Stirling (UA)

Heifers produced the top prices at United Auctions' sale of 622 store,198 out of spec cattle and 69 rearing entries, having sold to 311.00p per kg for a 418kg Charolais cross from Elmscleugh and to £1770 for a 598kg Limousin cross from Wester Kinloch.

Aberdeen-Angus topped the bullocks at 299.40p for a 491kg stot from Auchencloigh and to £1710 for a 636kg entry from Head of Whitehill.

Bullocks and heifers averaged 265.10p and 259.82p, respectively with dairy stots cashing in at 206.13p, having sold to 261.80p and £1330 for a 508kg Montbeliarde cross from Caddell.

Aberdeen Angus also produced the lead prices amongst the young bulls at 222.80p from Eskinish and £1100 from Mosston Muir, to average 205.98p.

Beef cows and bulls averaged 195.65p having sold to 266.40p for a Charolais cross from Callumkill and to £2470 for a Limousin cross from Buchanan Street with dairy types to 200.90p for a Holstein Friesian cross from Carskerdo and £1510 for a similarly bred entry from High Langmuir. They balanced out at 151.68p.

A Limousin cross from Strageath Mill, led the out of spec cattle at 251.00p or £2010.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – AA – Whitehill £1710, £1625; Auchencloigh 299.40p; Hoprigshiels £1575, £1505, 298.90p; Gateside £1470, 298.80p; Auchencloigh £1470, East Revoch 295.90p; East Revoch £1450, Gateside 295.70p. Char – Hoprigshiels £1505, £1470, Wester Clunie 294.90p, 293.20p; Wester Clunie £1455, £1445, £1375, Hoprigshiels 290.50p. Sim – Innerwick £1535, £1525, £1500, 294.10p; Middleton £1420, £1310, South Common 289.90p. Lim – Middleton £1535, £1440, £1420, Wester Kinloch 296.60p; Wester Kinloch £1400, £1395, Craigdhu 294.20p; Chapel £1330, High Bent 294.10p; Craigdhu £1330, 287.60p. BB – Elmscleugh £1535, Blackpark 277.40p; Gateside £1480, Westerboard 277.00p; Westerboard £1385, Auchnotteroch 266.20p; Middleton £1340, Gateside 264.30p. Lui – Craighead of Bamff £1435, £1400, £1360, 256.70p, 252.80p. Sal – Gateside £1445, £1400, £1365; Wester Clunie 287.20p; Wester Clunie £1350; Gateside 286.80p.

Heifers – AA – Hoprigshiels £1595; Auchencloigh 287.50p, 282.80p; Elmscleugh £1570, 272.60p; Auchencloigh £1400 (x2); Hoprigshiels 264.10p; East Revoch £1390; Braehead 263.50p. Char – Wester Clunie £1540; Elmscleugh 311.00p, £1445, £1300; Wester Clunie 300.80p, £1400, 288.10p, 279.10p; Bougang 378.80p. Sim – Innerwick £1405, 285.00p; Botherickfield £1400, £1230, 268.00p; Blackpark 278.10p, £1335; South Common 270.90p. Lim – Wester Kinloch £1770, £1685, 301.20p, 299.40p, 296.70p, 296.00p, 294.20p, 293.10p; Wester Mye £1610, 292.70p; Wester Kinloch £1590, £1555, £1530, £1510, 292.30p. BB – Wester Mye £1515, 271.50p; East Balscalloch £1325, 268.70p. BS – The Riggs £1345 (x2), West Muirhouse 263.20p. Lui – Craighead of Bamff £1405, £1400, 257.80p, 255.50p.


Some 268 head of cattle sold at Harrison and Hetherington's weekly store sale to a top of £1870 for Salers cross steers from Messrs Roper, Knowehill, Wigton, with heifers peaking at £1680 for a Limousin cross from Messrs Slack, Cockley Bank, Brampton.

A similar entry of weaners was topped at £1190 twice – for a Fleckvieh bull from Messrs Kincaid, Slacks Farm and a Hereford bullock from Messrs Smith, Rossville.

Calves sold to £700 for a Simmental bull from Messrs Wilson, Broomberry, Ayrshire, with heifers to £565 for a Limousin from Messrs Bowes, Harbarrow.

Leading Prices

Store cattle – Steers – Saler – £1870, £1840, £1820, £1750, £1640, £1600 Knowehill. Char – £1730, £1480, £1460 Cockleybank. Blonde – £1620, £1550, £1500, Grassknop Farm. Lim – £1590 (x3), £1530, (x3) Rye Close; £1510, £1470 Nunscleugh; £1450 Flimby Hall; £1450 Littlewater; £1450 (x2) Beckhall Farm; £1390 Cockleybank. Hfd – £1580, £1440 Rye Close; £1300 Gimmenbie. Sim – £1530, £1490 Cockley Bank. Fleck – £1510, £1490 (x2) Limekilns. A-A – £1490 Stainton House Farm; £1470 Bankend; £1450 (x5) £1400 (x3) Cockley Bank; £1440 Rye Close; £1420 (x3) Stainton House Farm. Frie – £1480, £1400 (x2) Rye Close. BB – £1475 (x2), £1340 Stone House; £1405 Cockleybank; £1400 Waingate Head; £1360 (x2) Town House. BShort – £1360 (x2) West Hot Bank. Long – £1170 Summerhill Farm. Hol – £1140 (x3) Gill House. HF – £1090 Summerhill Farm.

Heifers – A-A – £1600, £1440, Cockley Bank; £1440 Limekilns. Lim – £1680, £1620, £1530 (x2), £1390 Cockley Bank; £1490 Low House; £1440, £1410 Nunscleugh; £1390 Flimby Hall. BB – £1500, £1430, £1400 Town Head Farm; £1485 Stone House; £1380 (x2) Newbampton Farm. Sim – £1490, £1480 Thornby Villa. Char – £1460 (x2), £1370 Clappers Farm. Blonde – £1200 Harelawhole. BShort – £1140 Cockley Bank. HF – £1045 Yew Tree Farm.

Weaners – Heifers – Lim – 1240, £1080 (x2) Penpeugh; £1150, £1130 (x3) Park View; £1100 Charlesfield; £1090 (x2), £1000 (x2) Barwhanny Farm. Char – £1050 (x2) Pasture House. BS – £940 Doddick Farm, £900 (x3) Gass Farm. A-A – £900, £820 (x4) Riddings Hill. Gall – £790 (x2) Gass Farm. Salers – £680 Whitchesters Farm.

Bulls – Fleck – £1190, £1080 Slacks Farm. BB – £1130, £970, Westfield Cottage. A-A – £1020 Slacks Farm. Char – £1020 Slacks Farm; £1010 New Hall. Salers – £1000 (x4) New Hall. Fries – £950 Parkgate Hall. Lim – £900 Lowthwaite Farm; £820 Dumbretton. Hfd – £840 Shaw of Dryfe Farm. Dext – £840 (x2) Shaw Cottage South.

Steers – Hfd – £1190, £940 Rossville. A-A – £1120 Brackenslack. BB – £1100, £950 (x3) Thrimby Hall; £1050 Barwhanny Farm. Lim – £1070 (x2), £1000 (x2), £950 Thrimby Hall; £1050 Wallhead; £1030 Pasture House; £1010 (x2) Barwhanny Farm; £1000 Penpeugh; £990 West Hot Bank; £990 Burthwaite. Char – £1070, £930 Pasture House. BS – £930 (x2) Gass Farm. Salers – £920 Whitchesters. Sim – £870 Ashley Grove. HF – £750 Laws Hall, £640 (x7) High Thorn Farm. Fleck – £750 (x6) Laws Hall. Fries – £750 Laws Hall. Gall – £710 Nunsceugh. Mont – £750 Laws Hall.

Calves – Bulls – Sim – £700, £520 Broomberry Farm. Char – £570, £540 Broomberry Farm; £560 Laws Hall. Lim – £560 Harbarrow Farm. BB – £535 Greysouthen; £535 Tempest Tower; £510 Mayfield; £505 Crummock Bank Farm. A-A – £515 Tempest Tower. Cont – £400 Upper Portrack. Fleckvieh – £400 Upper Portrack. HF – £300 Tempest Tower. Frie – £290 Grain Head. Hfd – £180 Cotehill Farm.

Heifers – Lim – £565, £500 Harbarrow Farm; £545 Boggle Hall. BB – £530, £500 Tempest Tower; £510 Laws Hall; £500 Boggle Hall. Sim – £520 Broomberry Farm. Char – £380, £360 Crummock Bank Farm. A-A – £360 Tempest Tower. Fleck – £330 Meinside. Hfd – £215 Whitelaird. Mont – £215 Moor Park Farm.


Limousin crosses led United Auctions' sale of 102 store, breeding and OTM cattle, where bullocks sold to a top of 260.8p per kg for a 510kg entry from Home Farm, Aberlour and £1500 for a 600kg stot from the same home.

Heifers were led by a pen of seven 393kg entries from Honeybarrel, Killydrummy, which made 258.3p, with the same home also producing the highest gross price of £1190 for a 465kg animal

Croft of Clune, Newtonmore, topped the breeding cattle win an in-calf Luing cow selling for £1180, while OTM cattle averaged 193.2p having sold to 226.9p for a 520kg Simmental cross from Crakaig, Helmside and £2100 for a 1060kg Charolais from Dunchavin, Dufftown.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – 301-350kg – £850, 248.5p Meikle Northburn, Turriff; 351-400kg – £1035, 260.7p Auchinclech, Grange; 401-450kg – £1100, 251.1p Honeybarrel, Killdrummy; 451-500kg – £1220, 256.8p Dalbeallie, Knockando; 501-551kg – £1360 Honeybarrel, Killdrummy, 260.8p Home Farm, Aberlour; 552-601kg – £1500, 250p Home Farm, Aberlour.

Heifers – 0-250kg – £400, 179.4p Roseneath, Glenlivet; 251-300kg – £610, 224.3p Auchinclech, Grange; 301-350kg – £860, 247.8p Meikle Northburn, Turriff; 351-400kg – £1015, 258.3p Honeybarrel, Killdrummy; 401-450kg – £1040, 236.4p Blackfolds, Aberlour; 451-500kg – £1190, 255.9p Home Farm, Aberlour.

Bulls – 601-651kg – £850, 248.5p Meikle Northburn.


Charolais bullocks topped the trade at Aberdeen and Northern Marts' sale of 497 store cattle and young bulls selling to 339.2p for four 398kg entries from Middle Drimmie, Rattray and £1970 for a 700kg cross from Woodend, Muir of Ord.

Limousins led the heifers which hit a top of 330.5p for a 466kg entry from Easter Clune, Lethen and £1810 for a 678kg cross again from Woodend.

Overall, 135 heifers averaged 270p per kg with 244 bullocks at 276.3p

Aberdeen-Angus bullocks (30) and heifers (27) levelled at 262.2p and 263p respectively, with the former selling to 287.2p for three 470kg stots from Balintraid, Invergordon or £1480 for a 596kg from Mains of Woodston, St Cyrus.

Angus heifers were topped at 305.2p for a pen of six 426kg from Mains of Tonley, Alford or £1600 for a 600kg entry from Netherton, Holm.

Beef Shorthorns from Edinglassie Mains, Glass, topped the organic entries which averaged 305.1p and 281.8p for bullocks and heifers respectively. Bullocks reached 313.1p for a pen of five 444kg entries or £1500 for a pen of three 510kg Shorthorn crosses

Heifers sold to 300.8p and £1420 for two 472kg entries

The 20 bulls sold to 269.6p for two 460kg Limousin crosses from Sheep Park Farms, Bridge of Marnoch or £1590 for a 600kg Charolais from Burnside of Whitefield, Forglen.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – Up to 300kg – Woodend Farm (BB X) £970, 327.7p; 301-350kg – Mansefield (Char X) £965, 303.5p; 351-400kg – Middle Drimmie (Char X) £1350, 339.2p; 401-450kg – Eastside of Shevado (BB) £1400, 331.8p; 451-500kg – Easter Clune (Lim X) £1480, 308.2p; 501-550kg – Easter Clune (Lim X) £1670, 2 Bogie Street (BB X) 315p; 551-600kg – 2 Bogie Street (Lim X) £1800, 309.3p; 601-650kg – Easter Clune (Lim X) £1820, 289.6p; 651-700kg – Easter Clune (Lim X), Woodend (Lim X) £1870, Woodend (Char X) 281.4p; 701-750kg – Windsoer (Lim X) £1950, Woodend (Char X) 265.4p.

Aberdeen-Angus – Up to 250kg – Coilacreich Inn £605, 270.1p; 351-400kg – Eastside of Shevado £980, 273.7p; 401-450kg – Balintraid £1200, 277.8p; 451-500kg – Westfield £1380, 277.1p; 501-550kg – Mains of Woodston £1375, 267.5p; 551-600kg – Mains of Woodston £1480.

Heifers – Up to 250kg – Mansefield (Char X) £590, 247.9p; 251-300kg – Woodend Farm (BB X) £880, 305.6p; 301-350kg – Mains of Tonley (Char) £960, 284p; 351-400kg – Middle Drimmie (Char) £1140, Mains of Tonley (Char X) 289.9p; 401-450kg – Bridgeton (Lim) £1320, 318.8p; 451-500kg – Easter Clune (Lim X) £1540, Westfield (Lim X) 305p; 501-550kg – 2 Bogie Street (Lim) £1630, 305.3p; 551-600kg – Woodend (Char X) £1725, 299p; 601-650kg – Woodend (Char X) £1760, 280.3p; 651-700kg – Mains of Allanbuie (Char X) £1690, Woodend (Lim X) 267p.

Aberdeen-Angus – Up to 250kg – Coilacreich Inn £560; 251-300kg – Coilacreich Inn £560; 301-350kg – Glenurquhart Farm, Mains of Tonley £850, Glenurquhart Farm 250p; 351-400kg – Mains of Tonley £1000; 401-450kg – Mains of Tonley £1300; 551-600kg – Netherton £1600, 266.7p.

Bulls – Up to 350kg – Upper Cornquoy (AA) £720; 351-400kg – Kirkhill (Lim) £900, 245.9p; 401-450kg – Overhall (AAX) £930; 451-500kg – Sheep Park Farm (LimX) £1240, Mains of Glassel (AA) 246.9p; 501-550kg – Mains of Glassel (AA) £1360, 257.6p; 551-600kg – Overhall (AAX) £1455, Burnside of Whitefield (Char) 265p.


A varied entry of 111 stores and suckled calves met a competitive trade at Hexham and Northern Marts weekly sale with finishers and grazers still eager for cattle.

Top price was £1660 for a pure Angus heifer from WD Allen, Stoup Hill.

Leading Prices

Steers – 23-30months – Lim X – £1440 East Newham; £1300 Camphill. Cattle 17-22months – Lim X – £1480 East Newham; £1440 The Byre. BB X – £1480 Camphill. A-A – £1340 Lemmington. 11-16months – Lim X – £1490, £1460 Grange House; £1440 The Byre; £1360 Grange House. A-A – £1040, £980 Lemmington. A-A X – £1190, £1125 The Deans. Under 10months – Lim X – £1390 Greenchesters; £1140 Shaftoe Moor

Heifers – 23-30months – Lim X – £1300 East Newham. Char X – £1250 East Newham. A-A – £1660 Humbleheugh. 17-22months – Lim X – £1490 Greenchesters; £1390 East Newham. BB X – £1400, £1280 Camphill. A-A – £1000 China Hall. 11-16months – Lim X – £1360 Grange House. A-A – £1400, £1200, £1130 Humbleheugh. A-A X – £980 The Deans. Under 10months – Lim X – £1150 Shaftoe Moor; £940 Greenchesters.

Young bulls – Lim X – £860, £820 Mount Huly. Stab X – £840 China Hall.


Entries from Kintyre topped C and D Auction Marts' fortnightly sale, with British Blue bullocks from A Armour and Son, Killarow, selling for £1535 with more of the same from High Bellochantuy, Campbeltown, making 327.9p per kg.

Heifers sold to £1480 for Angus from NL Ramsay, Dunbae and 302.5p for a British Blue from High Bellochantuy.

The monthly sale of pigs met a stronger trade with new customers in attendance. Top price was £185 paid for a pen of five Pietrain cross Oxford Sandy Black baconers from Newton Arlosh, Cumbria.

Pietrain cross heavy cutters sold to £120 for a pen of five with others to £98. Growers sold to £80 for Large Blacks, £80 for Saddlebacks and £48 for pure Landrace.

Geld gilts made to £100 with young boars at £92. Pietrain cross Sandy Black weaners sold to £78 for a choice pen of gilts.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – BB – £1535 Killarow; £1140, £1125 Upper Moor; £1105 Rockhallhead; £1090 High Bellochantuy. Lui – £1520 Langbarns; £1220 Dunbae. Sim – £1420, £1250 Dunbae; £1300, £1180 High Auchneel; £1265, £1100 Upper Moor; £1120 Phernside. Lim – £1410, £1300 x2 Belridding; £1335 Upper Moor; £1290 Kirkbride; £1190 Dunbae. A-A – £1350 x2 Langbarns; £1320 High Auchneel; £1310, £1300, £1250, £1220 Dunbae; £1240 Kirkbride; £1235 Laghead. Sal – £1330 Dunbae. BS – £1300 High Auchneel. Hol – £1020 Killarow.

Heifers – AA – £1480 Dunbrae; £1205 Upper Moor. BB – £1355 Killarow, £1095 Rockhallhead. Char – £1315, £1285 x2 Millhill; £1280, £1240 High Auchneel; £1250 Meikle Barncleugh. Sim – £1300, £1280, £1240 High Auchneel. BS – £1280 High Auchneel. Lim – £1270 High Auchneel; £1220 Kirkbride; £1100 Belridding. Gal – £1190 Langbarns. Lui – £1155 Langbarns.

Bulls – Fleck – £950 Ardlamy. A-A – £950 Esbie, £900 North Bowerhouses.


All classes of cattle were keenly bid for at Aberdeen and Northern Marts' show and sale of 569 store cattle, where the champion a 525kg British Blue cross bullock from W and I Gunn, Murza, Bower sold for £1750 to the judge, Stuart Ross, Wardhead, Strichen.

The reserve from the same home was a 473kg British Blue cross heifer that later sold for £1620 to AMM Polson, Westerloch, Wick.

By the end of the day, 303 bullocks averaged 283.3p having sold to 333.3p per kg for the champion, a 525kg British Blue cross from Murza, or £1790 for a 596kg Charolais cross from Hoy, Castletown.

The 266 heifers cashed in at 265.1p, with top prices of 342.5p for the reserve champion, a 473kg British Blue cross from Murza, or £1650 gross for a 522kg Charolais cross from Hoy.

Leading Prices

Single bullock – 1 and champion, W and I Gunn, Murza, Bower, 525kg £1750; 2, JK Manson, Upper Northfield, Wick, 538kg, £1600; 3, Dunbeath Farms, Dunbeath, 468kg, £1410.

Single heifer – 1 and reserve, W and I Gunn, Murza, 473kg, £1620; 2, JK Manson, Upper Northfield, 472kg, £1520.

Bullock pair – 1, JK Manson, Upper Northfield, 431kg, £1340.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – Up to 350kg – Haster Farm, Wick (Char X) £1000, 287.4p; 351-400kg – Boulintogle, Scotscalder (Lim X) £1230; Nottingham Mains, Latheron (Char X) 316.2p; 401-450kg – Hillhead, Lybster (Sim X) £1375 Nottingham Mains (Char X) 317.3p; 451-500kg – South Keiss, Wick (Char) £1470, 320.2p; 501-550kg – Hoy, Castletown (Char X) £1680, 315.7p; 551-600kg – Hoy (Char X) £1790, Upper Latheron (Char X) 304.4p; 601-650kg – Hillhead (Lim X) £1660, 274.8p.

Heifers – Up to – 300kg – Nottingham Mains (Char X) £780, 263.5p; 301-350kg – East End, Joh O Groats (Lim X) £860, 269.6p; 351-400kg – Borgie Mains (Lim X) £1080, Boulingtogle (Lim X) 273.7p; 401-450kg – South Keiss (Char X) £1340, 301.8p; 451-500kg – Hoy (Char X) £1580, Upper Northfield, Wick (Lim X) 322p; 501-550kg – Hoy, Castletown (Char X) £1650, 316.1p; 551-600kg – Lower Thura, (Lim X) £1480, 261.9p; 601-650kg – Hillhead, Lybster (Sim X) £1550, 254.1p.


A Limousin cross bullock from Mayfield sold for the lead price per kg of 294.1p at Lawrie and Symington's sale of 86 store cattle on Tuesday.

Heifers reached 261.6p for a Charolais cross from Dovecot with dairy bullocks selling to 236.8p for British Friesians from Tanhill

Leading Prices

Bullocks – A-A X – £1310 Craigthornhill and Tanhill; £1200 Woodhouse (Manor); £1100 Craighead (Carluke); £1070 Craigthornhill; £1050 Dovecot. Hfd X –£1050 The Law. High – £1000 Biggins. Lim X – £1140 The Law; £1110 and £1010 Sweetbit. Char X – £1150 The Law; £1100 Craighead (Carluke) and Dovecot; £1160 Craighead (Carluke). Sim X – £1110 The Law. BB X – £1380 Sherifflatts; £1295 Craigthorn. Per kg – A-A X – 286.4p Woodhead (Manor); 268.3p Craighead (Carluke); 230.3p Dovecot. Hfd X – 232.3p Tanhill. High – 209.9p Biggins. Lim X – 294.1p, 262.3p Mayfield, 259p, 252.8p Sweetbit. Char X – 280.6p, 269.7p Craighead (Carluke); 267p Dovecot; 256.7p The Law. Sim X – 234.2p The Law. BB X – 253.7p Sherifflatts; 232.9p Craigthorn.

Heifers – A-A X – £1330 Sherifflatts; £1160, £1110 Craigthornhill; £1000 The Law. Char X – £1080 (x2) The Law; £1070 Dovecot. Lim X – £1260 Craigthorn; £1140, £1090, £1000 Dovecot. Hfd X – £990 The Law. BB X – £1245 Craigthorn. Sim X – £1080, £980 The Law. Per kg – A-A X – 235.7p Dovecot; 230.5p Sherifflatts; 211.4p The Law. Hfd X – 221p The Law. Lim X – 260.9p, 260.4p, 248.9p Dovecot; 232.4p Mayfield; 231p Craigthorn. Char X – 261.6p Dovecot; 241.1p, 233.3p The Law. Sim X – 233.3p, 231.1p The Law. BB X – 232.7p Craigthorn.

Dairy bullocks – Fries – £1300, £1210 Tanhill. Hol – £1030 Craigthornhill. Per kg – Fries – 236.8p and 229.7p Tanhill. Hol – 182.6p Craigthornhill.