The Black Isle Farmers’ Society education/vocational bursary will be open for applications from Friday, March 1. This bursary is open to young people between the ages of 16-26 and applications are invited from those who live, study, or work in the Highlands and Islands or have strong connections to the area. The closing date will be Monday, April 15.

Applications for the bursary award are geared at young people to study and gain qualifications in a farming or agriculturally related subject. The course can be either educational or vocational.

Society president Tom Henderson is urging young people to get their applications in quickly as there are only six weeks to apply.

“We are delighted to be continuing with the bursary scheme. We made eight awards in 2023 and we are looking forward to seeing what applications come in this year. Since the bursary scheme started, we have paid out £23,235 towards courses. Examples include land management studies, veterinary medicine courses, HGV licenses, and sheep shearing courses to name a few. We want to ensure that people know they only have until April 15 to apply.”

Full details can be found on the Black Isle Show website