On Tuesday, at Broughton Mart, Harrison, and Hetherington held their annual show and sale of suckled calves, where averages improved on the year with bullocks and heifers cashing in at £964 (+ £189) and £826 (+ £121) respectively.

A top price of £1240 was paid for a red Limousin bullock from M and D Hatton, Knott End.

During the pre-sale show, the judge, James Wharton, Highfield, Appleby, found his champion in a four-month-old Limousin bullock from RD Holland and Co, Low Scales, Millom, which later sold for £1020.

Runner up went to a black Limousin heifer from GJ and CA Penellum, Swinside which later realised £1220.

Leading Awards

Bullocks – 1 and champion, RD Holland and Co, Low Scales, Millom; 2, SG Benson, Horrace, Pennington, Ulverston; 3, GJ and CA Penellum, Swinside, Thwaites, Millom.

Heifers – 1 and reserve, GJ and CA Penellim, Swinside, Thwaites, Millom; 2, RD Holland and Co, Low Scales, Millom; 3, M and D Hatton, Knott End, Broughton Mills, Broughton.

Leading Prices per head

Suckler steers – Lim – £1240 Knott End; £1110, £1020, £970 (x2), £960 Low Scales; £1080, £1070, £1060 (x2), £1030, £1010 Swinside; £1000, £950 Horrace. BB – £970, £950, £940, £900 (x2) Low Scales.

Suckler heifers – Lim – £1220, £860, £850 Swinside; £1120 Knott End; £1060, £900 Low Scales.

Store steers – BB – £690, £690 Magnolia House.