Penrith and District Farmers’ Mart’s January Bonanza show and sale of 739 store cattle on Monday, lived up to its name with no fewer than 84 head selling for more than £1700.

A Limousin cross bullock from TB Stamper and Son, Harrot Hill, Cockermouth, secured the top price of £2175, with bullocks cashing in at £1447.68.

Heifers peaked at £2035 for a British Blue Cross from JG and RW Nevinson and Son, High House, Workington.

Judge, Luke Ashford, Southfields, Bedale, found his champion in a Limousin cross heifer from the Strong family, Hewer Hill, which later realised £1850.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – Lim – £2175, £2055, £1995, £1965, £1945, £1935 Harrot Hill; £2075, £1895 (x2), £1835, Thackwood; £1995, £1945, £1905, £1865, £1855 Fawcett Park; £1975, £1895, £1875, £1815, £1805 (x2) Well House; £1935 Town Head; £1895, £1875 High Dyke; £1855, Barton Hall. BB – £1995, £1975, Thackwood. Blonde – £1985 Yew Tree; £1975 Low House. A-A – £1975 Thackwood; £1965 Low Row. Char – £1985, £1785 Fawcett Park; £1875 Friarbiggin; £1785 Low Row; £1785, Yew Tree. Sim – £1635, £1585 Bowness; £1575 Moorside. Hfd – £1625 (x4), £1575 (x2) Annfield. Nor – £1615 (x2), £1545 (x3) Moorside. Black and White – £1550 Low Row.

Heifers – BB – £2035, £1705 High House; £1995, £1715, £1675 Wham Head; £1905, Thackwood; £1885 Fawcett Park; £1765 Hewer Hill; £1715, Annfield. Lim – £1985, £1850, £1745 Hewer Hill; £1955, £1825, £1705, £1695 Undercragg; £1895, £1855, £1815 Fawcett Park; £1875, £1855, £1745, £1725, Thackwood; £1865 High House; £1705, Shap Abbey; £1695, £1675, Helm Croft; £1675, Clickham. Char – £1755, £1655 Low Row; £1675 Glaslyn House. A-A – £1705 Blands; £1505 Yew Tree;. Blonde – £1675 Low Row. BG – £1675, £1585 Blands. Hfd – £1645 Town Head; £1545 Annfield. Sim – £1525 Mount Clifton.

Store bulls – BS – £1205 Mellgates.