FARMERS who may have forgotten what a real-life industry event is should be pleased that the organisers of this summer's Cereals Event are intent on it being a 'real live, in the flesh, face-to-face event with actual people'.

Organiser Alli McEntyre this week rejected 'rumour mill' suggestions that the event would not go ahead as planned: “No online webinars, just real people meeting in the fields of Boothby Graffoe, Lincolnshire. Not a ‘virtual’ link in sight,” she insisted.

“You can walk across real grass, eye up actual machines, talk to people directly, attend seminars in person, examine the crop plots – and there’s even a soil pit you can get into.”

The event now promises there will be 300 exhibitors to visit, while the Syngenta Sprays and Sprayers Arena will showcase live demos that visitors can watch in person – from a safe distance, of course. The Isuzu Driving Course will let visitors drive real vehicles, and the full seminar programme will consist of 100% live speakers, travelling from all over the country to the actual Cereals site in Lincolnshire.

"It’s all in the flesh – and naturally Covid secure," said Ms McEntyre. "So you may have forgotten what real events are like, but if you come to Cereals 2021, you will remember and have the best day off farm you’ve had in well over a year!"

  • The Cereals Event will be held in Lincolnshire on June 30 – July 1, 2021, and will comply with all required biosecurity measures against Covid-19. For more information or to register for tickets visit