Kate Fisher spoke to Jak Murray about their club and the plans for the year ahead.

What sparked your interest in Young Farmers, and when did you join?

I joined in 2020, just after covid restrictions started to lift. A couple of my friends were starting to join, so I got involved more for the social aspect of things at first, as I’m sure everyone can agree they were fed up with being stuck in the house all the time! Once I started attending a lot more of the events, I realised I enjoyed many of the other aspects that are involved in Young Farmers.

Describe your current role in agriculture?

I currently work on my family farm, as well as helping other local farmers when I have the time.

Can you describe a memorable experience from your time in the club?

Winning club of the year in 2023 was a particular highlight for me, as it was a year I took part in many competitions. Competing in the national speech making final was also up there, although we didn’t win…

How do you see the future of farming evolving, particularly for young people?

Due to the cost of living, machinery, and everything in between, it’s going to be no easy feat for the future of farming.

Are there any upcoming projects within your club that you are particularly excited about?

There are a few I am particularly excited about, but if I told you, I’d have to kill you…

How do you balance your time on the farm with social occasions such as YF?

Thankfully, as my dad was in the Young Farmers he realises the importance of attending events, so he cuts me some slack.

If farming had its own Olympics, what event would you be first in?

Definitely the five-meter sprint off the back of a quad bike when chasing a ewe.

If your club received £1m, what would you spend it on?

A club bus is a must! Being in the north of Scotland is hard enough; trying to travel anywhere is a nightmare!

What is your favourite event within your club?

My favourite would either be stock judging or tug o’ war.

What skills have you learnt since being in the YF?

I’ve learned numerous things I never thought I would even look at, like flower arranging, stock judging, and speech making.