Cattle keepers are being encouraged to respond to the Scottish government’s consultation on the Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) eradication programme.

Respondents have until Wednesday, February 7 to complete the online survey into phase six.

One of the key proposals within the consultation is to move the BVD check test requirements to a minimum of 10% of a keeper's herd to be tested. Farmers will continue to test at least ten animals per managed group in dairy herds and five animals per group in other herds.

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There are also proposals to further tighten the restrictions on farms that have a non-negative BVD status continuously for 15 months and have to undertake a Compulsory BVD Investigation (CBI). These herds could be publicly listed on ScotEID and could face tighter movement restrictions.

Proposals even go so far as to suggest that BVD compliance be a conditional requirement to receiving single farm payments.

Environment Minister Gillian Martin said:

“Since 2010, the Scottish Government has been working alongside the cattle industry, vets, and other partners to eradicate BVD in Scotland. As a result of these actions, BVD exposure in Scottish breeding herds has reduced from 40% to 9%.

“We have made excellent progress so far and it’s crucial that we build on this work. That’s why we are seeking views from farmers and businesses from across the industry on our plans for the next phase of the BVD Eradication Scheme.

“Your answers will help to shape the next phase of the scheme and will help full BVD eradication.”