A British Blue cross heifer weighing 560kg from Hugh Dunlop, Holehouse, secured the pre-sale championship and sold for the top price of £3800 at United Auctions' sale at Stirling, on Monday.

The sale of 1423 suckled calves and store cattle saw the reserve presented to a 538kg entry from Ross Farms, Wester Middleton, which sold for £1800.

Ross Farms had a field day, producing the best pen of four that scaled 473kg and sold for £1680, the champion Charolais which sold for the same money, and the supreme Limousin, a 560kg entry which made £2300.

Monzie Farms took the award for the best pen of Limousins with 508kg calves that sold for £1800.

The second top price was £2600 paid twice – for the best calf from Knapdale and Kintyre, a 306kg spring-born entry from Duncan Semple, Dippen, and a 482kg Limousin heifer from Monzie Farms.

By the end of the day, 847 bullocks averaged 315.90p having sold to 386.80p per kg for a 486kg Limousin cross from Monzie Farms, and £1950 for a 692kg Limousin cross from Wester Middleton.

Heifers (576) reached a top of 849.70p for a 306kg Limousin cross from Dippen, or £3800 for a 560kg British Blue cross from Holehouse, to average 316.89p.

The sale of 7142 store lambs and feeding sheep sold to £119 per head for Beltex from Shenlarich, with the campaign for Lamb for St Andrew’s Day seeing donations from WA Osborne and Sons, Outerston Farm, and Urlar Estates.

Most averages improved on the week with Beltex levelling at £99.66 (+£13.12); Suffolks at £90.66 (+£5.89); Texels, £91.42 (+£4.79); Blackfaces, £58.53 (+£3.63); Mules, £83.95 (+£2.54); Cheviots, £64.13 (-£5.89) and Cheviot Mules levelled at £58.53.

Leading Awards

Bullocks – Char – 1, Messrs Paterson, Golland, 490kg, £1600; 2 and 3, Ross Farms, Wester Middleton 478kg, £1750 and 478kg, £1750. Lim – 1, Messrs Blair, Little Inch, 514kg, £1820; 2, Monzie Farms, 486kg, £1880; 3, Messrs Lambie, Loanhead of Duchally, 478kg, £1660. Any other breed – 1, Messrs Simpson, Mains of Creuchies, 488kg, £1640.

Heifers – Char – 1 and 3, Ross Farms, 538kg, £1800 and 455kg, £1580; 2, D Semple, Dippen, 404kg, £1820. Lim – Ross Farms, 560kg, £2300; 2, H Dunlop, Holehouse 476kg, £2200; 3, Monzie Farms, 482kg, £2600. Any other breed – 1, Holehouse, 560kg, £3800.

Pens of four – Bullocks – Lim – 1, Monzie Farms, 508kg, £1880. Heifers – Char – 1, Ross Farms, 473kg, £1680.

Spring-born calf – Dippen, 306kg, £2600.

Leading Prices

Store cattle – Bullocks – 301-350kg – Killocraw £1120, Low Dunashery 331.20p; 351-400kgs – Glenrath £1400, 351.8p; 401-450kg – Monzie £1620, 364.9p; 451-500kg – Monzie £1880, 368.80p; 501-551kgs– Monzie Farms £1880, 370.1p; 552-601kg – Assloss £1950, 336.20p; 602-651kg – Assloss £1940, 317.0p; 652-701kg – Wester Middleton £1950, 281.8p.

Heifers – 251-300kg – Low Dunashery £900, 302.0p; 301-350kg – Dippen £2600, 849.7p; 351-400kg – Dippen £2500, 675.7p; 401-450kg - Holehouse £2000, Dippen 450.5p; 451-500kg – Monzie Farms £2600, 539.4p; 501-551kg – Holehouse £2250, 439.50p; 552-601kg – Holehouse £3800, 678.6p.

Store lambs – Belt – Shenlarich £119.00; Balafark £105.00; Newbigging, Starthnafanaig £103.00; Balafark £98.00; Greenhill £96.50; Mains of Struie £92.00; Newbigging £91.00, £90.00. Suff – Howslack £110.00, £104.00, £99.00; Kincardine House £98.50; Outerston £95.50; Glenhervie £95.00, £94.00; Howslack £94.00; Lednathie Est, Afflochie £93.00. Tex – Strathnafanaig £108.50; Hangingshaw £106.50; Formal £106.00; Outerston £104.50; Altgolach £104.00; Formal £100.00; Outerston, Starthnafanaig £98.50. BF – Wester Bowhouse £79.00; Outerston £75.50; Todholes £74.50; Third Row £72.00; Afflochie £70.50; Fechan £69.50; Carie £69.00, Lednathie Est, Tigh-Na-Blair £69.00; Moncriffe £67.50. Mule – Knowes £105.50; Shields £93.00; South Ailey £90.00; Howslack£89.00; Knowes, Wester Bowhouse £88.00. Chev – Innerwick House £75.00; Dunrod £73.00; Greista £71.00; High Craigton £68.50; Cosyden, Greista £68.00; Bridge, Greista, Kiltyrie £65.00. Chev Mule – Wester Culbowie £94.00.