Union leaders have told striking Hollywood writers that they plan to meet with representatives for studios to discuss restarting negotiations after the first official communication between the two sides since the strike began three months ago.

The Writers Guild of America sent an email to members saying that the head of the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), which represents major studios, streaming services and production companies in negotiations, requested a meeting on Friday to discuss the resumption of contract talks.

Hollywood Strikes
Talks between screenwriters and studios collapsed on May 1 (Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP)

The email said: “We’ll be back in communication with you sometime after the meeting with further information

“As we’ve said before, be wary of rumours. Whenever there is important news to share, you will hear it directly from us.”

It was not immediately known whether a similar overture was made to union leaders for Hollywood actors, who have been on strike since July 14.

Asked about the prospect of talks with either guild, a spokesperson for the AMPTP said: “We remain committed to finding a path to mutually beneficial deals with both Unions.”

Talks between screenwriters and their employers collapsed on May 1, and the first of the two strikes that have frozen production in Hollywood began a day later.

Jack Black at a protest
Actors from Sag-Aftra, such as Jack Black, are also on strike (Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP)

Issues behind the strike include pay rates amid inflation, the use of smaller writing staffs for shorter seasons of television shows, and control over artificial intelligence in the screenwriting process.

Prior to the email from AMPTP, Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, executive director of the Screen Actors Guild–American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (Sag-Aftra), which represents striking film and television actors, told The Associated Press: “I had hoped that we would already have had some kind of conversations with the industry by now.

“Obviously, that hasn’t happened yet, but I’m optimistic.”