A BEEF breeding cattle show and sale at Caledonian Marts' Stirling, centre saw entries from Craig and Katreen Malone, Pitcairn lead the way, producing the champion lot and sale leader at £5800.

Their champion winner, a heifer with Limousin cross bull calf, made £5100 selling to the judge Matthew Pirrie of Drumbeg Farms, while their third prize outfit, a black heifer with Limousin cross heifer calf made £5800.

The reserve outfit from D Wyllie, Skeldon Drive, sold for £5000.

A smaller but more selective entry of beef breeding heifers with calves improved by £200+ on the year to average £4150.

Bulls sold to £3500 for an Aberdeen Angus from Mosston Muir, Forfar.

Leading Prices

Heifers with calves – £5800, £5100, £4100, £4000, Pitcairn; £5000, Sheldon Drive.