell; £1440 South Walton; £1430 Blackbyres and Mossend. BB X –£1780, £1690 West High Ardwell; £1620 Stafflar; £1580 Boylston; £1540 West High Ardwell. BS X – £1700 Creagraineach; £1680 Benston; £1570, £1520 Creagraineach. Sim X – £1660 Adamcroft; £1580 Caprington; £1570 Stevenston; £1550 Muirlaught. A-A X – £1640 Benston; £1490 Lindsayston; £1480 Caprington. Char X – £1640 Slatehole; £1520 Dustyhall. Wagyu – £1630 Killochhead. Mont X – £1090 Maryport; £1060 Hilhenzie. Hfd – £1570, £1460 MacManniston; £1460 Muirlaught; £1440 Laigh Corton. Black and White – £1220 Bankhead; £1130 Little Auchengibbert.

Heifers – Lim X – £1800 Trees; £1670 Bogany; £1590 Auchentibbert; £1480 Dykefield; £1450, £1420 Auchentibbert; £1400 Bogany; £1360 Knockterra; £1500 Stafflar; £1480 West High Ardwell; £1460 Rigghead. Char X – £1580 Boreland;£1550 Slatehole; £1450 Auchentibbert; £1450 Boreland and Dranigower; £1420 Hemphill. A-A X – £1420 Boreland; £1400 Knowe, Laigh Drumdow and Bankhead; £1390 Mackailston. Sim X – £1550 Stevenston; £1500 Auchentibbert. Flec – £1360 Drumsmodden. Wagyu – £1340 Killochhead.

Calves – Bulls – Char X – £700 Dunduff; £590 Traboyack. A-A X – £700 Dunduff; £530 (x2) Merkland; £495, £415 Low Wardneuk; £380 Graystale; £450 Drumdow. Lim X – £610 Craighead; £560 West Brockloch; £420 East Lands. Saler X – £470 Balsaggart. Sim X – £430 Graystale. BB X – £600, £510 (x2) Low Barledziew; £410 Broadhead; £390 Over Enoch.

Heifer – BB X – £590 (x2) Merkland; £510 Low Barledziew; £420 Over Enoch; £390 Whiteflat; £380 Over Enoch; £340 Whiteflat. A-A X – £490 (x2) Merkland; £460 East Montgarswood. BS – £340 Broomfield. Hfd X – £310 Lessnessock.

Stirks – Bullock – Lim X – £1180, £1090 Rosemount. A-A X – £890 West Mosside.

Heifer – Sim X – £1240 Auchenflower. Lim X – £1200 Rosemount. A-A X – £900 Rosemount. Hfd X – £900 Bogside.

Breeding cattle – Bulls – Saler – 2000gns Dalfask. A-A – 2100gns Old Land. BS – 1700gns Benslie.

Heifers and calves – Lim – £2200 (x2) Mid Skeog; £2150 Auchenflower; £2500 (x2), £2300 Auchenflower. A-A – £1800 Auchenflower; £1700 South Corton; £1750 Barward; £1700 Auchenflower. Fleck – £1750 Philgowan. Sim – £1700 Bruntland.

Cows and calves – Lim – £2950, £2300, £2200, £2000 Auchenflower; £2050 Ballycurrie; £1750 Ardoch; £2550, £2150, £2050,£2000 Auchenflower. A-A – £2350 Auchenflower; £1900 Mid Skeog; £2200, £2050, £2000 Auchenflower; £1700 Ardoch. Saler – £2250, £1850 Auchenflower. Sim – £2100 Auchenflower. BB – £1950, £1880 Auchenflower; £1900 Auchenflower. Luing – £1650, £1620 Ardoch.


A Limousin bullock stirk led proceedings at Penrith and District Farmers’ Marts' fortnightly sale of 238 rearing calves and stirks, when selling at £980 for RG and TB Wilson, Scales.

Bull stirks reached £845 for Limousins from Scales, whilst heifers peaked at £765 for British Blues from Fox Tower View.

Calves met a good trade too with an Aberdeen-Angus bullock topping at £400 from JP and DL Simpson, Knock Cross, whilst heifers realised £385 for British Blues from Nether Colinhurst.

LEADING prices

Stirks – Bullock – Lim – £980 Scales. BB – £840, £700 (x2) Petteril Bank; £775, £730 (x2) Fox Tower View; £680 Lamonby Hall. A-A – £540, £485 Moss Knowe; £465 Galemire House. Black and White – £400 (x3) Lamonby Hall.

Bull – Lim – £845 (x2), £825, £750 (x2) Scales; £730 Petteril Grange; £530 (x4), £490 (x4), £460 (x3) Cliburn Hall. BB – £745 Petteril Grange; £740, £710 (x3), £685 (x3), £670 (x2), £650 (x2) Blunderfield East. Black and White – £360 Blunderfield East.

Heifer – BB – £765 Fox Tower View; £640, £600, £580 Frizington Parks. Lim – £700 Holme Lea; £560 (x2) Frizington Parks. A-A – £610 (x3) Petteril Bank; £450 Galemire House; £445 (x5) Plumpton Foot. BG – £400 (x2) Nutholm.

Calves – Bulls – BB – £570, £560 Sockbridge Hall; £570 Brookside; £490 The Ling (Donald); £450 Blunderfield East; £385, £375, £360 Monks House. Lim – £510, £445 (x2) Lodge; £505 Yew Tree; £365, £350 High Grounds; £365, £340 Skirwith Abbey; £350 (x2), £340 Auldby; £330 Knock Cross. A-A – £400 Knock Cross; £340, £295, £290, £280 Bridge End; £330, £300 Brackenburgh Home. Stab – £380, £375, £360 Sockbridge Hall. Wagyu – £320 Sockbridge Hall. Hfd – £300 High Grounds. Black and White – £285 (x5) Auldby; £202 Bridge End; £225 (x2) Blunderfield East; £225 Skirwith Abbey; £140 Brackenburgh Home. Mont – £245 (x4), £210 (x2) Bridge End. Longhorn – £170 Bridge End.

Heifer calves – BB – £385 (x2), £375 Nether Colinhurst; £385 Knock Cross; £340, £300 Sockbridge Hall; £320, £300 Monks House; £270 Brackenburgh Home. A-A – £350 Nether Colinhurst; £245 Brookside. Lim – £295 Lodge; £240 (x2) Skirwith Abbey. Stab – £285, £280 (x2) Sockbridge Hall. Hfd – £250, £220 High Grounds; £250 Melmerby Mill.


Bullocks (208) and heifers (221) averaged 280.3p per kg and 279.7p respectively at Aberdeen and Northern Marts' sale of 495 store cattle.

Limousin crosses led the heifer trade at 355.6p for a 360kg entry from Heads of Auchinderran, Keith, and to £1920 for a 694kg heifers from East Massater, South Ronaldsay.

Bullocks sold to 333.3p for a 420kg British Blue from Balgairn, Balleter and to £1835 for a 602kg Limousin from Pittenkerrie, Glassel.

Bulls (17) sold to 279.8p for three 504kg Charolais from Miltown of Collieston, Ellon, and to £1800 for 710kg Limousin from Tullo of Garvock, Laurencekirk.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – Up to 300kg – St Sairs £895, 317.4p. 301-350kg – Balgairn £1050; St Sairs 314.9p. 351-400kg – Heads of Auchinderran £1190, 323.4p. 401-450kg – Heads of Auchinderran £1410; Balgairn 333.3p. 451-500kg – Messigate £1570, 316.5p. 501-550kg – Mosside of Ballinshoe £1700, 311.4p. 551-600kg – Mosside of Ballinshoe £1785, 309.9p. 601-650kg – Burnbank House £1800; Pittenkerrie 304.8p. 651-700kg – Crannabog £1800, 269.5p.

Heifers – Up to 300kg – St Sairs £795, 296.6p. 301-350kg – Balgairn £990; St Sairs 319.4p. 351-400kg – Heads of Auchinderran £1290, 330.8p. 401-450kg – Balgairn £1500, 333.3p. 451-500kg – Tullo of Garvock £1620, 330.6p. 501-550kg – Lower Hobbister £1600, 312.6p. 551-600kg – Mosside of Ballinshoe £1700; Broadland, Cairnie 289.6p. 651-700kg – East Massater 276.7p.

BVD heifers – Up to 450kg – Heatherhouse £1210, 288.1p. 451-500kg – Hillocks £1750; Cottown, Rhynie 323.3p. 501-550kg – Dounby £1800, 347.5p. 551-600kg – Hillocks £1670; Muirhouses 318.8p.

Bulls – Up to 350kg – Nether Coullie £850, 248.5p. 351-400kg – Pitcalzean £970, 259.4p. 401-450kg – Tullo of Garvock £1135; Rootfield 278.3p. 451-500kg – Milton of Collieston £1200, 258.6p. 501-550kg – Milton of Collieston £1420, 279.8p.


The monthly sale of all classes of pigs was staged on Monday at C and D auction marts, having sold to £215 for a pair of Gloucester Old Spots from Upper Locharwoods, Dumfries.

A pair of Caithness consigned Large Black baconers realised £200, with cast sows from Perthshire to £100, boars also made £100 coming from Newton Stewart.

The firm also held their fortnightly sale of store cattle, which saw bullocks sell to £1550 from M Dodd and Sons, Boreland of Southwick, and to 310.5p per kg from M and R Weir, Dressertland

Heifers realised £1390 from Millhill Farms, and to 288.5p from Dressertland.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – A-A – £1550, £1450 Boreland of Southwick; £1350 High Auchneel; £1350, £1320 (x2) Dunbae; £1300 Newlands. BB – £1510 Shenrick; £1340, £1305 Highlaw. Lim – £1420 Ballaggan; £1240 Dressertland; £1220 Highlaw. Hfd – £1420 Ballaggan; £1420, £1260 High Auchneel; £1320, £1240 Mouswald Grange. Lui – £1295, £1270 Dunbae. Sal – £1290, £1275 Dunbae. BS – £1280 Newlands. Mont – £1260 Mouswald Grange. Sim – £1255 High Townhead; £1250, £1240 Dressertland. Char – £1250 Mosside.

Heifers – Sim – £1390 Millhill. Lim – £1380 Shenrick; £1330, £1240 Mosside; £1320, £1265 Belridding; £1200 Lantonside. A-A – £1350 Millhill; £1300, £1235 Highlaw; £1260 Shenrick; £1240 High Auchneel. BB – £1340 High Auchneel; £1335 Millhill; £1290 Shenrick. Sal – £1265 Dunbae; £1240 High Auchneel. BS – £1240 High Auchneel. Hfd – £1240 High Auchneel; £1200 Landis. Char –£1235 Mosside.


Aberdeen-Angus bullocks from Michael Dixon, The Stobbs, Rochester, secured the top price of £1900 at Hexham and Northern Marts' weekly sale of store cattle.

Limousin crosses led the heifers at £1790 from West and Greyside.

LEADING prices

Steers – Cattle 23-30months – Lim X – £1740 Make-Me-Rich; £1700 Greyside; £1680 South; £1660 Make-Me-Rich; £1580 South. Char X – £1800 Make-Me-Rich. A-A X – £1690 New Houses; £1520 South. Blonde X – £1660 South. Hfd X – £1390 South. Cattle 17-22months – Lim X – £1810 Make-Me-Rich; £1560 New Houses; £1500 Make-Me-Rich. A-A X – £1680, £1600, £1570, £1500 New Houses. Cattle 11-16months – Lim X – £13602 Westburnhope; £1260, £1250, £1220 Greyside; £1200 Westburnhope; £1180 Close House; £1120 Westburnhope and Close House; £1080 Greyside; £1060 Westburnhope, Greyside and Close House. A-A X – £1900, £1840, £1600, £1540, £1480 The Stobbs. Cattle 10 months and under – Lim X – £1110 Close House.

Heifers – Cattle 23-30months – Lim X – £1690 Make-Me-Rich; £1660 South; £1600 Make-Me-Rich; £1550 South. Char X – £1440, £1360 South. A-A X – £1590 South. Blonde X – £1580 South. Cattle 17-22months – Lim X – £1640 South; £1560 West; £1460 South; £1360 West. Cattle 11-16months – Lim X – £1790 West and Greyside; £1280, £1220 Westburnhope; £1200 Shaftoe Moor and West; £180, £1120 West; £1100 Close House. Char – £1330 Low Burradon. A-A X – £1185 Parkside. Sim X – £900 Close House. Hfd X – £950, £920 Shaftoe Moor. Cattle 10 months and under – Lim X – £980 Close House; £840 Low Burradon.

Young bulls – Lim – £1270 Greyside.


The pre-sale champion, a 590kg British Blue cross heifer, from DG Kennedy, Tresdale, Canisbay, went on to secure the top price of 359.3p per kg and £2120 at Aberdeen and Northern Marts' anniversary show and sale of 913 store cattle.

Heifers (424) averaged 283.3p (+49.1p on the year) with bullocks (416) balancing out at 293.6p (+57.1p).

Bullocks sold to 342.8p for a pen of 404kg Charolais crosses from East Murkle, Murkle, and to £2020 for a 722kg Limousin cross from Brae Edge, Castletown.

The judge, Blair Duffton, Bogie Street, Huntly, found his reserve in a 590kg Limousin cross heifer from G Douglas, House Park, Bower, and which later realised £1760.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – Up to 300kg – Clasdaidy, Skerray £770, 259.3p. 301-350kg – Folly, Murkle £830, 262.7p. 351-400kg – Tongside, Scotscalder £1245, 320.1p. 401-450kg – Lower Milton, Wick £1475; Tongside, Scotscalder 340.3p. 451-500kg – Tongside £1,590, 332.6p. 501-550kg – West Murkle, Thurso £1670; Oust, Bridge of Westfield 313.1p. 551-600kg – West Murkle £1740; East Murkle 306.3p. 601-650kg – East Kirk £1780; Greenvale, Dunnet 294.7p. 651-700kg – Lynegar, Watten £1780, 270.5p.

Aberdeen-Angus bullocks – Up to 450kg – Backlass £1425, 318.1p. 451-500kg – Backlass £1525, 316.5p. 501-550kg – Backlass £1565; West Watten, Watten 303.4p.

Heifers – Up to 300kg – Clashaidy, Skerray £630, 236p. 301-350kg – Ha, Bowermadden £750, 245.9p. 351-400kg – Upper Dounreay £1300, 325p. 401-450kg – Westerloch £1430, 325p. 451-500kg – Brae Edge £1570, 319.8p. 501-550kg – Tresdale, Canisbay £1760, 336.5p. 551-600kg – House Park, Bower £1760, 304.1p. 601-650kg – Roadside, Kirk £1830; East Kirk, Kirk 284.8p. 651-700kg – Roadside, Kirk £1830, 273.5p.

Aberdeen-Angus heifers – Up to 450kg – 401-450kg – Achscrabster, Bridge of Westfield £1160; Backlass 269.2p. 451-500kg – Achscrabster £1385, 287.3p. 501-550kg – The Crofts £1495, 281.5p. 551-600kg – Achscrabster £1430, 253.5p.


Bullocks led proceedings at Lawrie and Symington's sale of 532 store cattle, when selling to 338.6p per kg for British Blue and Limousin crosses from Messrs Pirie, Laighpark, Blarnavaid, and to £1780 for a Limousin cross from Messrs Baillie, Broomfield Lodge, Larkhall to average 285.6p.

A Charolais cross from Bonnington Mains, Lanark, led the heifer trade at 308.3p and £1560, having cashed in at 254.2p.

LEADING prices

Bullocks – A-A – £1710 Oldhill; £1700 Mafflat; £1685, £1670 Nethertown; £1670, £1645 Mafflat; £1520 Glenboig; £1500 Harestonhill; £1470 Parkerston; £1460 Glenboig. Hfd – £1350, £1280 Wellhead; £1175 Quothquan Mill; £1160 North Brackenridge; £920 Newlands. Lim – £1580 Nethertown; £1520 Craigthornhill; £1460, £1300 West Dykes; £1230 Gillbank; £1160, £1090 West Dykes. Lim X – £1780 Broomfield Lodge; £1750, £1690 Rusha; £1690 Broomfield Lodge; £1680 (x2), £1670, £1630, £1620 Rusha; £1610 Broomfield Lodge. Char X – £1650 Laighpark; £1590, £1570, £1560 Craigside; £1540 Gibbalston; £1520 Oldhill; £1480, £1445 Parkerston; £1410 Auchencorth; £1360 Craigside. BS – £1350 Watsonhead; £1340, £1320 Midhill; £1300 North Brackenridge; £1210 Midhill; £1180 Oldhill; £1150 Newlands; £1140 Mauldslie Mains; £1110 Oldhill. Cont X – £1185 Midhill. Sim – £1690, £1650, £1600 Oldhill; £1580 East Overton; £1570 Craigside; £1550 Harestonhill; £1540 Broomfield Lodge; £1510 Harestonhill; £1310 Parkerston; £1300 Laighpark. BB – £1460 Oldhill and Drumalea; £1450 Newlands; £1320 Laighpark and Sherifflatts; £1280, £1270 Laighpark; £1200 Drumalea; £1170 Auchencorth; £1090 Drumalea.

Char – £1660, £1510, £1420, £1300 Bonnington Mains.

Heifers – A-A – £1460 Glenboig; £1395 Nethertown; £1390 Oldhill; £1350 Glenboig; £1330 Drumalea; £1320 Glenboig; £1240 Sherifflatts, Drumalea and Faulds; £1230 Drumalea. Lim X – £1520 Broomfield Lodge; £1400 Hillend; £1270 Craighead;£1250 Longridge; £1170, £1080 Hillend; £1040 Longridge. Char X – £1350 Broomfield Lodge; £1315 Craighead; £1300 Parkerston; £1265 The Dyke. Lim – £1520 Broomfield Lodge; £1395 Nethertown; £1250 Longridge; £1090 West Dykes. Hfd – £1360 Gillbank; £1100, £1060 Floors; £1050 Fauld and Glenboig. BS – £910, £900 Newlands; £890 Mauldslie Mains; £870 Newlands. Oth – £1315 Glenboig; £1170 Drumalea. Sim – £1325, £1315 The Dyke; £1300 Parkerston; £1265 Glenboig; £1170 East Overton; £1030 Glenboig. BB – £1350 Sherifflatts; £1230, £1020 Drumalea. Char – £1560 Bonnington Mains; £1390 The Dyke; £1350 Broomfield Lodge; £1325 The Dyke; £1280 Bonnington Mains; £1265 The Dyke; £1200 Bonnington Mains.

Dairy bullocks – BF – £1200 North Brackenridge; £1080 Cuff; £1060 North Bankend; £1050 Cuff; £1030 Cronan; £1020Ainville; £930 Cuff; £910 Ainville. Hol – £1160 Sherifflatts; £1140 Drumalea; £1055, £1000 Gibbalston; £940 Auchencorth.