
Simmental crosses from Colmslie, secured several of the top prices at United Auctions' sale of 319 stores an 95 out of spec cattle, where bullocks averaged 254.6p and heifers cashed in at 250.6p.

Top price per kg was 302.08p paid for a 284kg Simmental cross from Colmslie, which also produced the lead priced heifer and young bulls with the same cross. Their 259kg heifer made 281.9p, while their top bull sold for 248.4p.

Lead price per head was £1640 for a 635kg Charolais cross bullock from Carskerdo, while heifers peaked at £1620 for a 636kg Simmental cross from West Park, with bulls to £1400 for an Aberdeen-Angus cross from South Carse of Coldoch.

Dairy bullocks averaged 194.1p having sold to 204.2p and £1060 for a 519kg British Friesian cross from Craigend.

A Simmental cross also topped the beef cows at 242.6p from West Park, while a Limousin cross from Middle Ballat, produced the lead price per head of £1890. Dairy cows sold to 204.6p and £1330 for a Holstein Friesian cross from Woodend. Beef bulls reached 208.1p or £2510 for a British Blue from Muirhouses.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – A-A – Baldovie £1600, 289.30p; Mains £1550; Baldovie 285.20p, £1545, 284.70p, £1460, 283.40p. Char – Carskerdo £1640; Helentongate 285.00p; Ardgate £1435; Helentongate 279.50p, £1220, Forrestfield 270.70p. Sim – Baidlandhill £1120; Colmslie 302.80p; Low Barbeth £1050; Baidlandhill 284.10p; Higham and Southfield £1050, Colmslie 268.30p. Lim – Carskerdo £1620; Helentongate 294.10p; Carskerdo £1590; Tom of Cluny 292.50p; Mains £1550; Helentongate 288.20p. HF/BF – Craigend £1060, 204.20p; Langside £1000; Craigend 199.60p; Langside £990, 198.40p.

Heifers – A-A – Mains £1400; Newfield 276.50p; West Park £1390; Newfield 270.80p; Mains £1380, 267.30p. Char – Carskerdo £1350; Colmslie 281.40p; Carskerdo £1350; Newfield 266.40p. Lim – Newfield £1350, 281.40p; Carskerdo £1350; Longfauld 267.30p; West Park £1060; Longfauld 262.20p. Sim – West Park £1620; Colmslie 281.90; Easterton £1620; Newfield 281.40; Mains £1510; Newfield 276.50p. BB – Wester Mye £1355; Craigend 279.20p, £1295, 276.50, £1290, 263.20p.

Young bulls – A-A – South Coldoch £1400, 239.1p. Lim – Muirhouses £1165, 237.8p. Sal – Kynachan £1055, 224.3p. Sim – Easterton £1030, Colmslie 248.4p.


A quieter day through Harrison and Hethington's mart saw only 160 store cattle forward with top steer and heifer prices of £1750 and £1550 respectively for Limousin crosses both from Messrs Grice, Newtown Farm, Carlisle.

A similar entry of weaned calves saw a big lift for all classes with eight Limousin bulls from Messrs Cleasby, Linden House, averaging £1485 having sold to £1570 on two occasions.

Calves reached £630 three times for British Blue bull calves from Messrs Martin, Tempest Tower for three strapping Blue bull calves.

Leading Prices

Steers – Lim £1750 Newtown Farm; £1700 £1670 (x3) Rye Close. A-A – £1740 Gelt Hall Farm; £1440 Spout Bank; £1440 Cumcatch Farm; £1425 Low Three Mark Farm; £1410 Snape Farm. Char – £1700, Old Silloth Farm; £1570 Rye Close; £1480 £1330 Spout Bank. Sim – £1650 Awhirk Farm; £1545 (x3) Brisco Hall; £1490 Gimmenbie. Frie – £1570, Rye Close; £1485, £1480 Gelt Hall Farm. BB – £1580 Kirtlebank Farm, £1490, £1445 Sleightholme. Hfd – £1460 Rye Close; £1450, £1400 Pow Heads. BS – £1400 Brisco Hall. Mont – £1130 Mouswald Grange.

Heifers – Lim – £1550, £1380 (x2) Newtown Farm; £1360 Old Silloth Farm. BB – £1510, £1460 Kirtlebank Farm; £1405 Gimmenbie. Char – £1425 (x4) Hillhead. A-A – £1290, £1260 Snape Farm.

Weaned calves – Bulls – Lim – £1570 (x2) £1540 (x2) £1430 (x2) £1400 (x2) Linden House. Sim – £1300, £1100 (x2) Town End Farm. BB – £960 Eskett View; £940 Murrah Hall. Frie – £770 Fell View. Hol – £580 (x3) Gill House.

Heifers – Lim – £1390, £1140 Glenlea; £1240 West Moorhouses; £1190 Bail Hill; £1090 (x2) Willows Farm. Char – £1200 Moss Grove. Sim – £1010 Glenlea. Sal – £940 (x2) Glenlea. Hfd – £850 Glassonby Lodge. A-A – £800 Glenlea.

Steers – Lim – £1280 West Moorhouses; £1160 Westfield House Farm; £1160 Cocklet Hill Farm; £1110 (x2) Glenlea. BB – £1200 Westfield Cottage; £1160 Cocklet Hill Farm. Char – £1090 Westfield Cottage. Sim – £1010 Cocklet Hill Farm; £990 Glenlea. BS – £925 (x3) West Hot Bank. HF – £780 Brisco Hall. A-A – £830 Street Gate Farm, £830 (x5) Cropper Road Farm. Dex – £320 £280 Cowgate Farm.

Calves – Bulls – BB – £630 (x3), £600 Tempest Tower; £620, £560 Lowther Low Moor; £600 Brunt Hill; £575 Naylor Hill; £490 Heathfield. Lim – £510 (x4), £460 Hill Green; £485 Heathfield. Sim – £460, £330 Meinfoot Farm. A- A – £425 (x3) Whitrigg Grange; £410 (x2) Heathfield. Fleck – £365, £335 Meinside. Char – £320 Relief Farm. Hfd – £300 Harrington Ling Farm. HF – £295 (x8) Balnab Farm. Mont – £275 Bridge End Farm. Hol – £225 Crossfell House Farm. DRed – £210 Bridge End Farm. SRed and white – £115 Bridge End Farm. Frie – £100 Waitby Farm

Heifers – BB – £530 (x2) Tempest Tower; £480 Meinfoot Farm; £460, £450 High Plains. Lim – £450 Heathfield; £400 Brunt Hill. A-A – £370 (x2) Arlosh House; £355 (x2) Tempest Tower. Sim – £305 (x3) Meinfoot Farm. Hfd – £290 Harrington Ling Farm.


An overall average of £1136.37 for a mixed show for quality was achieved at Craig Wilson's sale where 146 bullocks levelled at 250.6p per kg or £1169.70; 113 heifers averaged 249.8p or £1161.33 and 44 dairy-bred stots balanced out at 201.61 or £945.61.

Top price was £1630.00 or 304.9p paid for Limousin bullocks from Camreggan while heifers peaked at £1620.00 for an Angus from Clevance or 321.6p for a Limousin from Creagraineach, Arran.

Dairy bullocks were topped at £1300 for a Friesian from High Branchal or 219.8p from Lindsayston with Ayrshire types selling to £1100 or 193p from Kirminnoch.

On Tuesday, four dairy cattle and 102 calves and stirks were cashed with the former selling to £1950 for a fresh calved Holstein Friesian heifer from Messrs Service, Moorpark, Sandhead

Calves sold to £670 for a Limousin cross bullock from Robert Lammie, Creagraineach, with heifers to £590 for a Limousin cross from the same home.

Stirks peaked at £950 for Aberdeen Angus cross heifers from Andrew Greer with bullocks to £850 again from Mr Greer.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – Lim – £1630, £1575, £1570, Camreggan; £1510 Dormieston and Bridgend. Sim – £1510 Adamscroft; £1440 Slatehole. A-A – £1510, £1400 Bridgend; £1480 Creechan Parks; £1380 Lindsayston. BS – £1220, £1200 Lindsayston. BB – £1480 Creechan Park; £1300 High Brachal; £1270 Newlands. Hfd – £1210 Camreggan; £1030 Little Auchengibbert. Fr – £1300, £1090, £1060 High Branchal. Ayr – £1100, £1000 Kirminnoch. Per kg – 304.9p Camreggan; 304.8p, 304.2p Back O’Hill. BB – 262.4p Whiteflat; 261.p Creechan Park. Hfd – 257.4p Camreggan. BS – 242.9p East Middleton. A-A – 262.2p Overton. Sim – 291.3p Back O’Hill.

Heifers – Lim – £1590, £1355, £1340 Auchentibbert; £1560 Creagraineach; £1520, £1460 Bridgend; £1380, £1330 Dormieston. A-A – £1620, £1530 Clevance; £1460 (x2) Bridgend; £1400 Slatehole; £1520, £1460 Bridgend. Sim – £1410 Adamscroft. BB – £1330 Dormieston; £1110 Fowler. Hfd –£1270 Creechan Park; £1150 Camreggan; £1120 Whiteflat.BS – £1030 East Middleton. Per kg – Lim – 321.6p, 294.1p, 272.3p Cregraineach; 308.7p Auchentibbert; 293.2p, 282.4p Camreggan; 266.7p East Middleton.

Calves – Bullocks – Lim – £670, £630, £580 Creagraineach; £470 High Weirston. BS – £580 Creagraineach (Arran). A-A – £560, £550 x2 Hoodsyard; £540 x2 Towerhill; £510 Craigthornhill; £480 Kaimhill; £480 x2 Hoodsyard. BB – £530 Whiteflat; £500 High Weirston; £470 Whiteflat; £450 Brocklehill.

Heifer calves – Lim – £590 Creagraineach (Arran). BS – £580, £560 Cregraineach. BB – £550, £520, £470 Whiteflat; £460 Craigthornhill. A-A – £560 Towerhill; £460 Kaimhill; £380 High Weirston; £370, £360 Craigthornhill.


At Darlington Farmers Auction Mart some 193 cattle and 246 sheep were forward where a 13-month-old Limousin bull from TT Hall and Son, Church Farm, Evenwood topped the trade at £1520.

Steers sold to £1565 for two Limousin crosses from W Walker and Sons, High Copelaw with heifers to £1350 for a British Blue from DR Smith, East Roughlea Farm.

The first sale of store lambs of the season averaged £80.30 selling to £116 for a pen of 11 strong Texels from J Armstrong, Armondside Farm. Suffolks sold to £95 for a pen of 19 out of Mule ewes from T and C Smith, Thorsgill Farm.

Leading Prices

Young bulls – £1520 TT Hall and Son; £1280, £1090, Hughes Brothers Farms; £1170, £1130 DE Stones; £1090 HW and M Alderson and Son; £1060(x2)WT Hall.

Steers – £1565 (x2), £1470, £1380 W Walker and Sons; £1420, £1380 WA Wardman Ltd; £1330, £1315 (x3), £1280 (x3), £1275 (x3), £1260, £1245 £1235, £1200 (x2), £1195, £1190 (x3), £1165 (x2) K Metcalfe; £1300 DR Smith; £1190 (x2) H Chamley.

Heifers – £1350, £1295 (x4), £1290 DR Smith; £1340, £1275, £1270 WA Wardman Ltd; £1285 H Chamley; £1130 N Wilson; £1095 (x3), £1090 (x4) £1050, BJS Farms; £1080, £1075 JW Chamley and Son; £1065 WO Alderson.

Store lambs – Tex – £116, £109 J Armstrong; £94, £85.50 J Wigham; £90 J Burbury; £89 T and C Smith; £85, £74 BR and S Fell; £82, £77 Luke Turnbull; £80 EG Bulman; £76 J Curry. B Tex – £101 J Armstrong. Suff – £95, £89 T and C Smith; £70 BR and S Fell.


Penrith and District Farmers’ Mart's fortnightly sale attracted an entry of 88 store cattle which sold to £1675 was a 24-month-old Limousin cross bullock from EJ Lister, Cockley Gill Farm.

Heifers were topped at £1515 for a British Blue cross from J Stalker, Ratten Castle.

Leading Prices

Bullocks – Lim – £1675, £1485, Cockley Gill Farm; £1645, £1495 (x2), Dacre Banks. A-A – £1465 (x4), £1365 (x3), £1335 (x2) Street House (Maughan). BB – £1285, £1185 (x2) Yew Tree Farm. Fleck – £1275, Roanstrees. Sim – £1265 Park Head. Hfd – £1265 Dacre Banks Farm. HF – £1165 (x6) Greenlands.

Heifers – BB – £1515 Ratten Castle; £1425 Yew Tree Farm; £1295 (x3) Park Head. Lim – £1285, £1175 (5), Dalvorich; £1185, £1085 Bonny Farm; £1095 (3) Greenlands. Char – £1185 (x5), £1055 (x2), £1015 (x2) West View.