Travel or motion sickness is a problem many of us face, and that can be a frustrating problem to deal with if you are going on holiday.

Whether you are taking a flight abroad or are heading on a cruise you want to avoid such a sensation.

The luxury cruise provider Panache Cruises has conducted some research into what foods are the best ones for those who do tend to suffer from travel sickness.

Eating light and bland foods low in fat, spice, grease, and acid is the key to abating symptoms such as nausea, sweating and dizziness.

The Scottish Farmer: Travel sickness can come on whilst flying out for a holidayTravel sickness can come on whilst flying out for a holiday (Image: PA)

James Cole, founder and managing director of Panache Cruises, said: “Millions of people suffer from travel sickness, and it can really cast a shadow over their holiday plans.

“For many, the solution may be taking a travel sickness tablet or other medication, but there are many natural foods which for centuries people have used to help them deal with motion sickness.

“Try to eat small portions as frequently as possible and remember to steer clear of heavy, greasy and acidic foods as they worsen sickness because they are slower to digest.

“Always pick foods which are mild in taste and smell to stop the uneasiness of the stomach."

Best foods to eat to help with travel sickness

Crackers - The bland taste of crackers can guard against vomiting as it can help reduce the stomach irritation caused by acid

Apple - Being a rich source of fibre and vitamins helps to clean your stomach of nausea-inducing chemicals

Ginger - Ginger lessens the feelings of nausea and sweating as it easily triggers digestion

Banana - The naturally high-in-starch fruit combats excessive acid content in the stomach

Nuts - Nuts are a good source of protein and can help restore your energy to guard against nausea

Swiss Medical Services advises people to eat something before travelling as going on an empty stomach can make you even more susceptible to motion sickness.