The Irish Farmers Association (IFA) is calling on the Dublin Government to ringfence funds from a new European Commission initiative for the sheep sector in Ireland. The IFA state that sheep farmers do “not have the capacity” to absorb further losses and need urgent financial support.

IFA sheep chair, Kevin Comiskey says they have put together comprehensive proposals to the Irish farm minister explaining why sheep farmers need ‘€30/ewe’ and also why incentives are needed for store lamb finishers.

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The lobbying organisations states that the 35,000 sheep farmers are in ‘crisis’ and Mr Comiskey, believes one way the government could help is by earmarking specific funding for the sector from the latest European Commission initiative.

Brussels has proposed a €9.5 million package for Irish farmers out of total €430 million in additional funds earmarked for farmers throughout the EU.

The Commission has stated that the funding is for farmers “impacted by adverse climatic events, high input costs, and diverse market and trade related issues”.

According to Mr Comiskey sheep farmers have the “strongest case” above other sectors to qualify for funding from the commission’s support package.

He said: “Sheep farmers last year operated off a margin of €7 a ewe and to-date this year have lost €15 a ewe from the market place, putting sheep farmers into a severe loss-making situation.”

READ MORE: Film shows realities of sheep farming in upland Yorkshire Dales

The IFA state that recent price cuts “have compounded the situation” and highlight current prices are more than 40c/kg behind last year’s. They also believe the Irish government has the ability to boost the post €9.5m EU pot to €28.5 million with matched funds from Dublin through the Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR).

The IFA sheep chair said reports from the national advisory organisation Teagasc and levy body Bord Bia support the organisation’s position that the “sheep sector is in an extremely difficult space”.