Scottish breeder, Blair Duffton, Bogie Street, was in the money at Penrith and District Farmers' Marts' special March show and sale of store cattle when selling Charolais bullocks for £2500.

Heifers topped at £2045 for a British Blue from Messrs Wales, Thackwood.

The show was in the hands of Dale and Joanne Holgate, Wakefield, who awarded the championship ticket to a British Blue bullock from Blair Dufton, Bogie Street, which they later purchased for £2150.

The judges also gave £1680 for the reserve champion, a Limousin bullock from Messrs Wilson, Undercragg.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – Char – £2500 (x2), £2295, £2255, £2215, £2165 (x2), £1955, £1815, £1775, £1665, £1535, £1475 Bogie Street. A-A – £2475, £1675, £1445 Bogie Street; £1955, £1935, £1825 (x2), £1815 Nelson Hill; £1705, £1675 (x2), £1605 (x8) Street House. BB – £2150 Bogie Street; £1885 (x2), £1685 (x2) Fawcett Park; £1845, £1755 Town Head; £1835 Nelson Hill; £1745, £1605, £1545 Street; £1735 Thackwood; £1675 Ranbeck; £1545 Far Close. Lim – £2135 (x2), £1895, £1875, £1825, £1805, £1775, £1745, £1575, £1565, £1535, £1505 Bogie Street; £2065, £1965, £1885, £1855, £1835, £1825 Annfield; £1935 (x2), £1865 (x2), £1815 Well House; £1825 Far Close; £1775 Hewer Hill; £1755 Ranbeck; £1680, £1575 Undercragg; £1655 Town Head; £1645 Thackwood; £1615, £1545 Woodfoot; £1585 (x2) Scales; £1585, £1535 Murton Hall; £1575 Glaslyn House; £1565, £1535 Home Farm; £1555, £1535 Nook; £1545 Gillside. Sim – £1925, £1815 Nelson Hill.

Heifers – BB – £2045 Thackwood; £2015, £1945, £1875, £1585, £1555 Town Head; £1695 Holme House; £1665, £1575, £1555, £1535 Lea Croft; £1565 Nelson Hill. Lim – £2015, £1945 (x2) £1855 (x2), £1835, £1795, £1695, £1655, £1615, £1585, £1535, £1525, £1515 (x2), £1505 Thackwood; £2000, £1545 Woodfoot; £1975, £1955, £1895 Skelling; £1965, £1735, £1675 (x2) Ranbeck; £1945, £1935, £1855 Bogie Street; £1825, £1815 (x2), £1655, £1555 Well House; £1755, £1585, £1525 (x3) Town Head; £1675, £1515 (x2) Nook; £1665 Home; £1645, £1625 Far Close; £1645, £1545 Annfield;£1625 Fawcett Park; £1595 Scales; £1545 Glaslyn House; £1505 (x2) Tilery. Sim – £1875 Fawcett Fark. Blonde – £1765 High Lodore.

Bulls – Lim – £1595, £1205 Dalebottom; £1455 Ranbeck; £1305, £1245, £1215 Murton Hall.