Scottish Renewables, the organisation which represents the renewable energy sector says Scotland “urgently needs more pylons.”

The call comes as opposition grows to the increased size of pylons and substations across agricultural land. Opponents warn the demands for more land, especially in the north east could negatively impact food production.

However, Scottish Renewables argue the new pylons, power lines and substations are necessary to cut energy bills, create energy security and tackle climate change. They add that people object to the new pylons “largely do so because they do not like the way they look.”

READ MORE: Exploring Challenges and Benefits of Renewable Energy

The organisation says the current outdated infrastructure is holding back the clean power projects needed to modernise the UK’s energy supply.

Nick Sharpe, Director of Communications and Strategy at Scottish Renewables, said:

“The UK’s electricity network is not fit for purpose.

“While the deployment of cheap renewable energy generation has increased fourfold over the past ten years, investment in Britain’s transmission grid has flatlined, and has even decreased since 2017.

“Groups and individuals who object to the construction of power lines, pylons and substations largely do so because they do not like the way they look.”