This week sees the COP 28 event unfold in Dubai, representing the agricultural industry is QMS CEO, Sarah Millar.

Ms Millar is set to join the British Meat Processors Organisation and is in hand with many others as they represent the industry during discussions both campaigning for and against red meat.

Speaking in regard to COP 28, Ms Millar stressed the importance of representing the industry: “It is crucial that our sector is part of the debate and that we can make the point about what animal agriculture does for a climate positive world.”

“There are hundreds of meetings and events at COP 28, many about plant-based treaties, lab-grown proteins, and veganism, but there are also seminars about sustainable livestock, reduced emissions with better livestock production, and the role of livestock in meeting global climate, food security and nutritional goals. Too often, the meat sector is sidelined and ignored, but we need to be involved, hearing what is said, stating the positives, and sharing the progress we are making.”

QMS will also be further discussing with officials about the superiority held within Scotland’s red meat. Thus, following on from the success of Scotch lamb during the COP 28 St. Andrews Day dinner in Dubia.

Ms Millar concluded: “COP 28 is a huge global event where we will be able to underline our ‘Planet and Place’ strategic pillar, demonstrating our sustainability and environmental credentials to an influential and engaged audience.”