The pre-sale champion, a Limousin cross heifer, from the Hamilton family of High Crewburn, Strathaven, went on to secure the top price of £2700 and 849.1p per kg at Lawrie and Symington's spring show and sale of 359 suckled calves.

The pre-sale judge, Adam Smellie, Hattonknowe Farm, Peebles, found his reserve in a Charolais cross bullock from AJB Forrest, Hillend, Roberton, which went on to realise £1850.

Topping the pence per kg section among the bullocks at 534.7p was a Lim cross from T Laird and Sons, Sunnyside, Cronberry.

Heifers (174) averaged 297.35p and bullocks (185) cashed in at 318.2p.

Leading Awards

Single haltered bullock – 1, Messrs Laird, Carbello/Sunnyside; 2, Messrs Laird, Carbello/Sunnyside; 3, Messrs McGarva, Nether Abington.

Single haltered heifer – 1, Messrs McGarva, Nether Abington; 2, T Holloway, Crawlaw; 3, Messrs Laird, Carbello/Sunnyside.

Single un-haltered bullock – 1 and reserve, Messrs Forrest, Hillend; 2, Messrs Laird, Carbello/Sunnyside; 3, Messrs Smellie, Posso.

Single un-haltered heifer – 1 and champion, Messrs Hamilton, High Crewburn; 2, Messrs Hamilton, High Crewburn; 3, Messrs Campbell, Glenrath.

Pen of four bullocks – 1, Lightshaw Farming, Lightshaw.

Pen of four heifers – 1, Messrs Laird, Carbello/Sunnyside.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – A-A – £1330 Mid Uplaw; £1210 High Crewburn; £1050 Highflat; £1040 Mid Uplaw and Highflat; £1030 Lawriesmuir; £990 Greens; £940 Penicuik Est; £900 Mid Uplaw and Greens. Lim – £1210 Scrogton; £1210 Sunnyside; £1090 Kepscaith; £990 Cumberhead. Lim X – £1440 High Crewburn; £1420, £1350 Sunnyside; £1320 Posso; £1280 Sunnyside; £1260 High Crewburn; £1250 Sunnyside; £1240 Dykehead and Cumberhead; £1220 High Crewburn. Char X – £1850 Hillend; £1460 Posso; £1400 Laidlawstiel; £1380 Dykehead; £1340 Hillend; £1310 Lightshaw and Dykehead; £1300 Townhead; £1290 Laidlawstiel; £1270 Lightshaw. Sim – £1180 Langholm; £1040 Haughyett. BB – £1540 Sunnyside; £1380, £1350 Stonebyres Mains;£1220 Sunnyside; £1170 Nether Abington; £1140 Sunnyside; £1000 Auchtygemmell.

Heifers – A-A – £1080 Lawriesmuir. Lim – £1230 Sunnyside; £1120, £1090 Scrogton. Lim X – £2700 High Crewburn; £1740 Sunnyside; £1650 High Crewburn; £1560 Sunnyside; £1400, £1350 High Crewburn; £1340, £1260, £1230 Sunnyside; £1220 Langholm. Char X – £1440 Glenrath; £1160 Scrogton; £1140 Calton; £1100 Dykehead; £1080 Posso; £1060 Scrogton and Haughyett; £1050 Glenrath; £1040 Posso and Laidlawstiel. BB – £2000, £1900 Stonebyres Mains; £1540 Nether Abington; £1500 Crawlaw; £1320 Nether Abington; £1240, £1220 Stonebyres Mains; £1050 Nether Abington; £1020 Auchtygemmell; £930 Nether Abington.