Scottish Craft Butchers executive manager, Gordon king

FIRST AND foremost, we hope that 2021 will see everyone safe and healthy through the current situation

Scottish Craft Butchers members have spent the best part of 2020 adapting to meet the needs of the consumer. Keeping everyone fed, working hard to ensure those who need to shield or isolate can receive high quality, nutritious food when they need it.

Looking after their local community, is the lasting testament to those local businesses who have gone the extra mile!

Everyone has been affected by the instability that a global pandemic brings to the population.

The public in general seem to have reacted to this uncertain situation by defaulting to what they know is safe, secure, and trustworthy, they have put their trust in their local butcher and the many local food businesses in the community.

This trust is usually recognised each festive period when many households return to their local butcher for the most important meal of the year! The whole family look forward to it knowing that they will enjoy food that is familiar and comforting. This year those families have been split into smaller gatherings. Many more households have discovered their local food shops. We wish that 2021 will bring about a continued appreciation of shopping local, buying local and supporting local.