This year’s silage season is fast approaching and farmers and contractors are being reminded to check machinery is set up correctly to ensure its longevity and maximise forage quality, before the rush.

Craig Bryson, territory sales manager at Krone UK, shared his top pre-season checks with The SF, for mowers, tedders and rakes.

“Although it can be tempting to cut grass short to maximise harvest volume, when setting up your mower for the first cut of the season, it’s important to avoid cutting too low, as an increased cutting height will encourage optimal regrowth and recovery,” he explains.

“To avoid the mower smearing the soil, make sure the mower is set up as flat as possible, with the lowest pressure on the bed, to allow it to follow the contours of the ground. This ensures that the tedder and rake achieve a clean pick up, ultimately reducing soil contamination.

“When entering a field, drive forwards for about 20 feet, stop, and clear the swath to ensure you’re achieving the desired cutting height, along with a smooth and even cut, before continuing,” he says.

Mr Bryson added that it is important to check the mower discs for signs of wear and tear, so that repairs can be made in good time. Premature or excess wear can be a sign that the mower has been set up incorrectly, he said.

The particularly dry 2022 season may mean some farmers and contractors have not used their tedder for well over a year, so regular maintenance may have slipped under the radar. Maintenance checks working from the front to the back of the machine are therefore advised – check universal joints are intact and greased, guards are in place and there are no broken or bent tines. Tyre pressure should also be checked.

“If tyre pressure is too high, as the tedder is driven over hard, rough ground, it’ll be shaken excessively. But if it’s too low, the machine will sit unlevel and cause the tines to scrape the ground, risking soil contamination,” he explained.

“In the field, check the tedder height is set correctly, with a base setting of 20mm tine tip to stubble, so it moves the whole crop, however it might take a few runs to get this exactly right.

For the tractor, he advised checking the top link and stabilisers are in good condition to prolong overall machine performance. If the stabiliser is loose, it can cause the machine to swing, but keeping on top of this will help elongate machine durability.

“Making sure machines are serviced regularly, stored clean and pre-season checks are carried out early to get parts ordered promptly at a fair price, will help prevent issues in the field, and maximise silage quality,” added Mr Bryson.