ENERGY efficiency regulations for privately rented property, which were due to come into force on April 1, have been delayed by the Scottish Government.

Housing minister Kevin Stewart wrote to the convenor of the Scottish parliament's local government and communities committee to announce the delay, but urged the government to 'push forward with the vital work of improving energy efficiency in private rented housing as soon as the current COVID-19 situation comes to an end'.

The Scottish Government has asked for non-essential construction activities to stop, which prevents landlords from carrying out the necessary energy efficiency improvement work.

Scottish Land and Estates had already written an open letter to the housing minister, expressing concerns that the current pandemic would affect landlords' ability to prepare for these regulations coming into force.

SLE chief executive Sarah-Jane Laing said: “We find ourselves in exceptional circumstances, and we welcome the Scottish Government’s decision to delay the introduction of these energy efficiency regulations, which was the right decision given the circumstances.

“Our members are working tirelessly to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their families, their staff and the communities where they live, and in these circumstances, introducing the new energy efficiency measures is just not possible," she explained.

“It is imperative that we follow government advice to ensure the safety of ourselves and others. The new energy efficiency regulations would have required landlords to carry out building works in tenants homes at a time when we are being advised to social distance from others. We firmly believe neither tenants nor tradespeople should be placed in a position where they are concerned about infection," she concluded.


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