An average of £1034.30 was achieved at Harrison and Hetherington's annual sale of in-calf, bulling, and Blue Grey heifer calves along with other breeds and store cattle at Lockerbie.

Blue Grey bulling heifers topped the trade at £2600 for a pen of four from Messrs Wallace, Farneyshields, Haltwhistle.

The pre-sale show, judged by Tom and Phil Robinson, formerly of Ottercops, saw Phil judge the bulling heifers who found his first prize pen in an entry from Messrs Murray, Cartington, Morpeth, which later sold for £1600.

Tom Robinson judged the baby calves and awarded the top ticket to a pen from Messrs Murray, Sewing Shields, Hexham, which later realised £750.

Leading Prices

Heifers in-calf – £2600 (x4), £2400 (x2), £2200 (x4), £2100 (x4), £1950 (x4), £1900 (x4), £1800 (x3) Farney Shields; £2100 (x3), £2050 (x7), £2000 (x6), £1900 (x3) Sourhope; £2000 (x2), £1780 (x3), £1720 (x6), £1700 (x3) Southdean; £1880 (x3), 1850 (x4), £1800 (x3), £1710 (x2) Hedgeley; £1850 (x2), £1680 (x2) Nickie’s Hill; £1800, £1750 (x5) Prospect; £1680 (x3), £1600 (x2) Strudda Bank; £1600 (x2) Holme Head; £1600 (x2), £1550 (x2) Crowdieknowe.

Bulling/maiden heifers –18-24months – £1600, £1300, £1250 Catrington; £1350 Holme Head; £1300 Southdean; £1250 High Thorneyburn; £1220 Barlaes. 21-28 months – £1550, £1280 Crowdieknowe; £1400, £1250, £1100 The Becks; £1180 Ralton Side. 13-18 months – £1300 Southdean; £1300 Doddick; £1300, £1200 Hot Bank; £1250 Cartington; £1220 Barlaes; £1200 (x2) Unthank; £1200 Southdean; £1150 Milnholm.

Heifer calves – five to 13 months – £1050 High Creoch; £1020 Bottom; £1000 Milnholm; £950 Park Nook; £950, £850 Cartington; £950, £920 The Row; £900 Hot Bank; £820 Sewing Shields.

Suckled calves – Heifers – A-A – £810, £790 Mains; £700, £690, £670, £660 Hownam Grange. Hfd – £1200 Tundergarth Mains. Baza – £810, £700 (x3) Dinley. Lim – £1120, £1060, £1030, £1020 Sorbietrees. Luing – £1310 Tundergarth Mains.

Bullocks – Lim – £1110, £1010 Sorbietrees. Blue Grey – £1020 Lymiecleugh; £980, £900 Blinkbonny; £900, £850 Bodesbeck; £770, £740 Hot Bank; £760, £725 Hot Bank; £750 The Block; £745, £740, £700 Slaggyford; £740 Softley; £720, £710 East Clough; £720 Cocklawfoot; £710 The Row; £705 White Knowe; £700 Creeside; £700 Softley; £640, £610 Mouse Syke. Gall – £1020 (x2), £810 Lymiecleuch; £840 Creeside. A-A – £980, £820, £800 Mains; £885 Bodesbeck; £870, £790, £770 Hownam Grange. Stab – £890, £880, £810, £770 (x2), £760, £720 Carterton. Hfd – £810 Rossville. Baza – £800, £790, £780, £760 Dinley.

Bull – Blue Grey – £630 (x6) Near Orrest.