A centre record was smashed among the weekly sale of calves at Harrison and Hetherington's Borderway mart, Carlisle, when a pedigree British Blue heifer calf achieved £1040 for Ross and Elaine Pattinson, Temon Farm, Low Row, selling to Mabie Farm Park, Dumfries.

Bulls calves peaked at £570 for a British Blue from Wadsworth Farming Ltd, Big Balcraig, Whauphill.

Store cattle sold well, selling to a high of £2200 for a red Limousin steer from Messrs Beattie, Woodfield, Annan.

Heifers witnessed a top of £1900 for more of the same breed, this time from Messrs Wallace, Claycrop, Newton Stewart.

Among the weaned cattle British Blue bulls from Messrs Gorst, Gilpin, reached £1460.

British Blues also led the heifers and steers at £1610 from Uskstar, Brampton, and to £1300 from Messrs Shaw, Crookdyke respectively.

Leading Prices

Calves – Heifers – BB – £1040 Temon; £465, £400 Boggle Hall; £465, £390, £370 Big Balcraig; £450 Harelawhole; £425 Crummock Bank; £410 Nethermains; £360 (x2) Waingate Head; £335 Monk Foss; £330 Winter Tarn; £310 Bongate Moor; £310 Meinfoot. Lim – £440 Crummock Bank; £420 Boggle Hall; £390 Big Balcraig; £340 (x2) The Buildings. Blonde – £380 (x2) Harelawhole; £310 Monk Foss. Char – £370, £325 Crummock Bank. BG – £330 (x2) Crummock Bank. A-A – £325 Boggle Hall; £300 (x3) Nethermains; £300 (x2) Harelawhole. Hols – £310 Bongate Moor. Hfd – £300 Harrington Ling.

Bulls – BB – £570, £540, £520, £510 Big Balcraig; £515, £460, £390 Winter Tarn; £490, £450 Burton House; £440 (x2) Chalk Lodge; £420 Low Wood; £415, £410 Crummock Bank; £385 Woodclose; £385 (x2) Brackenhow; £380 Tempest Tower. A-A – £490 Big Balcraig; £425 (x2), £345 Nethermains; £405 (x2) Harelawhole; £385 Burton House; £345 (x2), £345 The Square; £320 Meinfoot; £310 Tempest Tower. Lim – £455 Big Balcraig. Mont – £400 (x3), £370 (x2), £335 (x2) Monk Foss. Sim – £380 The Square. Hfd – £340, £300 (x2) Harrington Ling; £330 Woodclose; £310 Metal Bridge Inn.

Store cattle – Steers – Lim – £2200 Woodfield; £2000 Greenwrae; £1930, £1900, £1780, £1710 Lords Close; £1760 (x3), £1730 Nirvana; £1680, £1670, £1550 Kelsick House; £1650 East Park; £1640, £1610 (x3) Claycrop; £1630, £1550 (x2) Midtown; £1600 Hayclose; £1580 Harper Hill; £1550 Stainton House. Mont – £1840, £1580 Greenwrae; £1400 Halldykes. BB – £1790 Bankend; £1590, £1480 (x2) Sorrowstones; £1580 (x6), £1570 (x5) Ellerslea; £1580, £1560, £1510, £1490 Stainton House; £1500, £1490 Halldykes; £1490 Sandbed; £1460 Hedley East; £1450 (x3), £1400 (x3) Harwood on Teviot; £1430 Dearham Hall; £1405 Brayshaw; £1400 Hesket Demain. A-A – £1790 Greenwrae; £1650 Well Head; £1490 Raygarth Field; £1470 Broathill; £1420 Bankend; £1410 Gimmenbie. Char – £1710 (x4) Newbampton; £1580 (x2) Lawston; £1460 (x4) Cumcatch. Sim – £1650 Newbampton. HF – £1550, £1500 Keepershield. BS – £1490 Nirvana. Fleck – £1500 (x2) £1460 Limekilns.

Heifers – A-A – £1490 Gimmenbie. Hfd – £1320 Bank. Lim – £1900, £1720 (x3), £1660 (x3), £1640, £1600 (x3) Claycrop; £1890 Crosshill Farmhouse; £1820 (x2) Woodfield; £1750, £1510 Longrow; £1680, £1610, £1670 (x2), £1610 (x2) Linden House; £1620 Green; £1600 Well Head; £1570 (x2) Hayclose; £1550 Midtown; £1550 Woodfield; £1540 Rigg Head; £1530 Midtown. Luing – £1450 Rigg Head. Sim – £1690 Gimmenbie. Pied – £1560 Kelsick House. BB – £1560 Kelsick House; £1560, £1490, £1480 Sandbed; £1540 Skelcies Hall; £1520 (x2), £1500, £1490, £1410 (x2) Bank; £1470 (x2) Harwood on Teviot; £1400 (x3) Hollands.

Weaned cattle – Heifers – BB – £1610, £1540, £1350, £1290, £1260 Oakghyll; £1240 Justicetown; £1190 Crookdyke; £1120 Greyrigg; £950 (x3), £940 (x2) Codlaw Hill; £860 Littleburn. A-A – £1200 (x3), £1080 Justicetown; £650 Whitehead Hill; £630 (x3) Portyerrock. Lim – £1050 Greyrigg; £980 (x2) Littleburn; £980. £940 Burthwaite; £920 Merryshield; £870 (x2) Littleburn; £870 Raby Grange. Sim – £850 Town Head. Char – £730 Noran Bank. Hfd – £670 Whitehead Hill.

Bulls – BB – £1460, £1400, £1300 Gilpin; £1300 Westfield House; £1280 Merryshield; £1150, £1010 (x2) Colstons; £1000, £910, £800 (x2) Changue; £940 Cobble Hall Barn. Lim – £1440 Gilpin; £1350 (x2) Stubbsgill; £1280 Merryshield; £1280 (x3) Bridgehouse; £1000 (x3) Cobble Hall Barn; £1000 Dornock Mains. Saler – £1400, £1230 (x2), £1020 Westhouse. Sim – £1260, £1220, £1180, £1060 (x2) Waterloo. A-A – £1210, £1090 (x2) Bridgehouse; £920 Westhouse; £880 East. BS – £900 Cardewlees. Cont – £860 Cobble Hall Barn. HF – £810 (x4) Wood. Blonde – £750 Upper Senwick.

Steers – BB – £1300, £1190 (x2) Crookdyke; £1230 (x2) Street Gate; £1170, £1140 Marsh House; £1160 (x3) Street Gate; £1100 Merryshield; £1040 (x2) Greyrigg. Lim – £1230 Nether Oakshaw; £1150 Burthwaite; £1090 Merryshield. HF – £1180, £990 Marsh House. Blonde – £1100 (x2) Merryshield. A-A – £1090, £960 Chesterwood Farmhouse; £970 (x3) Sandysike Farmhouse; £860 Nether Oakshaw. Norwegian Red – £990 Marsh House. Frie – £990 Marsh House. Hols – £990 Marsh House. Char – £750, £740 Noran Bank.