A project to try and save the 125m ash trees across Scotland, England, and Wales from disease is being led by a biochar start-up organisation.

It is estimated that up to 80% of the ash trees could be lost to ash dieback – a highly destructive disease caused by a fungal pathogen, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus.

Originating in Asia before spreading to Europe, the fungus has already destroyed more than 80% of young ash trees in Norway. The fungus penetrates the leaves of ash trees, before growing inside the tree, eventually blocking its water transport systems and causing it to die. Spores of the fungus travel in the wind, meaning the disease spreads easily, making it difficult to limit its impact.

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One substance that may help combat the disease is biochar, a  type of high temperature charcoal, which can be mixed into compost to provide long-term benefits to soil health and plant growth.

In addition to retaining water and nutrients, biochar also sequesters carbon. Lottie Hawkins, founder of start-up firm Earthly Biochar, said an experiment using charcoal on ash trees by a farmer in Wales has shown promising results.

The Welsh project has inspired Ms Hawkins to replicate its success by recruiting farmers and citizens to get involved in a wide-scale experiment using biochar on ash trees.

She said: “We’re asking people to go out and find an ash tree, whether it’s on their land, a nearby park, or a forest, and tell us about it using our new ash dieback website. We can then send biochar out for people to apply directly to the tree, or we can send it to the landowner, council, or forestry commission for them to apply.

“Our mission is to help save the ash trees, not just through the application of biochar but also by reducing the need for mass felling.

“We know from French research that 20% of ash trees have a genetic advantage allowing them to live successfully with ash dieback. If we can use biochar to improve the health of the other 80%, then we could move towards only felling single trees if they’re a health and safety hazard.

“With mass felling, the healthy ash trees that have this genetic advantage will also be felled. We need these 20% to repopulate and pass on their genetic advantages, therefore protecting more of our future ash trees.

“It’s not just the ash trees we’re trying to save; it’s also the species that rely on the ash, which often get forgotten about when we discuss losing these trees.  There are 115 ash-related species made up of insects, microbes, plants, and birds that would risk falling into decline when the ash trees have gone. This extinction cascade would be devastating to our UK woodlands.”

More information on how to get involved in the project can be found online at: www.earthlybiochar.com/pages/savetheashtree.