Defra has been gathering evidence on the possible introduction of ‘method of production’ labelling on food.

At the moment, only UK egg packaging is required to give an indication of which of the various production systems the eggs emerged from, but animal welfare bodies are keen to see the idea extended to other animals products. There is also support from some farming bodies, who see superior animal welfare as a way of differentiating UK produce from imported meat and dairy, particularly in the post-Brexit world of international trade deals.

There were 1500 pieces of evidence submitted to Defra, which has now pledged to move to a full consultation on method of production labelling next year.

Welcoming this promise, the RSPCA noted that the majority of responses came from the public demonstrating a 'real demand' to bring in more transparent labelling for the animal products people consume.

“Recent polling for the Animal Kindness Index revealed that 58% of people who eat animal products said they’d pay extra for products where animals had not been kept in cages – rising to 63% in women – showing that even in tough economic times there is still a demand for higher welfare," said the RSPCA.

“Mandatory ‘method of production’ labelling will help inform shoppers in supermarkets and food service outlets about how the animals that produce their food have been reared, giving more incentive and support to farmers to produce to higher welfare standards and allowing consumers to have more choice over the products they buy and consume.

“Currently only eggs are labelled in this way with shoppers now becoming familiar with the terms free range, barn, cage or organic systems, but we want to see these labels expanded to all animal products. Defra has suggested that it is important that the labels will cover imported as well as domestic products to give people clear information in the face of Free Trade Agreements which threaten to lower our farm animal welfare standards."